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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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Just infuriating.

Impossible to see that as anything other than a dog whistle to their nuttier supporters that masks are pointless, and to employers that they don't need to worry about coronavirus in their workplaces.

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4 hours ago, snowychap said:


How does this guy know what’s in the classified bit? In some ways having a section classified is gold for the chattering classes because anything you like can be projected as being in there 🙂


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When they self identified as the nasty party (apologies to any tory voters that aren’t nasty), I didn’t realise at the time they were quoting it as a badge of honour.


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England’s chief nurse has confirmed she was dropped from the Downing Street daily coronavirus briefing after refusing to back Dominic Cummings.

Ruth May said that in a trial run for the 1 June briefing, she was asked about Boris Johnson’s chief adviser’s decision to drive his family from London to Durham during lockdown while his wife had suspected Covid-19.

After she failed to back Cummings, she said, she was told she was no longer needed for the televised press conference taking place later that day, and she was never given an explanation why.

Ministers and No 10 have denied reports that May was stood down over Cummings. Aides to the prime minister briefed journalists at the time that she may not have made it to the briefing because she could have been stuck in traffic.



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13 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

To be fair the American health model is actually better, regardless of how sentimental people may argue otherwise.

The American healthcare system of private insurance works better than tax funded universal healthcare? Have I read this wrong?

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