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Everything posted by tinker

  1. I think the only way he can relax is by dropping out completely, retiring. He can take his finger off the trigger. ATM boxing at heavy weight is in the air, once Joshua and Usyk have sorted their fight out then the picture may become clearer. This waiting around won't be great for Fury's mental state, hence the dropping out, imho. However if a new challenge comes along at a time he feels he can come back and be competitive then I think he will give it another go. It's a pity boxers are so protected by their promoters , MMA fighters seem to fight lose and just fight again, it would be great to see this type of thing in boxing.
  2. At least we will be stronger in the air at the back, midfield looks defensively weak would have preferred Beundia to Coutinho and one striker with an extra midfielder , Doug then push McGinn up just behind Beundia. 2-2 going to be hard game just hope we keep our cool, stay on our feet and no rash tackles the last thing we need is a sending off. UTV. Time to shine Gerrard.
  3. Jesus, not "Grassy Graham" pulling the strings again. Just ignore him the guys an idiot.
  4. The contempt they show for the general public is disgusting. The worrying part is the lack of opposition to them in the media as they continue to disrespect us all with these mindless statements. There's a reckoning coming to all this I just hope it ends in peaceful protests rather than lawless riots and a soaring crime rates. I fear the worst tbh .
  5. It's does not matter what certain fans want Gerrard's future is in his own hands he has to start winning games and picking players and systems that can achieve that goal. If we are losing games and he's picking players that some fans think should be playing , Beundia for sure , then he's going to come into criticism. He should understand that having played for Liverpool. We all want him to succeed he just has to hurry up a bit and at least appear to be getting closer to it at the moment we seem to be getting further away from it as each week goes by, more off the pitch than on it .
  6. Potter would also be comfortable living in the area, he's from the area so he will have family and friends here. He's a good fit on a number of fronts. If we can get a high profile manager like Poch then fair enough but I can't see it happening not for a few seasons of improvement. Taking a punt on a Potter from a foreign country is a big risk, I wouldn't take that risk but maybe Purslow would , he's took risks before. As for Smith being a failure ......thats ridiculous, he took us from the Championship to 10th in Premier and a cup final. He's sacking would never have happened if Jack never had a release clause in his contract and we would have pushed on last season with Beundia and him in the team.
  7. I agree every player has weaknesse, they have to manage or be managed to either minimise their weaknesses being exposed or try and coach them out of these weaknesses. Our midfield is a major part of our deficiencies and Kamara looks like he's got some answers to that problem but not all of them , not on his own with this system we are using with the other players around him in midfield and in the forward areas.
  8. He has he poor moments but he's a brilliant header of the ball and that's where we was weak against Bournemouth. We want players that give us 100% and he does , he's one of the only ones as well and its a big weakness of ours. If Gerrard let's him leave this window then it will be a big mistake. Players like Ming's don't come along very often. He would be priceless In a team with a decent defensive midfield in front of him where he could concentrate on his better parts of the game and leave the weaker areas of to them.
  9. I would agree, if we start to improve during those 5 games then he should be given more time . If we don't improve then we don't want to be asking managers to drag us out of a relegation battle, I think we would end up with a 'big Sam' style manager as the likes of Poch and Potter would be mad to jump on a sinking ship.
  10. He's spoke about an injury and then also mentioned 'a niggle,' I think 'the niggle' probably means Ming's had a go at him and let's be honest I can't see there's is anyway Ming's wouldn't be pissed off and not say anything, it just would not happen.
  11. I seriously think Gerrard will walk if things get any worse, hes upset the dressing room and if the fans turn he wont stick around to listen to it so the powers that be should be asking around now. We don't want to be caught short. If we can't get poch I would go for potter , he would take some convincing but with our squad he should be able to turn us around or at least improve us enough to stay out of the relegation battle.
  12. I don't think Gerrard would allow himself to be sacked, I think he would walk before that. I think hes lost some of the players judging by that game against Bournemouth, they all looked very subdued. Be interesting to see how was play against Everton. This is the problem with in experienced managers, they won't have affective methods to deal with certain situations. They can get coaches in to help with the technical side of it but when it comes to man management it's down to the manager and he's learning his trade with £40m assets.
  13. Difficult to predict whats going to happen in this match after the Bournemouth game, whoever scores first should win the match unless its villa. If it's Everton then it could get noisy. 2-2 .
  14. I don't see us as being defensively solid, when we lose possession the opposition are running straight through us. The keeper kept the score down on Saturday but let's not forget that Bournemouth had some good chances that were either saved or they didn't have the quality to finish them.
  15. Starting 4 offensive players isn't working for us, especially with Mc Ginn and Ramsey both pushing forward, then we have the full backs bombing on as well. It's asking for trouble. We need to go back to basics and stop the opposition playing. We have so much attacking threat and we seem to be trying to get them all on at once, looks nice on paper but it's just not effective.
  16. It will be great until we lose again. I don't think anyone expects silverware this season but it would be nice to be consistent. If Gerrard goes then it won't be clear cut in the press, hes a big profile and alot of shit will come villa's way with players , fans and owners getting the blame before he does, his mates with the media. The next manager would have to have some big balls.
  17. We will be great next week, if we win, it's that simple.
  18. I don't think being stern gets you anywhere in today's game, unless your the manager of Man city who can destroy footballers careers to prove his point . Klopp has the right balance on the face of it, he is clear and no nonsense approach works with modern footballers. Digne having jewellery on for the game is a big worry for me, was it stupidity or just a don't care attitude? I think we all sense there could be player unrest with leading members of the squad, Beundia and Ming's must be frustrated with what's going on. They will start to question Gerrard and his ability, if they already haven't. I just hope it doesn't go toxic . We span the wheel of fortune with Gerrard and it was a big risk, this was my worry from day one, the risk of the appointment. The odds are now longer for him to succeed than when he started and that's a problem. However It's not over yet by a long way and a good performance against Everton will change our outlook UTV Ps Fingers crossed your are right Tro, you bring great content to Villatalk , thanks .
  19. It's Levy that's sorted Spurs out and that's the area where our problem is, not with the managers, it's who's picking them.
  20. I don't feel too secure in this 'we're comfortable midtable thing', it doesn't take much to drag us in to a relegation position and once your down there it takes real character to get yourself out of it and I haven't seen in it from these players under Gerrard. He's never been under that sort of pressure and I'm unsure how he will handle it , to me it looks like he may start pointing fingers at players. Good managers take the blame when things go wrong and divert the adulation, to the players, when things go right. I'm behind Gerrard because it's vital he succeeds...... deep down I'm **** furious with Purslow for the gamble he took with us in appointing Gerrard with so little experience, especially after Smith who had the experience , battled through relegation , promotion and was dealing with losing our best player, who was replaced with 3 panic buys that had Purslow written all over it. It was probably time Smith went but for an upgrade, a manager from the next level, like a Coutinho of the players world, this is Purslow's main job, to pick a manager who brings us success. He took a gamble on someone he idolised. Purslow is a commercial manager, he deals with finance , not with football matters.... Purslow better have other options in the bag because 5 more games like today and we're in the shit and Gerrard appears to be floundering, he has no answers that are different to last season. It's time for Gerrard to stand up and show if he's up for management.
  21. Most expensive fan they have ever brought. Club in decline , their dream is over.
  22. Not working , Gerrard needs to change the tactics or vary them to suit our opponents. Bournemouth won everything in the air today. With hindsight Ming's should have started to combat this . I don't think the first goal would have happened if he was on the pitch, he would have cleared the first ball in. We have a good squad but it's not balanced, strong up front and in defence but weak or not balanced in the middle. Kamara looks good but needs help, could be Douglas but with his contract situation I can understand him being dropped, maybe Nakamba, Tim or another player yet to come in. Idrissa Gueye could solve alot of our problems and he's get able. He will make Everton a much better team. We could change our shape to combat this but Gerrard doesn't want to or can't do it .
  23. This all over , Beundia is the most aggressive off the ball but I was surprised by Bailey who wasn't shy either. Coutinho isn't working , he needs to be rested before we lose him mentally. His attempts to win the wall back ended in fouls and other players give him the ball in some ridiculous areas and situations, death balls really. Our players have been spoilt with a certain player but Coutinho can't play that role he needs to operate in space. Not receive the ball with 3 players around him.
  24. Who's the reporter, should pull him or her on Twitter, disgraceful.
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