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The Tim Sherwood Thread


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This squad is strong based on??? We have no quality right back, one decent centre half, no midfield quality apart from maybe gana who looks okay, no real striker and are relying on 3 youngsters with no real 1st team experience never mind premier league experience to keep us up. Strong squad my arse, untested and inexperienced yes. It may be a bit better than it was but it is still a million miles away from what we had under MON and still nowhere near as good enough to be a mid table team. That Wigan team that went down would probably give our lot a run for their money

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That Wigan team that went down would probably give our lot a run for their money


And you had the cheek to call a comment in another thread the most deluded comment you'd seen on here.

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The team line up today is of a manager who is shitting himself for a loss already, an looks as though he has bottled it already. No Gil, Grealish or Ayew in the team. Pulis the 2nd

Pretty much this, I hope I am proved to be wrong but that starting 11 will not win this game. It smacks of a desperate manager, pick a team to win a game and you might actually do it, Stoke will come here without the pressure of there home fans after a bad start and just sit back and lap up our inability to make a decent attack knowing they have at least 2 players who have the skill and potential to Nick a 1-0.

only chance we have is to hold out till 60/70 bring on some subs and hope for the best.

At least I expected would have been for Lescott, Westwood and Sinclair to be benched, give our flair players a chance and actually go out to win a game.

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Well let's see how it goes. The 4-2-3-1 and the 4-3-2-1 systems with Grealish and Gil involved haven't exactly returned much this season. I think it's safe to say Clark is on his way out if he can't get a game ahead of Crespo and Lescott.

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The problem with Sherwood, which is the same problem I had with Lambert, is that we don't seem to have any philosophy, don't play any specific tactic and just seem to throw who ever is available on in whatever position we need filling. Formation is random and players out of position. And we seem to ALWAYS play with 3 defensive midfielders, which is so negative and boring. 


Look at the teams that are doing well in the league, They always seem to have a formation they use and a philosophy they keep who ever is the manager. 

Looking at the Villa selection today, it looks totally random and every attack Villa have is totally random, hoofing it to small players, attacking on the wings when we dont use wingers. We need to decide on a way which our team should play and stick to it and buy players/hire managers to fit that system. 

Even the signings seemed random with no bigger picture, reminds me of liverpool.

Edited by Chicken Field
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Well let's see how it goes. The 4-2-3-1 and the 4-3-2-1 systems with Grealish and Gil involved haven't exactly returned much this season. I think it's safe to say Clark is on his way out if he can't get a game ahead of Crespo and Lescott.

I think that is due to Tim not being able to set us up to defend properly. Attacking wise it's worked reasonably well.

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 And we seem to ALWAYS play with 3 defensive midfielders, which is so negative and boring. 



                    The boring bit is losing.

                       ...........Its not a case of playing more defensive players or more attacking players.....its getting them to do what they have been asked to do.

                      If we are playing 3 defensive midfielders as you say, then they are not doing what they supposed to, because we are not defending well, AS A TEAM.

                      I am unsure, right now what formation to play, because its all about getting them to do their jobs too, not JUST line-ups.

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The results a manager is getting and the job he is doing are not always Co-related in the early days.

Our results are shite.....Sherwood COULD be doing a good job?

Its only after some considerable time was fans able to evaluate the work that Sir Alex Ferguson was doing in his formative years there, but the results he was getting ,did not suggest that to be so at the time of those poor results.

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 And we seem to ALWAYS play with 3 defensive midfielders, which is so negative and boring. 



                    The boring bit is losing.

                       ...........Its not a case of playing more defensive players or more attacking players.....its getting them to do what they have been asked to do.

                      If we are playing 3 defensive midfielders as you say, then they are not doing what they supposed to, because we are not defending well, AS A TEAM.

                      I am unsure, right now what formation to play, because its all about getting them to do their jobs too, not JUST line-ups.


They are maybe not defensive players, but they are so deep on the pitch that they will never influence the attacks and that they are lying so deep is fully down to the manager. Does any other team in the league use 3 deep lying midfielders in the league ? why not use use two and then play either gil or grealish as an attacking midfielder ? 

And your are right, they aren't doing their job, but the answer is not to throw more similar players on.  


Edit: to be fair, Gana seems to be more attacking than usual today, but one of the other two needs to run forward to. To many to similar midfielders

Edited by Chicken Field
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 And we seem to ALWAYS play with 3 defensive midfielders, which is so negative and boring. 



                    The boring bit is losing.

                       ...........Its not a case of playing more defensive players or more attacking players.....its getting them to do what they have been asked to do.

                      If we are playing 3 defensive midfielders as you say, then they are not doing what they supposed to, because we are not defending well, AS A TEAM.

                      I am unsure, right now what formation to play, because its all about getting them to do their jobs too, not JUST line-ups.


They are maybe not defensive players, but they are so deep on the pitch that they will never influence the attacks and that they are lying so deep is fully down to the manager. Does any other team in the league use 3 deep lying midfielders in the league ? why not use use two and then play either gil or grealish as an attacking midfielder ? 

And your are right, they aren't doing their job, but the answer is not to throw more similar players on.  

                  But, equally I fully understand your point.

                   It may well be that the manager has not asked them to play that deep but they are being pushed back through their own poor performance......I don't think our players press enough or close down, Blimey , Mahrez was left to run riot at Leicester, they simply allowed him the space to do it.....only short of giving him a ticket to the party.

                    All teams  can be great ..... IF YOU LET THEM BE.

                   I know its different times now, but I remember Giles & Bremner running the midfield for the great Leeds team, mainly because they had ALL of the attributes of a good midfielder and secondly because they had great players around them.....it wasn't about formations, it was about individual performances cumulating in to a TEAM performance





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I will put all my thoughts of watching an expansive game today to one side and settle for...............sleeves rolled up and an aggressive approach to grafting for 90 minutes for the 3 points.

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 And we seem to ALWAYS play with 3 defensive midfielders, which is so negative and boring. 



                    The boring bit is losing.

                       ...........Its not a case of playing more defensive players or more attacking players.....its getting them to do what they have been asked to do.

                      If we are playing 3 defensive midfielders as you say, then they are not doing what they supposed to, because we are not defending well, AS A TEAM.

                      I am unsure, right now what formation to play, because its all about getting them to do their jobs too, not JUST line-ups.


They are maybe not defensive players, but they are so deep on the pitch that they will never influence the attacks and that they are lying so deep is fully down to the manager. Does any other team in the league use 3 deep lying midfielders in the league ? why not use use two and then play either gil or grealish as an attacking midfielder ? 

And your are right, they aren't doing their job, but the answer is not to throw more similar players on.  

                  But, equally I fully understand your point.

                   It may well be that the manager has not asked them to play that deep but they are being pushed back through their own poor performance......I don't think our players press enough or close down, Blimey , Mahrez was left to run riot at Leicester, they simply allowed him the space to do it.....only short of giving him a ticket to the party.

                    All teams  can be great ..... IF YOU LET THEM BE.

                   I know its different times now, but I remember Giles & Bremner running the midfield for the great Leeds team, mainly because they had ALL of the attributes of a good midfielder and secondly because they had great players around them.....it wasn't about formations, it was about individual performances cumulating in to a TEAM performance





I defiantly agree about the pressing, we never seem to give the other players a hard time, it just seems like they are allowed to waltz wherever they please. 

our midfielders job just seems to be to keep the ball moving, but they really need to start making runs, and if they aren't doing that because they are inept. then they should not be playing, or at least not as three of them. 

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