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Everything posted by tinker

  1. Needs to play as the lead striker in a championship team or 2nd striker in a premier League team. Seen Rangers mentioned in the press which, if he's first choice, wouldn't be a bad move as it would get him used to playing in front of big crowds. Big season for him.
  2. Difficult decision, I don't think he will get a chance here if he stays , not judging on last season. On the balance of probability I would loan him out to a championship team who need a striker and would make assurances on him playing. We could structure a deal were we pay his wages if he starts , if he doesn't then they pay them.
  3. Be interesting if an American citizen gets captured, I could see it getting very 'tense' if execution is on the cards.
  4. Not sure about the Astra but I have worked on an older Corsa 2011 and it was a nightmare. A headlight bulb change was a pain in the arse ( bumper removal) and the water pump replacement was next to impossible. If you have DIY in mind do some research.
  5. What pisses me off is he's wasting Englands best player by treating him like safegate does.
  6. We should have won them both, we lost because the opposition changed their game to counter us and we didn't react. Germany are taking the piss , we look like a 3rd division team playing against Brazil.
  7. tinker

    Energy Bills

    No, the government should stop taking enormous amounts of tax and vat on the price fuel is now at. Their making more in tax than the fuel companies out of these price rises , far more as they have no increased costs to cover. They should also make sure wholesale prices are reflected in pump prices. But they won't because it benefits them with huge tax revenues that covers their incompetence in dishing out Billions in handouts to failed IT projects and their mates PPE companies.
  8. Be interesting to see how Critchley deals with top level players and how they deal with him. Only having trained with youth and low level players is a risk for us. Would have preferred a more high level experienced coach to mitigate Gerrards lack of experience.
  9. Very lucky to get this job. Finished 14th and we looked dreadful at times and he gets a managers job at QPR. You can look at other assistants who have done far more and not got a sniff.
  10. I reckon we will get between 60 and 70 points. 60 points as a minimum. If we get less than 55 then its a failure and Purslow should go. Our owners should employ someone who can get a manager who is worthy of our financial outlay. If this doesn't happen then our owners are just cash rich fools.
  11. Thing is no one in the UK really cares about the monarchy, it's a side show much in the way EastEnders or Emmerdale is. There's a few fanatics but in large everyone loves an excuse to party but the politics and religion of it all is largely overlooked. The Irish , both Protestant and Catholic seem to take religion much more seriously than the average English person ( Scotland seem to get rather carried away with it all as well) One things for sure if we didn't have a royal family we only have another clown like Boris voted in anyway.
  12. I suppose it depends on how vain you are but I struggled for a few years when it started going, holding onto it and trying to hide it. I would be surprised if it hurt any less now, we seem more obsessed with our appearances than ever. I still feel a tinge of jealousy when I see a 70 year old bloke with a full rug ( must be a wig ) , I lost mine at 26!
  13. Lads I work with have gone down this route , been to Turkey for it, looks good but the first month after the op looked a bit sore. Another option is a derma roller and Minoxidil, some people swear by it. I shaved mine off years ago. The trauma of losing your hair is not to be underestimated, devastating for a few years.
  14. tinker

    Keinan Davis

    Loan him out for another season or £20m. We hold all the cards and they are not getting a similar striker for £20m. My opinion on him is he needs to give or get 10% more in his game , not sure how he can do it but playing more minutes may help. Fitness level, effort or belief in himself could also be where he can get it. If he can get this little bit extra then he could be a good premier League striker.
  15. I want the Suarez's of 15 years ago. Signing ageing players never works out. Their either shit , can't play 45 minutes , in it for the last pay day or their ego fucX the whole team up. No no no no.
  16. I don't think we have any standout players for the role, atm Ming's is the best option we have. I would love to see that change but short of £80m I can't see who we could buy that would be better.
  17. Hopefully they have gone for good. Terrible team who kicked fucX out of players and finished careers.
  18. Just watch him play in games where we know how good the opposition are (premier League teams) is a better way to judge him without him playing for us. For me atm he's a squad player who has to fight to break into our team , he wouldn't be my starter for our first game.
  19. Letting him go without seeing how new signings play in the premier would be a huge risk. He's not a perfect CB but he's as close as we're gonna get until we are top 6. We have been here before with new signings and it they never seem to hit the ground running. Ming's stays for me, of he goes we risk finishing in a lower position than this season.
  20. The games I have seen him play in he's always been on the left. To get a decent idea of this guy watch these game below, he never played against West Ham , not sure why. https://youtu.be/seqUOmYw0u4 https://youtu.be/n9dmPfLOi7I
  21. Another player who loves sliding tackles, I hope our scouting isn't following on from last summers selections. Beundia apart.
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