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Russia and its “Special Operation” in Ukraine


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19 minutes ago, KentVillan said:

This has been questioned by a few people. I know nothing on the subject, but the claim is that chloropicrin wouldn’t present like this and wouldn’t be treated with bandages on the eyes, and it irritates the lungs so they wouldn’t be talking like this.

Don’t think I’ve seen any credible sources share it. Seems more likely they have severe burns from some kind of explosion?

Edit: and actually a nerve agent expert at RUSI, Dan Kaszeta, has said it’s definitely not chloropicrin, but appears to be a conventional injury. But has taken so much flak for it he’s protected his Twitter account.

Some claiming it’s actually Russian disinformation designed to scare Ukrainian troops.

I'm not doubting any of the above, like you I'm no expert. And yeah, they do look like severe burns. I did read an article earlier on it's uses though, and it can affect the eyes, respiratory, lungs etc. I'll see if I can find it tomorrow as I'm done for the night now.

To be honest, does it really matter if people get blown up, burnt or maimed in any other way. It's all the same outcome and devastation to the individual. I've seen a couple of shit videos today. One of Ukrainians shooting a Russian in an outhouse, even when he tried to run after getting shot they just unloaded on him. Quite crap really because it was just an execution on go pro.

War is truly shit even more now every freak wants to film it pov. Personally, I've tried to not post anything too graphic and just trying to keep things informative. Unfortunately, some of the info is bound to be nonsense. Just like the apparent nazi style teeth pulling I posted yesterday. It's all there to be pulled apart.  

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7 hours ago, fruitvilla said:

It is not disinformation, more like misinformation. Or crap journalism in other words.

I think there is also a lot of deliberate disinformation. People who are pro Ukrainian are also very capable of making something up and disseminating it on the internet to try and build anti Russian sentiment.

When it gets parroted unquestioned then it becomes misinformation, and we’re all a danger of partaking in that, but it’s worse if it’s come from a ‘trusted’ media source. 

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7 hours ago, ender4 said:

Important breaking news from The Sun…

I don’t have a link as it was through social media but breaking news like this needs to be posted ASAP!

How do I volunteer to join? 

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47 minutes ago, sidcow said:

This thread has slowed right down. No news coming out of Ukraine lately? Advance possibly slowing down? 

Sounds like the Ukrainians are resting and resupplying / sorting out logistics after the recent advances. 

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50 minutes ago, sidcow said:

This thread has slowed right down. No news coming out of Ukraine lately? Advance possibly slowing down? 

I've noticed a lot of the reliable sources on Ukraine actually tend to go quiet when Ukraine are making big advances and are maintaining operational security.

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11 minutes ago, fightoffyour said:

Inspired by the referenda, Czechs have decided to annex Kaliningrad.



The Czech / Kalingrad thing is hilarious trolling. It's like every Government agency is in on it. Even the US have been responding to it

I think there's a US Embassy in Prague tweet out there offering to donate Aircraft carriers now they have a port, The Interior ministry complaining they don't have a protocol for how to police sea borders. There was a comment in a reddit topic yesterday that listed loads of them, I'll try and look for it

EDIT: Here it is


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P66 cut in several places now so Ukrainians are advancing slowly across the line. As Bickster said, once the hills to the West of Svatove have been taken Ukrainian forces will have options to push further East towards Starobilsk and slice Luhansk in half or turn South and towards Kreminna and Sievierodonetsk. 

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7 minutes ago, bickster said:

That's a Russian term, the Ukrainian is bezdorizhzhia and its usually only a spring thing in Ukraine. It can happen in Autumn but it's much rarer

Thank you Wikipedia!

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59 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

How do Russia think they can defend all of that. 

Even the best army with the best weapons' would struggle over time.  It's flat and big and they have a river to retreat to now.

They'll still manage to get troops over, even if sporadically and in boats. The biggest problem for Russia will be equipment. If they can't get any heavy equipment into and around the City it' a matter of time before they'll be defending from across the Dneiper. As for troops numbers they still have approximately 25,000 in the Kerson region. Depleting by the day. 

Don't forget Ukraine have exactly the same problem covering ground in the region. Much of it is apparently swamp land too. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr_Dogg said:

Thank you Wikipedia!

Yes I looked up the spelling in Wiki but only because I knew that it wasn't the correct Ukrainian term. As if I'm remembering how to spell that from March

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