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The Rémi Garde thread


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I spend most weekends shouting "you're shit" at half of them and then most of the week typing "they're shit" on here

Would I stand around waiting for them after a game? No, if one of them had walked out in front of me outside the SoL would I have told them they're shit in an unnecessarily aggressive manner? Almost definitely yes

That's football, that's the anger generated by spending a lot of money watching the same old shit week after week and then having a beer and then watching more shit

As for the players themselves, I've got no sympathy for them, you'd have a hard time convincing me these lot are giving 100% every week, most of them look like they're cruising, saw it at Norwich and at Sunderland, better fan brigade who think that we lost because the fans chanted you're not fit to wear the shirt and shouted you're shit at the players and if the fans were behind the boys then we'd pull through, utter nonsense, a lot of them fully deserve flak and I hope they get it once we do go down

Randy Lerners worst gift to Aston Villa, and I blame the ginger bollocks appointment, is the apathy he's created, there's not even vitriol or anger kicking around VP anymore, people are just sat on their hands and biting their tongues knowing that it's all pointless

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Shouting at the players is like shouting at a bunch of underperforming kids - they're trying their hardest but it's not good enough. Maybe you'll fire some up, maybe you'll knock some more confidence out of them but it won't achieve much at all. Abusing them for not being good enough is pointless. I could see an argument if it was effort but most people recognise it's quality. 

Or you could shout at the new manager. Who hasn't had any say on signings and wasn't able to bring his own support staff with him. Who is being asked by the fans to be magically able to turn awful players in to good ones. Abuse him for not being able to build a solid building out of two twigs and a bunch of sloppy mud.

OR... MAYBE, LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE! Clearly the person who is responsible for giving the manager (past and present) the meagre funds resulting in low quality players is to be blamed. The person who has 100% focus on cutting costs above all other considerations. The person who makes bad decision after bad decision and doesn't have the decency to even acknowledge or explain his shortcomings.

That video is depressing. How do these people not see where the real blame lies? How can they not see that even with Mourinho, SAF and Guardiola working together this team still wouldn't win games? I believe the players are trying their best but aren't good enough. I believe Garde is trying his best but doesn't have the tools to do his job so any evaluation of him is flawed. I believe Lerner doesn't care, doesn't try and therefore ALL the blame is his.

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4 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

I disagree as soon as you say trying their hardest

I would acknowledge that N'Zogbia doesn't try. So he's been dropped. I'd recognise Grealish was getting lazy so he was dropped. I'd admit that Gabby is work shy so he's been dropped. But the ones the manager is putting forward are trying. They're just not very good.

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I disagree

The prem has been littered with teams that haven't been good enough for years, most of them come up from the championship, play their bollocks off for half a season, do ok but then dip, look at Leicester last season, not good enough but gave absolutely everything, doing the same this season, they aren't good enough for top 4 but where are they?

If you aren't good enough you make up up the deficit by working harder than the opposition, can you honestly say that we do that? Because I can't, not when I'm seeing Gana, veretout, Sanchez, Hutton etc losing the ball in the oppositions half and strolling back, gestede playing statues, Sinclair ducking tackles left right and centre

I think there's 2players on our team that puts a shift in every week and that's ayew and Richards, and Richards isn't very good

Should have been gardes first thing when he got through the door, organised and hard working, we still aren't either

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Hurling abuse like that on the video to Garde was out of order but to the players it may just strike a touch of fear into them which frankly some of them need in my opinion. They have it far too cushy and seeing the whites of the eyes of angry fans may just act as a little bit of a kick up the backside. It's no coincidence i feel then that Richards took to commenting on Twitter no doubt as a reaction to it. It struck home with a few of them i'd say....I agree Garde shouldn't have got it though.

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5 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Sorry bud, you just can't prove that. There are too many variables, things like fitness and above all confidence.

So you're basically advocating calling a human being a rocket polisher to his face for not having a good time at work. It's different from the stands, it's part and parcel of the theatre. The above behaviour is embarrassing, childish and pathetic and those involved should be ashamed of themselves for disgracing their club with that petty, small minded shit.

They can all **** off as far as I'm concerned.

Stop sitting on the fence and tell us how you really feel lol.

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1 hour ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Sorry bud, you just can't prove that. There are too many variables, things like fitness and above all confidence.

So you're basically advocating calling a human being a rocket polisher to his face for not having a good time at work. It's different from the stands, it's part and parcel of the theatre. The above behaviour is embarrassing, childish and pathetic and those involved should be ashamed of themselves for disgracing their club with that petty, small minded shit.

They can all **** off as far as I'm concerned.

Agreed, we are already the laughing stock of English Football. No need for that behavior at all, just makes us all look like an even bigger joke than we already are.

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3 hours ago, Sam3773 said:

Probably not something Garde has ever experienced. He's never been involved in such a failing outfit.

That being said, I wouldn't do what these fans did, but the frustration is understandable. There is no other way to show how you feel than on the day. There are no fan representatives meetings with the owner or direct communication. I get the frustration but there's nothing me or a handful of fans can chant to change it. Lerner wants out. Telling him to leave is a waste of time.

Its not really... He doesn't want out until he gets a substantial amount of money back...

If he really wanted out, he would take the first offer and **** off...

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1 hour ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Sorry bud, you just can't prove that. There are too many variables, things like fitness and above all confidence.

So you're basically advocating calling a human being a rocket polisher to his face for not having a good time at work. It's different from the stands, it's part and parcel of the theatre. The above behaviour is embarrassing, childish and pathetic and those involved should be ashamed of themselves for disgracing their club with that petty, small minded shit.

They can all **** off as far as I'm concerned.

The difference is that if you and I constantly had a 'bad day at work' every week and our customers depended on us having a good day like the other companies we were competing against, we would be sacked.

These players aren't trying, they don't care and they will **** off at the end of the season without 1 regret for the position they have put us in...

Like someone else said; if they had the desire, we would be doing what Leicester did...

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I was at the game Saturday and it certainly was a strange atmosphere, all the chanting you heard on the video was coming from the terraces towards the end of the game (from some fans) 

What frustrates me is that the players may not be at the required level to compete but surely they can run, hassle and put pressure on the opposition. We were up against O'shea and Wes Brown who are possibly the oldest pairing in the league yet they seemed to have such an easy game and time on the ball. 

There seemed to be a complete lack of motivation, desire and concentration which Remi should be instilling. Confidence is a big factor but surely at this stage we should just be rolling our sleeves up and getting stuck in if nothing else, we really have nothing to lose.

I am a supporter of Remi but not sure if his methods are getting across at the moment, we are playing with no heart. 

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19 minutes ago, chrisvilla4 said:

I was at the game Saturday and it certainly was a strange atmosphere, all the chanting you heard on the video was coming from the terraces towards the end of the game (from some fans) 

What frustrates me is that the players may not be at the required level to compete but surely they can run, hassle and put pressure on the opposition. We were up against O'shea and Wes Brown who are possibly the oldest pairing in the league yet they seemed to have such an easy game and time on the ball. 

There seemed to be a complete lack of motivation, desire and concentration which Remi should be instilling. Confidence is a big factor but surely at this stage we should just be rolling our sleeves up and getting stuck in if nothing else, we really have nothing to lose.

I am a supporter of Remi but not sure if his methods are getting across at the moment, we are playing with no heart. 

One thing that should acknowledged with the chanters and yourself is you still paid your money and took the long trek up there to support the team, I can see how people can be very frustrated when the players don't even try. 

Another point is do we want ability or effort on the pitch at this stage? As an example many people are calling for Hutton to be dropped, but he's always one of the few who works his socks off every game. As we are screwed anyway what would you rather see?

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3 hours ago, srsmithusa said:

"you're not fit to wear the shirt"  I understand.

"we want our villa back"  I understand.

But yelling "we want our villa back" at Remi Garde makes no sense at all.  He's not the one that took it away.

Would any of us direct shouting and insults o Lerner if we could? Including some of the things in that video ? Possibly

can we direct those things to Lerner ? No

whats the closest we can get to shouting those things at Lerner? What's the closest route? His management team and employees.

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Also worth keeping in mind that NONE of these players acknowledged the fans at full time. Not much respect shown there either.

Trying to haul this back on topic, perhaps Garde should have insisted they went over - although he was rowing with big Sam at the time.

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If I was Garde I would bring in McLeish as a consultant on how to organise a defence for a start

The McLeish way of organising a defence is to make everyone play in defence. Not really a solution in my opinion.

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