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This Could Be Rotterdam

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Everything posted by This Could Be Rotterdam

  1. People who ask 'why a minutes silence and not a minutes applause?'... Am I the only one who thinks the minutes applause was created because people can't respect the silence for 60 seconds?
  2. 'right lads, get out there, do your top buttons up, and win this game!!'
  3. Plus mcleish had just relegated them. Bruce was one of the best managers they've had and hadn't been there for years. Also... Dean is worse than any ref we've had all season.
  4. One bloke on his own singing he's one of our own about their player. Commentator notes that Harry kane has leant the song for the game. Our fans sing non stop and make it sound like a home game, not a word from the commentators.
  5. Seems the forest fans think that Fawaz is holding off the sale of the club until lansbury is sold to pocket the 3 million. Could cause it to be delayed if this is him trying to asset strip before the takeover and the americans object.
  6. Ides of March last night. There's a promising movie in there somewhere with interesting ideas, but it got very lost in clooney trying to get his politics across and self indulge and completely ruined whatever credit it may have come out with with an awful ending. I had the same look on my face as I did at the ending of arrival. A mix of disbelief and disappointment.
  7. This guy is one of our major weaknesses we'd get so much more from adomah if we had a good right back. So many times today he was just marking the space between where the right back should be and the right sided centre back. He never takes responsibility and takes a man, he just lets the support take the man on and does nothing himself. The sooner we get a new right back the better because we won't go up if he is our right back for the rest of the season.
  8. http://www.tesco.com/direct/football-manager-2017-limited-edition-pc/300-3850.prd?skuId=300-3850 Is this the full version? It says includes touch but doesnt specifically say its the full one? Seems a really good price if it is!
  9. Youll find plenty on ebay, but the claret and blue stripes above are definately the most traditional. I have plenty of proud history bright future ones that are going if you want a scarf commemorating the peak of the rollercoaster in recent times?
  10. Definite penalty but where was he going? Such a pointless risk to take by their player, deserves to be given just for that
  11. Definite penalty but where was he going? Such a pointless risk to take by their player, deserves to be given just for that
  12. Crazy! There must be a lot more to this, he'll walk into any job in the championship without even trying. His interviews drive me mad as hes always moaning but hes performed miracles for them. I really hope they implode now!
  13. Weve got a canary which is great. Looks like a bluetooth speaker and will sense when you leave the house and then send notifications of any movement or noise in the house. Keeps the recording and can be shared aswell. We use it to keep an eye on the dog while we're out but doubles up obviously for security. Think we paid about £130 for it, but it was available for £70 on black friday so id hold out until boxing day deals if you were interested. Two year guarantee with John Lewis, well worth a look into it.
  14. What really gets me is when commentators/radio pundits/fans say 'did you know hes lost 6kg since Bruce came in to get fit again?'...Like thats something we should be celebrating?! Like any professional footballer should ever put themselves in the position that they have to lose 6kg's to be fit again? He is a disgrace not only to the club and fans but to football as a sport. Westwood will be slagged off but he was the only player who was visibly upset last season when we were relegated. All the while this clown strolls back into the side and we wonder why other players might have slacked off a bit? If i saw someone coast for years in my job (regardless of different managers, gabbys decline and abysmal attitude has been well publicised in national media) and then they were not only allowed back into the fold but put in ahead of me i would be fuming and probably slack off a bit (intentionally or not). Its the one thing i respected RDM for. The sooner he gets out of the club the better. He will never play again once he leaves us.
  15. Spot on. I said in another thread that several players have no influence for the majority of the game and had loads of people say its not about the performance but the fact we got three points. The signs were glaringly obvious saturday, and regardless of the three points, we didnt deserve them. A moment of magic doesnt cover the fact we were awful for the whole game! That carried into last night and we got what we deserved. Hutton is all too often seemingly playing as a third centre back and rarely takes responsibility for things coming down his side, preferring to leave it to whatever player is supporting him. By the time he gets across to support the damage is done. Amavi is the only player so far this season who has shown real class and it really wouldnt surprise me to see bids for him in January which would be really worrying. Last night was an absolutely massive opportunity, and Sunday will be really interesting. Fail to win that and it wouldnt surprise me to see us go on to reflect Norwich's recent run.
  16. But the only reason we need a magical moment was because him, ayew and a couple others go missing for most of the game. He consistently doesn't really offer much. As I said, fantastic goal but it has to be acknowledged that he did nothing for most of the game.
  17. Fantastic goal, real moment of magic but what does he actually give us? Anonymous for most of the game. Not saying he's better than ayew but he really isn't as influential as he should be.
  18. Really poor boring performance. The only way we were ever going to get something from it was a moment of magic and luckily grealish came up with it, but we can't play like that on Tuesday.
  19. Watched Snowden tonight and enjoyed it far more than expected. Thought Joseph Gordon Levitt was great and it genuinely scares you to realise the extent to which we were/are watched.
  20. Christmas tree up at home, even put one up in my office at work because everyone was saying that they never get decorations in the office. Two days later the H&S rep makes a visit and tells us the tree and tinsel has to come down for safety reasons. Ridiculous!
  21. I might suggest that you contact customer services. Who might contact those offices. Who might be able to find the exact gps location of where those scans took place and the name of the person who scanned them. I might also suggest that someone is using an incorrect pda login and the item wasnt actually delivered in London.
  22. Pardew snagging him off after today's game (he scored). Safe to say hell sulk for a few weeks over that!
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