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Why Paul Lambert should get the sack


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so lambert doesn't give a xxxx about the FA Cup.

has he forgotten that the biggest part of villas history are the 7 fa cup final wins. I am totally proud of these 7 cups.

he is a disgrace.

using the fa cup as a reason to hide the fact he is a xxxx manager.

hes a championship standard manager just like mcliesh not fit for the premier league.

I can't believe how much some people and the media are overreacting to his comments.


Just listen to the actual interview for crying out loud. He isn't 'a disgrace'. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and although I usually hate "you're wrong" kind of responses, I've got to say that saying he is a 'disgrace' and 'not fit for the Premier League' is completely absurd. He made some very sensible points about how important the FA Cup is in reality to the PL. The media always get all misty eyed about the FA Cup, which is fine but for us right now it just isn't important.

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And I respect yours. Ultimately, it will always be our subjective opinion when it comes to this sort of debate because I cannot prove that Koeman would've done better in than Lambert and you cannot prove he wouldn't have.

Any manager that came in now would not have to go through the first phase of the rebuild, as the wage bill has already come down - and will further in the summer one could assume.

Therefore, they'll inherit the club in a financially better position than Lambert did when he took over the reigns. A lot depends on whether Randy will start backing PL once the shittier parts of the job are oout of the way, but i believe it would be unfair to deny him a bit more spending muscle after working hard to clear down a lot of the budget-stealers.

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Seriously don't think Lambert should get the sack. Reasons?


1) I haven't yet seen him take us backwards. If he ever does I will rethink. But slow tentative two steps forwards and one step back are fine with me. Sometimes it is the journey that is fun not the final destination, and it has been a fair few years since I have enjoyed watching a team develop. So much. Any good story has peaks and troughs and in the better stories the troughs are bigger, but what really makes a good story and a good ending is the story arc.


2)He is a young manager, with talent but a lot to learn. But I have a feeling he wants to build something. I would rather blow out aiming for something grand and failing than looking for mediocrity with ANOTHER manager who will end up getting the sack as soon as we inevitably go through a sticky patch.


3)We have seen brilliant attacking football at times, and we have seen decent defensive displays. Mostly at different times, but I don't think it is implausible that with a bit more time and development a balance can be struck.


4)I like him. A lot. As a person. And as a manager. I like how he mumbles. I like how he loves it when we score. I like his face.


5)Last season QPR, Sunderland and Reading changed managers. Us and Wigan stuck, and out of the lot of us, it was us and Wigan who were fighting hardest and longest at the end - Sunderland looked terrible at the end.


6)We had a fantastic second half to the season last season. Lambert has done enough in my opinion to have another shot at the second half of the season.


Respect the counter opinions, but feel they are more influenced the by skysports, create a story out of nothing, for a profit la la la era we unfortunately live in. Break the cycle guys, come on we are Villa we are different to everyone else!

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i remember when Quique Flores offered his services to us before McLeish...




i think that would have been a good appointment back then, he had a plan and presented it to Villa Board and they turned down his idea's for McLeish.


After seeing how Pochettino is doing at moment i think Flores would have been a good appointment, maybe even now if Lambert ever did go

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so lambert doesn't give a xxxx about the FA Cup.

has he forgotten that the biggest part of villas history are the 7 fa cup final wins. I am totally proud of these 7 cups.

he is a disgrace.

using the fa cup as a reason to hide the fact he is a xxxx manager.

hes a championship standard manager just like mcliesh not fit for the premier league.

Really hope Lambert's words don't come back to bite him on the arse. For one thing, it won't put any extra bums on seats this afternoon! Like MON in the UEFA cup, it's not a good way getting of fans on your side.

Having said that though, I can see his point, but perhaps he shouldn't really be making his views public.


Harry Hindside in me says some of it would've been better left unsaid.

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And I respect yours. Ultimately, it will always be our subjective opinion when it comes to this sort of debate because I cannot prove that Koeman would've done better in than Lambert and you cannot prove he wouldn't have.

Any manager that came in now would not have to go through the first phase of the rebuild, as the wage bill has already come down - and will further in the summer one could assume.

Therefore, they'll inherit the club in a financially better position than Lambert did when he took over the reigns. A lot depends on whether Randy will start backing PL once the shittier parts of the job are oout of the way, but i believe it would be unfair to deny him a bit more spending muscle after working hard to clear down a lot of the budget-stealers.

No that is true. Which is why I said it would be impossible to prove that Koeman would've done a better job than Lambert. By this I meant had he hypothetically been appointed instead of Lambert in 2012.

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All that talk then look at the side he put out!


I think he knows how much criticism he would face if we lose today. It's sad to hear his comments to be honest. Earlier in the season it was 'there's a completely different feel about the place this year', now here we are and it's 'the cup is a distraction from trying to stay in the league'. I really think he's feeling the pressure and to be frank I'm not sure he's handling it particularly well. 

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lamberts comments could be justified if villa were playing 50+ games and were in Europe.


are villa progressing? 23 points from 20 games, that's 20 draws as good as. no difference from last year 41 points from 38 games.


I hate lamberts mumbling tones. is that how he motivates his team?


if villa go out of the fa cup today they will still be fighting for survival.

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Jonathan Fear is in the daily mail





An influential Aston Villa fan has returned his tickets for the FA Cup third-round tie at home to Sheffield United after hearing  manager Paul Lambert describe the competition as a ‘distraction’.

Lambert said the Cup was ‘something we could do without’, which provoked a strong response from his own supporters.

Jonathan Fear, editor of the vitalvilla website, was so infuriated that he returned his tickets.

A poll on the website said 73 per cent of the club’s fans believed the Cup to be important. 

Fear said: ‘Lambert’s comments were crass, given the club’s history in the competition. However, if Villa can’t take it seriously, why should I? 

‘Most of us understand what Lambert is saying in that the Premier League is important. But it would mean the world to the fans to see us win the Cup.

‘I thought the success of Wigan last season had re-ignited the fire. Obviously not, judging by the  manager’s comments.

‘So I have sent my tickets back. The manager is implying it’s too much effort for him. Well, if it’s too much effort for him, then it is for me too.’ 

However, another Villa fan, Matt Cutler, insists Lambert is correct. He said: ‘The bottom line is Villa don’t have a large enough squad to mount a serious bid to win the Cup.

‘Our squad is too small to win any game using fringe players. Due to injuries and lack of depth, most of our fringe players have been starters most of the season.’

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He has to go. 'Only' £40m may not be much to rebuild a premier league team, how is it not enough to build a team to outclass a struggling league 1 side.


Time's up Paul, pack your bags and **** off.

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