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This Could Be Rotterdam

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Everything posted by This Could Be Rotterdam

  1. Watched the prestige earlier, really enjoyable. Surprised id never heard of it before, there's quite a few big names in it.
  2. This is one of the main things i oppose actually. Not that i agree with the extortionate fees currently being paid because 9 grand a year is ridiculous, but i do think people should have to pay fees for uni. I went the year before the increase so fell lucky, and currently pay back just under £100 a month which comes out before my wages even get to me. I dont miss the money because ive never had it, and i see it as paying back for something which has given me the opportunity to do the job im in now. When i was at uni i took it seriously and worked my arse off to get a first, but I also saw a lot of people coast through not really caring and taking advantage of the opportunity uni provides. I'd be all for a scheme where certain courses that supported employment in sectors we need to progress in to benefit the country were paid for, provided those people stayed in those jobs for a set amount of time after uni. But for generic courses which dont provide a benefit to key sectors of the economy i dont see why people shouldnt have to pay. I think people forget sometimes that it isnt like (i believe) America works, we dont have to start paying as soon as we finish. We only pay back a percentage of the loan above a certain limit, if we dont hit that limit we will never pay it back. As an aside to that, when the election was announced i was fairly sure id vote tory, for several reasons but mainly because i thought May's stance on brexit would be the only one that matched me as a leave voter and because the labour party looked a shambles. The closer we get to the election the more i am swaying to labour. I think Corbyn has so far run a great campaign and May has made herself more unlikable by the day. Theres still a lot to consider before election day, but if it came tomorrow i would be voting labour. If that says anything about the general consensus of how people who May thought she'd capture to get the bigger majority will vote then election day could become very interesting.
  3. Considering they're all going on about what a great season they've had they're still on 45 points, only 7 points away from 17th. Just proves how poor the league is this year.
  4. I tried the body coach earlier in the year and although i definately ate better i didnt see any significant change. I think to get the benefit from it you have to be 100% committed and i just cant find the time for the exercise. A few spin classes a week is my maximum, i probably average 2 a week. My problem is working early shifts, its too early to have breakfast when i get up around 430 but then i dont get chance to eat until 930 on a good day so im normally starving by then and end up eating more. Ive been having a yoghurt first thing to tide me over but it just feels like wasted calories that id be better having later in the day when im more likely to be tempted to snack on rubbish. If i can get in a good routine before lunch then i dont see what else i can do barring finding more time to exercise because i eat fairly well, keep carbs to a minimum and dont really drink, but still need to lose half a stone if not more to get to a comfortable weight.
  5. Theres no way id ever take Lambert back here. This does strike me as him trying to work his way out with some integrity rather than walk though. Could see him ending up at Norwich again which would be the make or break for his career.
  6. Just to clarify, why was he sent off today even though the penalty was given?
  7. Looking for some recommendations for a few books i can take on holiday next month. The last book i read that i absolutely loved was Kolymsky Heights, so was thinking of getting The Rose Of Tibet or The Night Of Wenceslas. Has anyone read these in comparison to Kolymsky? Or any other recommendations? Aside from that i tend to stick to ww1/2, spy, thriller, and the occasional biography.
  8. First person to say....'Well, at least it will make the football more bearable!' or 'It'll take more than one to make the football more bearable'. Nice touch and hopefully everyone stays for the lap at the end of the game.
  9. I always wonder what questions the players ask before joining a club. I dont believe for a second that Hourihane and Lansbury were told they would be asked to play in the roles they are in now. As a player, surely you go to a club where your strengths will be utilised and your weaknesses not called upon.
  10. First thing the guy said to me was 'well, that's the first time I've had a dog do that'. Such a dumb dog! Wouldn't mind but I'd taken him for a long walk just before so he'd be nice and calm for them.
  11. We took our dog to meet an elderly couple today to see if they'd look after him while we go on holiday, all done through a boarding website. I went out into their garden with the guy so the dog could have a wee because he was excited and was chatting to him about how nice his garden was. Just as he's telling me about his koi fish in the pond and the electric fence they put round it to stop heron getting the fish, our dog dive bombs head first into their pond. As he's trying to pull himself out he kept shocking himself on the fence, eventually pulling it all down and bouncing round their garden. Absolutely mortified and tried desperately not to laugh. Thankfully we'd bought cream cakes which were compensation for what shall now be known as 'the incident'.
  12. There's a fanzone being set up for all the away fans with a big screen and bar. Assume this is as a replacement for away pub as there's so many of us going?
  13. Ive had an email saying my amazon email address has been changed. The email address isnt suspicious and actually seems to be from Amazon. Opened up amazon in a seperate browser and it now wont let me log in, saying they cant find an account with that email address so it looks like it actually has been. And now my amazon account to log in is showing this new email address. I cant log in to amazon to get on to their help pages and contact them, which are almost impossible to navigate anyway for this. Does anyone have any ideas?
  14. Someone has taken our bin when they were last collected. Our green one was still there but the black one was taken. The council want to charge us for a new one even thought its been nicked. Oh, and they put council tax up by 10% a couple of months ago. There's a late moan!
  15. I cant remember who it was either but if it was at villa park i think youre referring to the game where he was up against a cb playing at lb. Which says far more about the other teams squad depth than it does about adomahs ability. Hes the most frustrating player to watch for me, so often hutton or someone on his side gets the ball and theres plenty of space to run into down the wing but he either tucks in to come closer to them, bringing his man with him, or just stays stationary like he expecting them to walk the ball to him. I just wish hed make a run. Even if he doesnt receive the ball he will stretch the opposition and create space for others.
  16. Shot of real keeper celebrating the goal... 'the green octopus goes disco!'
  17. By the way, top marks for the geordie commentating, absolutely hilarious! 'OHHHHHH THAT'S A TRIPLE SHOT COLUMBIANO'
  18. Also. Thought the ref was really good today. Kept it calm and didn't make any rash decisions. Perfect way to officiate a derby.
  19. It's pretty much universally accepted that the new contract was a shocking decision and despite what he did today there is no way he should ever be considered for a new contract. It's a ridiculous suggestion by Bruce. Lets just forgot about todays goal. The guy has been a laughing stock for years, got himself so unfit he had to lose a stone when Bruce came in. He had all of January to make an impact and was useless. Had to be put on a fitness regime mid season. In a relegation year when 'Mr Aston villa' should have been inspiring some passion amongst the team he was, quire rightfully, shunned because he couldn't even get himself in a state to challenge for a first team place. He has done nothing for years to warrant a new contract. He should go with some grace and try to start afresh elsewhere. Today should be his leaving present to us all. We are very grateful, but please let that be it!
  20. Redknapp looked like he didn't have a clue. Obviously doesn't know his players. Can't see them winning another game. Also, their fans were absolutely shocking today!!
  21. That can't be a serious question? Fair play for today but the guy has been a joke for years.
  22. Redknapp moaning that their keeper didn't have to touch the ball second half. He did when he picked it out the net didn't he 'Arry!
  23. Marc Albrighton sat in the upper holte.
  24. Gabby on the floor having a hand with his stretches. Thought for a second he was injured. Shame. He's probably just tired already.
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