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Aston Villa Protest Group


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If I was to put a suggestion forward as a next form of protest...I would suggest the proud history scarves.

Problem is if people have thrown them away but for maybe the last home game of the season at minute 74 everyone to start waving them at the directors box or something and "a stick you bright future up your a**e" chant.

Someone I'm sure can come up with something better along those lines I'm sure.

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Quite a few left that sat around me and as others said, it seemed quite busy outside the ground. Just a quick look at the Newsnow feed and quite a few stories are mentioning the walkout in their headlines. Hopefully this is the start of things to come.


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Yeah because that's what's getting column inches. I'm sorry mate but a walkout is a very visual thing and it translates brilliantly for the tellybox, far more effective than a chant.


brilliant from all those who arranged it and participated, I'm very proud to be a villain tonight despite the loss, we showed fight as a fanbase it will make us much more stronger in the long run. Utv

The gesticulating towards tom fox was also very visual , the volume increased after the walkout

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3 minutes ago, YLN said:

Hopefully those that didn't walk out will see that the protest has gained legitimacy from the mainstream press, and might feel a bit silly about not leaving. They are more likely to be on board next time I reckon. Very promising first effort. I was never going to be total first time out. 

It  won't be total full stop, there will always be people who want to stay till the bitter end because y'know they might just want to watch the game as bizarre as it sounds. I have no issue with that, it's freedom of choice after all.

I look at it this way...30k crowd, let's say 20k had walked out on 74 tonight then that leaves 7k Villa fans and 3k Everton fans who can't be seen on TV anyway due to their position in the stadium.

That would look very very sparse on TV with still 15 minutes left of the game.

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2 minutes ago, lmarsha_926 said:

The media know we have issues have done for months that wont help as the board wont change anything

We are not going away. This will continue to grow and grow IMO.

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12 hours ago, PieFacE said:

I'm out the door on 74 tonight. Good work to everyone who's got involved in promoting this! There's a part of me that hopes we will be 3-0 down by then so everyone will join in. 

Looks like I got my wish Haha.  Excellent work to all the people who organised it,  I loved the count down leading up to the 74th minute :lol:

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When I got there tonight, I asked a few people that sit by me if they would be leaving on the 74th minute. They said they didn't know what it was trying to achieve so wouldn't be joining in. It's a shame, as I think more people would be on board if the message was clear and agreed by all.

My only concern is that there were definitely sections of the fanbase moaning at those who were leaving (likewise, I've seen people in this thread moaning about people who didn't). That's not the direction we should be going in. Whether we all agree or not, there's no use turning on each other.

Ideally, those protesting and those not should be able to see the others reasoning. Again, I think a clearer 'message/demand' for OTDO74 would help those not protesting to understand it.

Also, if we're opening up suggestions for the next OTDO74 protest, I'd quite like to bring a bike horn to the ground and honk it. Perhaps to show how we're 'run by clowns'. To be honest, I'd just like to honk a comedy horn every time the ball gets kicked and headed. :D

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Watched this game up past the 74th minute (a rarity nowadays as I'm usually disgusted by half time and switch off) to see the reaction.

Got a mention from the commentators with some nice visuals of people leaving and Tom Fox's ugly mug looking well displeased.

Well done to those who organised this. :thumb:

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Well played to all those that took part in and organised the 74th minute protest today.

IMO it was a success and there has been some decent publicity about it:


Aston Villa fans walkout in protest during home match with Everton

By Peter Gilbert

Last Updated: 01/03/16 10:40pm

Angry Aston Villa supporters let their feet do the talking during their side's home defeat to Everton
Angry Aston Villa supporters let their feet do the talking during their side's home defeat to Everton 

Aston Villa fans staged a planned walkout during Tuesday's 3-1 defeat to Everton in protest against the club's owners.

Thousands of home fans had already left even before the scheduled protest in the 74th minute - chosen to mark Villa's foundation in 1874 - and they missed their team's only goal scored by Rudy Gestede five minutes later.


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13 minutes ago, mattyvilla said:

The gesticulating towards tom fox was also very visual , the volume increased after the walkout

Fair enough but as I said previously how many none villa related column inches has the chanting generated? It's nothing compared to the walkout. I know it's just social media but they're full of fans from other clubs saying well done to us, I'm really pleased we've put down a marker, it's been a piss take for to long, from Mcleish to 8-0 to breaking all kinds of bad records enough is enough, I'll never stay past the 74th minute while Lerner Fox and Hollis are at the club

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2 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

When I got there tonight, I asked a few people that sit by me if they would be leaving on the 74th minute. They said they didn't know what it was trying to achieve so wouldn't be joining in. It's a shame, as I think more people would be on board if the message was clear and agreed by all.

My only concern is that there were definitely sections of the fanbase moaning at those who were leaving (likewise, I've seen people in this thread moaning about people who didn't). That's not the direction we should be going in. Whether we all agree or not, there's no use turning on each other.

Ideally, those protesting and those not should be able to see the others reasoning. Again, I think a clearer 'message/demand' for OTDO74 would help those not protesting to understand it.

Also, if we're opening up suggestions for the next OTDO74 protest, I'd quite like to bring a bike horn to the ground and honk it. Perhaps to show how we're 'run by clowns'. To be honest, I'd just like to honk a comedy horn every time the ball gets kicked and headed. :D

Rob, when it first picked up steam, I thought it needed a "clearer message/demand" as you put it.  After some thought, i realized that the guys starting it were right.  Even with the, "things are terrible and need to change" message the support is fragmented.  Just see this thread for the critics.  Just think how many more critics there would be if if the agenda was Remi out (read his thread) or Fox out (it's not his fault, it's Lerner) Hollis out (cant blame him for 5 years, he just got here...)  I decided that the guys running this were more wise than I.  

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I have to say,  had it not been for the protest I would have left when the third goal went in like I did against Liverpool.  This protesting stuff is making me spend more time in Villa Park lol

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I agree srsmithusa, the Remi/Fox/Hollis out messages wouldn't be the right route, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be able to pinpoint a couple of issues that we all agree with. 'More investment into the team' for a start. Surely no-one will disagree with a challenge of our lack of spending, especially in the last window whilst we propped up the table.

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2 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

I have to say,  had it not been for the protest I would have left when the third goal went in like I did against Liverpool.  This protesting stuff is making me spend more time in Villa Park lol

If it wasn't for the protest I'd have been playing fifa at home. 

Still feel those that didn't walk out have no real right to continue to moan.

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Left on 74 - first time I've walked out before the final whistle in decades. I was surprised at the jeering in the lower holte but after more than 4 decades of attending Villa Park enough is enough. I've sat through years of mismanagement and earned the right to walk out as a sign of utter contempt towards our owner and the clowns he's appointed.

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