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Everything posted by tinker

  1. Can't see spurs being there , in the game against us they wasted 10 minutes of the last 20 pissing about with throw ins and injuries , it was fantastic from them to kill the game but second in the table , who was on the stopwatch , Levy?
  2. Look it's hard , life is hard and anyone that's been brought up in or around a city see people like you every day and most have started along the same path but have moved away from it either by chance or by choice. You have to look at what 'the stuff' does to you, I have seen it , it takes peoples lives away from them, their ambitions, dreams and also destroys the dreams of their families and friends. What does it give you? A quick flash of false happiness and a chuckle with a few like minded people. Some people can live the lifestyle and appear to come through it unaffected but sooner or later most end up on their own.
  3. Only if Gerrard doesn't work out, hopefully this season we can get some consistency and Gerrard builds a team that can compete against the best in the league.
  4. They will have to put their prices up or have they already? Another answer is to use contract labour or have different contracts for new employees, if they can get them for a lower wage. Brick layers on £800 and plumbers on £500 a day. The skilled trade day rates are soaring ATM. Why? COVID affect, We have had over 50% of our work force retire early since the lock downs , these are workers who have been 55-63 years old, high DB pension valuations ,CETV and the experience of lockdowns, doing nothing, being an introduction to retirement. Brexit, has reduced the amount of East European skilled trades that are in the UK economy. With wages like these inflation is going to rocket , if a bricklayer is pulling £200k a year he's buying a big house. The age of big earners being computer based is over for now, getting your hands dirty is where the money is ATM.
  5. We all have our moments, good people do bad things , just start a fresh being the dad and partner you want to be. If it's outside factors making you be an ass then these need to be sorted, bad job, change it , toxic friends , ditch em. Reoccurring bad habit.....sort it , move area, seek a help group. Do it for you.
  6. Think about why you split up, all the things you didn't like about her or how she hurt you. Whatever you do don't go back, it will destroy you if it doesn't work. She maybe using you to boost her flagging ego or is it your ego wanting her back.
  7. He's competing with players who are internationals at villa , Brazilians , Argentinian and a certain Mr Bailey, McGinn's great in that role as well, for Scotland and that's forgetting Bertie, Doug and maybe Kamara. Even if he stays at us he's not going to get enough game time to develop. Best he goes, sell him cheap with a 30% buy back clause , a sell on clause is to easy to work around .
  8. You can't improve instinctive behaviour and Dougs not , for me , instinctively defensive. His best role would be in the middle in front of a dedicated DM or a player thats good enough to be a DM and also be more progressive, hopefully that's Kamara.
  9. Archie is ok, a minor flesh wound. Give it out and you have to accept it back I'm afraid and Archie was on a yellow for a tackle on Beundia. It's nice to have some added spice to low level games now SHA and West Brom have imploded. I'm glad Leeds are in the Premier.
  10. It was all seen as a bit of joke. Good old Boris just doing his best , it was only a piece of cake , what's all the fuss about . One thing going for Boris was the way he kept pushing the scandals away , "lets move on", "time to move on", "more important things to do" years of practice in covering up failures and poor decisions prepared him perfectly for covering his own arse once he was in the number 10. He was a terrible leader, a disgrace to this country , hes basically dragged us all through the mud.
  11. Starmer will gain negative media attention once the Tory leadership battle is out of the way and an election is called , they will drag the Jewish issue out again and whatever else they can find. Labour need to start pushing a working class agenda, why are 5 million workers on benefit while the rich are getting richer, why are workers being asked to pay for inflation with stagnating wages while the prices of products and services are going up by inflation, shouldn't wages go up by inflation? Or are the working class being asked to pay the price by a lower standard of living . This is the agenda a labour government should be pushing .
  12. Where are you drawing your conclusions on his politics from? The media portraid him as a weak man who pandered to terrorists, he helped negotiate the good Friday agreement and was open to talking to all parties in an argument. Corbyn is a victim of lies, exaggerations and misrepresentations, hes 3 times the politician of any of the present bunch of morons we have on both sides of politics.
  13. The last one had his faults but the right wing media backed by big businesses destroyed him as they knew he was a threat to them. Thats why we ended up with the mess we have now.
  14. I hope you are right, be amazing if he starts well and can maintain it for a full season. If I was in Gerrard's position I would want cover and decent cover at that. Relying on Nakamba, Chambers and Douglas, even McGinn had a go at it last season, is a big risk.
  15. Came on in the 68 minute while we was 3 up. He can do the job but we have lacked a good DM for a few seasons and I don't think Gerrard see him as the answer. Kamara maybe good enough straight away but if he isn't then for me the same problems we have had for 3 seasons still exist.
  16. No, he wasn't affective at it last season ,.in fact I don't remember him even playing there for us.
  17. tinker

    Energy Bills

    The problem with ground source heat pumps is the large amount of land needed for the heating coils. Air based needs walls nearly a meter thick with insulation, none opening windows and air lock doors. I don't think it's the answer, better insulation is a no brainer but to the extent where heat pumps are affective I don't think it could or will happem. I have gone on about tidal power but it really is the golden nugget for the UK.........island nation with a huge tidal range. If the USA, Germany or China had our geographical advantage tidal power would be their answer and would be developed. As our governments have to progress this, without help from major global entrepreneurship, we aren't using this game changer we have at our shores.
  18. We need a proven premier league DM, if Kamara takes some time to adapt ,which most players do, then we haven't moved on from last season.
  19. We don't know he wants to leave, we just know he's not happy with the contract he's been offered. Just like Douglas.
  20. Very similar situation to Arsenal and Rowe last season, Rowe had made more of an impact in the first team at that stage. Not sure what Chuck's been offered but it might not be a big salary and he may have been offered more elsewhere. Just like we did with Rowe......
  21. If he goes to any of these clubs he's being linked with then unless he improves dramatically, from what I have seen, then his career will be stalled for at least 2 seasons. He will have to start again. We have seen time and time again young players wanting it all to quickly and basically destroying themselves.
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