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Everything posted by CrackpotForeigner

  1. If you find the right speed to play 'em at they can last longer. There's an amazing ambient soundscape album by a group called Crazy Frog.
  2. Sounds like a Cold War spy rendezvous. Answer carefully, depending on whether you want to be a spy, his boyfriend, or both.
  3. Just get on with it. If you can video a guy doing lines of Gianluca Vialli on a train I see no reason why anyone would be offended at the taking of a simple snapshot, or series of simple snapshots, of someone whose offence is as minor as to forgo conventional underwear practices.
  4. Amazing. What's the catch?
  5. 77m albums sold worldwide will buy you one hell of a penthouse Popularity isn't everything. Justin Bieber has probably sold more.
  6. Why would new ownership delay the shirt reveal? Do you think they'll want to change the kit or something? I heard they really want us to play in red.
  7. 's from Latin an' that, innit? Extra means outside, so extra-ordinary means outside the ordinary. Elementary.
  8. Good: cast, script, attempt at historical accuracy or at least plausibility, plot which gets better with each episode and series. Bad: occasional viking/christian/pagan religious mumbo jumbo bits can drag.
  9. You'd be safer in an accident, but that's just as well because you'd probably have more of them and cause more of them due to having no peripheral vision. It's likely to be subtly different to driving in a race or riding a motorbike.
  10. If we spend 15 million on those two were being mugged. We need to look at the way Southampton build squads
  11. Anyone else pleased about this? If Belgium can't set 'em up for him 'oo can? Maybe he will lose his tendency to blame his Villa teammates a bit. If he were scoring hat tricks for Belgium we'd have less chance of keeping him. Let him score hat tricks for Aston Villa next season instead.
  12. Well said. Some weirdness but also some great football from him so far, and amusing in interviews.
  13. You've hit upon the cure for whiplash, real exaggerated and faked.
  14. Yep. Nothing particularly against it morally or anything, but faked moans and long close up shots of uglies bumping: Supermeh.
  15. Christopher Lee had a ridiculous life. If you were to write a list of "did you know"s about actors, his would be twice as long as anyone else's.
  16. There is something like that but I think there is only a certain amount that can be done. We've probably done it already with Lerner when he wrote of some of the loan Villa owed him which were turned into equity. Not that I can do any better, but I'm guessing this isn't the definitive answer Chewie was looking for
  17. TL;DR (Just kidding. If I were you I'd not give up trying until you hear from him himself, rather than some relative or wife. But it might be difficult if he's kept quiet about you. If I were him I'd want to meet you, without doubt, but I s'pose everyone's different.)
  18. I think it's to improve the lives of everyone by facilitating trade and creating jobs for working families. Plus, I believe in Father Christmas. He's great.
  19. I'd go as far as to say Denzel, son, are you only ever going to do one kind of film? Your mother Thandi and I are worried about your career.
  20. Why clutter things with four teams. Two is more than enough. Actually just one and a load of cannon fodder would satisfy most fans, especially overseas ones. The fans are as much to blame as the Champions' League cartel imo.
  21. I love it when people are nerds and don't care. I just thought of that. Don't know why. It just cheered me up, that's all. Thought I'd share.
  22. Maybe he meant to say "Our new owner will struggle if he invests what RL has done over the last 5 seasons."
  23. I'll be sad to see him go. He has potential as a wing back imo: Very good crosses, though not much good at defending. Without Bacuna he'd be a decent enough backup, or someone to bring on when we're chasing the game. As it is, Bacuna is that player and a good one too.
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