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Everything posted by CrackpotForeigner

  1. Hell is somewhere where people say "an hotel" all the time. I mean I approve of pedantry as much as the next man, but the limit lies where opinion is divided.
  2. The correct quote is "I hate the ******* Eagles, man." and NOT "I ******* hate the Eagles, man." Honestly, it's like some people don't even want to be Achievers.
  3. Was our best player by a mile in that Hull game IMO. Yeah, he really hasn't had a bad game for us. Hull was just the first game where he didn't set the actual world on fire.
  4. My genius criteria is somewhat more stringent. Yes, he did a fantastic job getting a team of players who should've been playing better to play better. We finished in 17th place, losing three on the trot, all in an ugly fashion. He hasn't bought any new players, and hasn't managed the club for more than four months. He's made some baffling team selections and tactical decisions that even his most ardent admirers must have some misgivings about. I like Sherwood, and I think he has earned the right to continue on as manager. I'm just not convinced he's a genius, or miracle worker or any of those lofty descriptions. Not yet, anyway. My thoughts in a nutshell.
  5. I'm not ITK, but he's definitely going. Although he might stay. Or go.
  6. More because we lost the biggest winner we've had in our side since Paul McGrath. You can date our decline to the minute: Laursen's injury. Fwiw I agree that the world isn't divided into winners and losers, but Laursen was a very special player to have, and not just because he could defend.
  7. That's a good summary, and the way we played v Liverpool suggests that we've got a managerial genius on our hands. Then again there was the FA Cup final, beside that Liverpool game the revival has pretty much been based on Benteke's full recovery from injury/improved coaching [delete as appropriate]. Mainly my beef is that I'm so baffled by him playing N'Zogbia (and not Gil, or Sinclair, or Guzan) that I actually feel angry about it.
  8. Well yeah, but Aston Villa didn't find Benteke playing football on a beach in Tobago and nurture him through to stardom.
  9. We'd have gone down with Lambert in charge for the whole season, I think most people think that. Sherwood did very well to change things around and keep us up. His real job starts now and he deserves a chance like Lambert was given Agree, although the FA Cup and Southampton performances showed that Sherwood is perfectly capable of putting on shows worthy of Lambert at his worst, and his team selection is even more baffling than Lambert's. Charles N'Zogbia every game? WTActualF
  10. I don't know that the shooting Yorke comment was particularly dumb. Refreshingly honest, more like. If I'd had a gun I'd probably have given it to JG. Manchester United ffs.
  11. I beg to differ. We offered nothing in attack: zilch, zip, etc. A creative and attacking player is exactly what we needed. You really think that Gil would have done as pathetically as N'Zog? I mean I don't know whether he's injured or what the story is, but he would have made some kind of difference.
  12. I don't really believe he needed to rest anyone last week. Professional footballers should be able to play well twice in six days. Less than six and I'd agree with you. I think we had some excited players in London on Friday night, whereas it was more business-as-usual for the Arsenal players. As a result I'd bet my house that the Arsenal team overall had much better sleep than the Villa. It certainly looked that way on the pitch.
  13. Of course he won't. Sherwood was definitely joking - the next thing he talked about was the Grealish family walking about in Villa shirts every day. He won't be sold this year nor next, nor the year after that, nor the year after that nor the year after that nor the year after that nor the year after that nor the year after that nor the year after that. Then he MIGHT start thinking about a last big paycheck at a rich foreign club.
  14. What? There are things Managers should say and shouldnt say. Unfort Tim is a mouth and i really worry it will get us in alot of bother next season with both our players and FA. He is pretty mouthy, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I think announcing the existence of the clause was anything but a slip of the tongue.
  15. Sherwood quoted on the BBC: http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/32856754
  16. Possible explanations: - Liverpool have made an offer of more than 32.5m but Sherwood rightly doesn't want to sell to them. - No offers yet, but expected, and Sherwood doesn't want to sell to Liverpool but expects to have to sell to somebody. - It's all about the FA Cup final: Sherwood wants Benteke to be as motivated as possible, even if it means probably having to sell him. - Some combination of these Anyone else got any?
  17. It's bollocks, of course. If we can't keep hold of Jack Grealish I will submit my resignation from being interested in football.
  18. Wouldn't it be great to have a squad full of players that work well together without attracting media speculation as individuals? As you say, the inevitable Benteke speculation every transfer window is a very boring charade, and almost (though not quite) cancels out any pleasure from seeing him play for us. But the truth is that the glass is less than half full
  19. We're not setting ourselves up for disappointment much, are we? Nothing so magnificent would happen to Aston Villa. Even looking at it purely rationally it's a lot more likely that he'll be on the losing side, and not score Rationality can go suck a dick. I'll shed tears of joy when Jack bags the winner in the 92nd minute If that happens I won't be shedding tears. I'll be wailing like a little girl. So would I, but I choose to be realistic about the chances. Don't hate me.
  20. I'm trying to remain realistic: Arsenal could very easily humiliate us if they turn up. Even if they're only half motivated they could beat us pretty easily. Considering the state of our defence and our performances in the last two games, if we were to win (apart from being one of the best things ever to happen) it would pretty much be a miracle. Expecting to win would really be setting yourself up for spectacular disappointment.
  21. All you can do is leave him/her a message on the wall to that effect, using whatever material comes to hand.
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