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9 minutes ago, CastleBromVilla said:

It'll be Bruce, close the thread. He's available now, no compensation and a proven track record at this level.

this has been our policy for last few managers, I would like if he we thought a but more out of the box instead of narrowing it to the unemployment line

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9 minutes ago, CastleBromVilla said:

It'll be Bruce, close the thread. He's available now, no compensation and a proven track record at this level.

Indeed, however the ex-bluenose thing must be a factor. We spent 6 years calling him names, and will give him less leeway if results are bad.

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2 minutes ago, NottingVilla said:

Indeed, however the ex-bluenose thing must be a factor. We spent 6 years calling him names, and will give him less leeway if results are bad.

sure first sign of tension it will be because of where he came from plus the media are so stupid they wont even remember Bruce has been gone about 10 years and 5 clubs since he left them

Edited by Zatman
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19 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

I think Di Matteo would have gotten way more time had he have made even a half decent start. No one was expecting miracles from him. One win 12 was dire though. I think had that have even been 4 wins in 12, so a 33% win ratio which is not good, then he'd still be in charge now and this thread wouldn't exist.

I don't see us a rabid bunch baying for managerial blood at the first opportunity. Under Sherwood during his last game in charge at 1 up the crowd were singing his name. Under Garde I don't remember any sustained Garde out chants. Like wise with RDM.

The new man whoever he is will now obviously be inheriting someone else's squad. He won't have had a pre season with them and given the start we have had they may be lacking in confidence. There is plenty to work with though and a squad capable of much better.

The owner won't want to be sacking managers every 12 games, us as fans don't want that as that means they are failing. I want a manager to get right behind and that believes in what he is doing and that I can then believe in. I didn't get that from Di Matteo so on top of the poor start there was zero prospect for me of things getting better. Quite the opposite in fact.

A manager who can show he knows what he is doing, even if results don't come immediately, will get time here I am sure of that. A manager who has success here is at a very special place as the whole thing will lift off.

Paragraphs 1 -4, and second half of 5,  ......I agree with all that.  I certainly don't see us as a rabid bunch.........I don't think I've ever suggested that, if it has read like that, I would like to clarify, that apart from our fair enough share of 'must have it all now' nutters (both on here and at the ground) I think we are - by definition after the last 6 years - as patient and loyal following as anywhere.....any Manager that can make it work will have loads of support.  We celebrate a goal the way some Teams celebrate a Champions league title.

I'm not at all sure I share your confidence about the other bit, but hopefully it won't be tested.


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2 minutes ago, NottingVilla said:

Indeed, however the ex-bluenose thing must be a factor. We spent 6 years calling him names, and will give him less leeway if results are bad.

Yeah, I know what you mean. We've got to think bigger though and he's got a good record at this level. He's a safe pair of hands.

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I don't think the Wagner appointment is the sort of appointment we need right now. Maybe a couple of years down the road but not now. We've done the young up and coming thing with Lambert, Sherwood and Garde. All of them unsuccessful. Bruce knows the league, the area, the tradition, he can work in a big club and he can cope with demanding owners. It's a one man race for me. 

The 'uninspiring' argument is baseless. The last time I was truly joyous and excited was when O'Neill came. Even then it only takes a couple of months of nitty gritty games trying to get results for the initial excitement to go and we start judging by results.

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9 minutes ago, NottingVilla said:

Indeed, however the ex-bluenose thing must be a factor. We spent 6 years calling him names, and will give him less leeway if results are bad.

There's a bit in Monty Python 'Life Of Brian' when they are about to stone the guy for saying 'Jehovah', and he says it over and over, and Cleese, as the guard, says "You're only making it worse for yourself"..........the guy dances up and down shouting "Worse, worse, how could it be worse ! Jehovah ! Jehovah!"...........

Came to mind when I read this. :)

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Steve Bruce for me, we need an experienced, uninspiring manager this time. We are in no position to be hiring young managers and trying to turn them into the next Guardiola... we are also in no position to be giving it the 'Lets take Bruce and just sack him next year when we are back in the Premiership'

This season is all about getting promoted, if Bruce can do that for us then we should let him continue in the Premiership (if we get back there) and see what he can do. I think some people forget how far this club have fallen over the last few years with the managers names being suggested...

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On Sherwood... I think he'd win us some football matches ;)


Not saying we should get him! But if he was hired on the proviso that he was only here til May no matter what happens, I think he'd do pretty well.


tin hat on!

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 Arguably Bruce was the best candidate when relegation was confirmed. 

The only possible issue I'd have with it being Bruce - and maybe this is a total non issue (however I think it's real, and I'm sure a lot of others would feel the same) - the amount of stick he has endured from Villa fans over the years, a lot of it quite nasty and personal, would give something of a strange feel to the appointment. Humble pie yes but a bit more than that possibly. It's not the same as McLeish making the jump and no one being too worried, the amount Bruce has faced from our terraces may come into his thinking if he is offered it. 

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10 minutes ago, DamsonwoodVillan said:

The only possible issue I'd have with it being Bruce - and maybe this is a total non issue (however I think it's real, and I'm sure a lot of others would feel the same) - the amount of stick he has endured from Villa fans over the years, a lot of it quite nasty and personal, would give something of a strange feel to the appointment. 

Fear not, I suspect Mr Potato Head is very thick skinned.

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