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Everything posted by tinker

  1. My feeling is Boris wont survive this , he will be off by the end of the week.
  2. tinker

    Energy Bills

    Lockdown changed the game for so many people. We lost the majority of our workforce over the age of 58, early retirement. It's left a huge void of skills and its starting to hurt us all. A plumber I know earns £500 a day, he's only been in the game a year. A lack of labour is going to further fuel inflation.
  3. The easiest way is to have a sell on clause of say 30% inserted into the contract if we sell. If he becomes a £30m player we could buy him back for around £20m. If he becomes a £150m player then we get ££50m. This way the buying club gets a benefit to developing him and so do we.
  4. tinker

    Energy Bills

    Should legalise electric scooters, ones that meet with an approved standard. This fuel shortage could be speeding up the end for personal transport as we know it now, everyone owning cars.
  5. tinker

    Energy Bills

    I'm line side at JLR , they can't build enough of them and are changing to a 4 shift production to meet that demand, they have stopped all the low cost models , XF and XE , so the chips all go to the Range Rover line.
  6. tinker

    Energy Bills

    Well Range Rovers are flying out the door at JLR, can't build enough of em and they are £100,000 motors. It's not affecting everyone that much! The real squeeze is at the lower end of the pay scale, it will reduce their quality of life, the only answer is to work more hours , get second jobs. It will increase our productivity no end.....
  7. Let's just hope he wins the first few games of next season. Appointing a relativity inexperienced manager for Purslow's mate (replacing a villa fan) was always a big risk. We are about to find out if that risk was worth while taking. I haven't seen anything in him that convinces me it was, maybe he will be better this season.
  8. I don't believe it, who in their right mind would do this type of thing under order, I can say for sure I wouldn't , i would rather die. These "intercepted phone calls" prove nothing........ I have to believe humanity is better than throwing away their morals, believe, to comply with an order. Russians are not the problem, their leaders are . The Ukraine should and will use every weapon they have, even if it's bending the truth.
  9. Have you watched the fight? Did you like the fight?
  10. Don't get drawn into the retric of war. Amongst any group of people theres murderers and rapists , they don't do it because they are ordered to they do it, they want to do it and in a war situation they can get away with it. The first people into any war should be the people who say it's necessary, or at least their children. Sending faceless Russian 18 year olds into the Ukraine is a disgrace for humanity.
  11. Always doubted Mayweather......until I watched this video ......or 4 . Well worth ignoring the poor quality, breath taking fight.
  12. Why? It's so blinding obvious he's playing to the popular opinion , the same thing that got him in power.....Brexit is Brexit bollox. Read about the poisoned cherry's today that killed the Russian conscripts...... I **** hate war, its heart breaking we celebrate the death of someone's child for the egos of some **** massive assholes. Peace
  13. tinker

    Energy Bills

    You forgot the tax that attracts vat, their the big winners in the price hike, can't believe their not being called out for it tbh. Noticed the garages by me have stopped displaying the price on their signage outside the garage , you have to pull up to the pump to find out , good mind to pull up to the pump and break down for a couple of hours , that will cost Boris and his boys .
  14. This all over, the level of skill these players have is unbelievable to most of us. It's easy to do it with no pressure, add pressure to the mix and fantastic players can become passengers to scared to play. Douglas was always going to see out his contract, its going to happen more and more with high level players, especially the younger ones.
  15. Scholes being sidelined, played out of position, was criminal.
  16. We had him in his prime , after that it all went downhill for him............and us
  17. This is it for me , we have to stop using their energy for them to lose the war. Our leaders have led us into a trap by becoming reliant on cheap energy, Putin has used the market economy to damage us.
  18. You have to look at who's picked Southgate to get to the root of the problem. It's there job to get it right and they have got it wrong , it was our turn to win the last world and euro competitions but Southgate blew it by being out thought during both games. You could see it again against Hungary, he had no answers to their dominance. The only player that looked competitive , for us , was Bellingham and he took him off! 'm sure he's a lovely bloke, who installs a certain amount of loyalty towards him and displays that loyalty back, is he a winner? No, far from it. He will go after the world cup but I don't trust the people who pick our managers to pick another one.
  19. Francis could be in alot of trouble for that slap, as deserved as it was. The guy was clean out for some time and that means brain damage is highly likely.
  20. Can't see him getting many minutes if he stays with us, not with Watkins and Ings being ahead of him . You can add Bailey and Beundia as well to the list who will get on in front of him as well.
  21. He's to big a threat, would love to see him in with one of the big boys, Wilder would be a good choice but that ain't never gonna happen.
  22. I'm not sure but I did notice that JLR have a license to use Maintenance workers on this scheme, it's seems to be a backdoor for companies needing labour. These are the list of companies who are eligible to import labour on the visa scheme, it's a big list. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1081855/2022-06-10_-_Worker_and_Temporary_Worker.csv/preview
  23. If the conservatives push through their law enabling agency labour to replace striking workers, could this incite unions into calling for a general strike? It's a major blow to them if this law goes through. In fact it's a big blow to us all.
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