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3 hours ago, mottaloo said:

This. Why does arsenal fan tv forum get such national publicity and why do so many arsenal fans think the rest of the country cares ? Deluded and privileged fools. They should try supporting a consistently crap team. It's similar to the jawdees' thinking the toon is everyone's second favourite team - i mean, they love a no.9 up there....

Also, I'm willing to bet that one of their gobby "contributors" will appear in big brother or I'm a celebrity, such is the apparent thirst in this country to make stupid people famous.

I can't wait for Troopz to start promoting his own celebrity pile cream or Robbie to appear as a pundit on sky sports 🙄

I don't get why there's such a visceral reaction to them. They're just fans reacting to football. People find that entertaining. Not sure how you've determined they're stupid either.

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To be fair if AFTV was just 5 normal blokes watching a bang average team going nowhere and doing nothing with very little drama (which is near 10 teams in the PL) then no one would care

Of course they're going to be outlandish and spout shit otherwise it wouldn't work, if they just had a perfectly normal queen's English speaking sensible analytical arsenal fan (like him off the ringer) then no one would care, instead they have some funny speaking cockney guys saying words that make them sound stupid whilst supporting a shit team inducing a mental breakdown 

That's the same as a huge chunk of TV

To be fair I don't think any of them have tried to use the platform to springboard in to a celebrity status (but I'm not sure) which is different from half of the people on TV, when Robbie turns up I'm on a celebrity then you know things have gone too far 

I'm also 100% sure that every team now has at least one copycat show and none of them can come close to replicating their success

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19 hours ago, Keyblade said:

I don't get why there's such a visceral reaction to them. They're just fans reacting to football. People find that entertaining. Not sure how you've determined they're stupid either.

In my opinion - and it is only my opinion - i think it is stupid behaviour, playing up to the people watching the stream in such an over the top way. If that gets them on the verge of a burst blood vessel then they have anger issues, although it looks faux anger.

I grew out of being that peed off with Villa spoiling my weekend when i left school. There are far more stressful things in Life to lose it over and i firmly believe that some folk wake up in the morning just waiting to be offended by something...anything.

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30 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

In my opinion - and it is only my opinion - i think it is stupid behaviour, playing up to the people watching the stream in such an over the top way. If that gets them on the verge of a burst blood vessel then they have anger issues, although it looks faux anger.

I grew out of being that peed off with Villa spoiling my weekend when i left school. There are far more stressful things in Life to lose it over and i firmly believe that some folk wake up in the morning just waiting to be offended by something...anything.

This is a brilliant post. Letting football, or sport in general, give you anger or the kind of outbursts those guys get isn't healthy for you or those around you.

I've become more and more from the Dean Smith school of thought. I don't get too down when we lose, and get ridiculosly excited when we win. That's what Deano does, right?


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If anyone gets as angry about anything as that dickhead on AFTV, then I feel for his missus and kids - what a great example of controlling your anger over something as trivial as a football match, where even if you have a vested interest, it's still pathetic to lose your temper over something so out of your control.

It's like me getting angry that it's cold outside.. **** weather.. 

I've had this conversation with people about fan podcasts or people on twitter becoming popular - my opinion is "who gives a shit what (for example) Dan Bardell thinks?" why are popular podcasters like "fat angry geordie" or whatever he's called, being elevated so much?  Why are they the go-to opinions? 

The answer is that some people - for whatever reason - do care what they think.

I'd say AFTV appeals to people who like to be shocked and have something to talk about - but I find the whole thing cringeworthy.

Different strokes innit? 

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19 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

I've had this conversation with people about fan podcasts or people on twitter becoming popular - my opinion is "who gives a shit what (for example) Dan Bardell thinks?" why are popular podcasters like "fat angry geordie" or whatever he's called, being elevated so much?  Why are they the go-to opinions?

It's personalities more than anything, I think. People who get worked up over trivial things can be incredibly entertaining. Nobody (or rather, few people) really cares about their opinions.

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47 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

If anyone gets as angry about anything as that dickhead on AFTV, then I feel for his missus and kids - what a great example of controlling your anger over something as trivial as a football match, where even if you have a vested interest, it's still pathetic to lose your temper over something so out of your control.

It's like me getting angry that it's cold outside.. **** weather.. 

I've had this conversation with people about fan podcasts or people on twitter becoming popular - my opinion is "who gives a shit what (for example) Dan Bardell thinks?" why are popular podcasters like "fat angry geordie" or whatever he's called, being elevated so much?  Why are they the go-to opinions? 

The answer is that some people - for whatever reason - do care what they think.

I'd say AFTV appeals to people who like to be shocked and have something to talk about - but I find the whole thing cringeworthy.

Different strokes innit? 

At the end of the day it's just amateur punditry with a bit of entertainment thrown in. Whether it's your cup of tea or not is up to you. Personally I find that DT guy quite funny but only in a "let's all gather round the village idiot and laugh at him" way. He's entitled to an opinion on his club and to get animated when it's not going well as long as he's not harming anyone else.

They are showcasing a range of opinions from the sensible to the completely mad. I'd happily listen to an AFTV podcast over something like Talksport where you get 15 minutes of complete crap followed by 5 minutes of adverts followed the Paddy Power man to encourage poor people to part with their money.

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4 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

If this was Villa, the fans would be calling for the manager's head. I'll be amazed if he's still in a job if they lose today. 8 defeats out of 13. Ridiculous.

Everton away and Chelsea home after this so that will surely finish Arteta off.

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Sherwood was a better manager than Arteta, is probably an argument at the moment for him to be one of the worst ever managers in the Premier League(only not his cup runs) 

Never got the hype, people wanted him here at times because he was Peps cone boy

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