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Paul Lambert


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There is no point in waiting for the next 3 games to sack him.  If we did it this week, the atmosphere against liverpool would be better and it would give the whole club a lift.  Waiting till it gets worse could leave us in real trouble.

The way we are playing and failing to score makes it almost a nailed on certainty that we will lose the next 3 games (and probably have someone else sent off) so we might as well right those games off now and sack the useless tool and search for his replacement over the next few weeks.

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I think it's wrong to say we've been too lenient. I think that the fact that we were willing to support the manager for this long despite everything is a rare testament to our patience.

But he is now impossible to support. The stats I've been reading are totally mind blowing. I think I've been so dejected and bored that it didn't register with me just how awful we have been. Sack him immediately. I now firmly believe we are relegated if we don't. There's no stopping this rot, you can see it in his face and in the players.

If the poll in this thread were brought back Id be interested to see if anyone is still backing him if it was a straight up "sack him now?" question

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I don't dispute that Lambert has operated under conditions and circumstances that most managers either don't have to or wouldn't have put up with.


Part of me wishes he would have walked and then exposed all the problems and issues at the club.


But he hasn't, which makes me think why if it's as bad under Lerner as everyone claims - why is Lambert still here? Blind faith and loyalty? Stupidity?


As some have said if he gets sacked he will find himself in the football wilderness for a long time, so is he here because he has no choice but to desperately try and turn things round and save his reputation? Or because he may as well get paid as much as he can while he can? Is he delusional?


I like the guy, but I would rate him much higher if he had decided to step aside and accepted that he can't do as a manager what he needs to, whether it be his fault or the fault of Lerner and the club.


I would back him if I had seen one single sign of hope, of consistency, of belief, of vision, of future, anything to hang onto. But all I see is a club circling the drain, our reputation already flushed away, the only record/stat/humiliation left to suffer is relegation.


It's a huge risk bringing a new manager in, and it might not make any difference, it might well be that nobody could turn this club around under Lerner and co. But I don't see any other choice, as many have stated the manager is the only thing we can change to make a difference. We have to at least try and do something!




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He either needs to be backed or sacked and I fear it will be neither.

I wouldn't trust him with the drippings off the end of a runny nose let alone any transfer money. He needs to be sacked and pronto.



It's not his transfers that are the problem to be fair. 

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I think managers are given too much credit by football fans. When a team is doing well the manager is a genius and when the team is struggling the manager is a joke. Look at Moyes, Martinez or Pulis for a few of examples of managers who's standing amongst fans seems to flip season by season depending on how their teams are doing. 


The far bigger factor predicting how well a team will do is how much the club is able to spend on the playing staff. We can change our manager over and over again but we will still be mediocre until we can offer the wages required to build a more competitive squad.


I agree in part with this. However you see I think Lambert whilst not being belessed with a great budget in terms of fees and wages, although it is better than some, has in fact put a decent squad of players together.

You know though one of my biggest issues with Lambert over the last year or so, and it was highlighted again yesterday, is too many times we have lost to teams not due to a lack of quality but due to a lack of desire. At the arse end of last season, when we were in a dire position and should have been fighting for our lives, we lost to Palace and Fulham not because they were better than us but because they wanted it more. The same happened yesterday. The reason we have taken two points from games over the last 4 weeks against West Brom, Sunderland, Palace, Swansea and Leicester isn't down to them teams being better than us or paying more in wages it is down to a manager that fails to get the best out of the players at his disposal and fails to get them playing with a heart and desire that ensures they give everything for 90 minutes. Leicester yesterday were full of heart and desire and wanted it more than we did and that is unforgivable. This issue is also highlighted by the fact we have on a number of occasions gone out of cups to lower league opposition under Lambert, again due to him not getting the best out of his players.

Long term of course a new manager is not going to take us back into the top 8 with the current owner and anyone expecting a change in manager to achieve that is living in cloud cuckoo land. What a new manager can offer us though is the chance to organize a decent squad of players and get them playing effective football that gets the best out of those players, gets them giving their all and most importantly gets us results.

The long term will only be sorted by the removal of the owner. The short to medium term can though instantly be improved by a change in manager.





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The way I see it is:


1. Lerner is the owner and is 100% responsible for selecting the manager and 100% responsible for funding him. We would all love to see him gone but he isn't going to just walk out and right off his investment so we are stuck with him until a credible buyer comes along. There is no point in chanting "we want Lerner out" because he won't be there and probably doesn't even bother watching the games from yankee doodle land.


2. Lambert is the manager and is 100% responsible for buying players (within his budget), 100% responsible for training, 100% responsible for team selection and 100% responsible for tactics. There is every point in chanting "we want Lambert out" and "you don't know what you're doing" because he is there and he hears it and hopefully this gets back to Lerner via Mr Fox. There is also every point in fans voting with their feet and not turning up to games as this is also likely to get back to Lerner via Mr Fox.


To those of you who say that there is no point in sacking Lambert while Lerner is still there, ask yourselves if getting rid of the person who is 100% responsible for everything that occurs on match day is wrong because I for one believe it is better to fix one part of a defective thing than just let it all fall apart as we are currently.


Guys, this club is sleep walking into a deep abyss inadvertently aided by those that think there is nothing we can do and that Lambert is the best we can get.




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I take on board everyone's comment and in a way I agree with all of you. Lambert's position is untenable now. The players aren't playing for him and he has lost the crowd. If a manager is to change our fortunes, it won't be Paul Lambert.


However, I stand by what I said that his situation has been next to impossible GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES he has been in. Two years from now, after Lambert's been axed, he will rue the day he ever came to work for Lerner and in front of our unrealistic fanbase. He had a great thing going at Norwich with their expectations. If he had stayed there and continued in the same vein he may well have attracted the attention of some of the top clubs a year or two later.




Is it unrealistic to want a goal? To put in a decent performance in front of our own fans? Lambert can't even manage that at the minute. As you say, his position is untenable now. 


Just because he did well at the lower leagues doesn't mean he was a genius. A lot of managers do that but when they step up to the next level they are found wanting. Managing a team like Villa is no doubt a tough job but that is what you get paid an awful lot of money for.


Backing him on the basis that you don't think anyone else could do a better job is just defeatist. Our squad isn't that bad all being said, we just need someone to be able to extract more out of them. Lambert is not the man to do that. 

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I don't think Liverpool will be his Bolton , he will scrap a low scoring defeat and be put down to playing a top side.No Bournmouth will be the game the shit hits the fan if he can't get past a lower league team again .

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


However, seeing the writing on the wall in AVFC case seems so obvious that its soul destroying to watch the inevitable unravel before our very eyes.


I believe the time is long overdue for Paul to go.


There comes a time when just staying for the sake, money, bloodymindedness or having nowhere else to go, comes into a grey area of being selfish and not thinking about the consequences of your own delusion.

When it gets to this point, where I personally think he is, maybe even beyond, and you dont go gracefully, then your asking for what you get.


Paul, Go before you invite the wrath. It wont be nice.

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I take on board everyone's comment and in a way I agree with all of you. Lambert's position is untenable now. The players aren't playing for him and he has lost the crowd. If a manager is to change our fortunes, it won't be Paul Lambert.


However, I stand by what I said that his situation has been next to impossible GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES he has been in. Two years from now, after Lambert's been axed, he will rue the day he ever came to work for Lerner and in front of our unrealistic fanbase. He had a great thing going at Norwich with their expectations. If he had stayed there and continued in the same vein he may well have attracted the attention of some of the top clubs a year or two later.




Is it unrealistic to want a goal? To put in a decent performance in front of our own fans? Lambert can't even manage that at the minute. As you say, his position is untenable now. 


Just because he did well at the lower leagues doesn't mean he was a genius. A lot of managers do that but when they step up to the next level they are found wanting. Managing a team like Villa is no doubt a tough job but that is what you get paid an awful lot of money for.


Backing him on the basis that you don't think anyone else could do a better job is just defeatist. Our squad isn't that bad all being said, we just need someone to be able to extract more out of them. Lambert is not the man to do that. 


I totally agree.

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I don't think Liverpool will be his Bolton , he will scrap a low scoring defeat and be put down to playing a top side.No Bournmouth will be the game the shit hits the fan if he can't get past a lower league team again .

Villa fans don't see Liverplop as a top team anymore, so this won't be a excuse. Anyway I think its gone far beyond return, we could lose against Man City and it will still go off. Remember its not all about the loses, its about the clueless style of play and issue with not being able to score a feckin goal. Fans are already talking about chanting him out even if we did get a result.

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I don't think Liverpool will be his Bolton , he will scrap a low scoring defeat and be put down to playing a top side.No Bournmouth will be the game the shit hits the fan if he can't get past a lower league team again .

Villa fans don't see Liverplop as a top team anymore, so this won't be a excuse. Anyway I think its gone far beyond return, we could lose against Man City and it will still go off. Remember its not all about the loses, its about the clueless style of play and issue with not being able to score a feckin goal. Fans are already talking about chanting him out even if we did get a result.


I agree because any positive result under Lambert is a very short period of the feelgood factor and his tenure has shown time and time again that a longer period of dross and poor results will follow. To win and think we have turned a corner is delusion of the greatest magnitude and is putting a sticking plaster on a gaping wound.

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If he is backed to sign this Gil fella and atleast another attacker this window then I'm happy to wait and see how it goes as Lambert has done a good job to sort the defence and with a bit of decent backing he will hopefully sort the attack.

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