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This Could Be Rotterdam

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Everything posted by This Could Be Rotterdam

  1. Really wish they'd turn the speakers down in the ground. No chance for atmosphere to build in the stands with this racket playing!
  2. Best game at Wembley I've seen in a long time. Quite enjoying the tiff between jenas and the others in the analysis aswell.
  3. Thats crazy. You can imagine he thought it was absolutely fool proof! What an idiot.
  4. Theres been some sort of phishing email sent to someone in my company which they have opened and its sent something to everyone, and all replies to that are being sent round to everyone aswell. But not only are people sending replies, people are replying to tell people to stop replying. Theres now more emails from people replying to tell people to stop replying than there was just people emailing to say it wasnt for them. We only had an internet security briefing last month. That obviously worked well!
  5. Weve lost a few lately, this is a guy i remember from when i first started properly following us. So sad. Lets hope the minutes silence/applause (applause no doubt due to concerns about it being ruined) will be perfectly observed on Sunday. RIP.
  6. Redknapp reckons 'it isn't hard to out a team together to get out of the championship'. God I hope we beat them!
  7. Have we said if we are appealing this yet? Id be tempted just so that they look into the other player. Surely if he was going to be banned aswell it would have happened by now?
  8. People calling their parents by their first names. Radio presenter this morning kept talking about her mom and calling her Linda. You could tell she was adding emphasis to it almost trying to make the story sound funnier or sound cooler than what she/it was. Perfect fit for something that shouldn't wind me up but does.
  9. Im at the point with Bruce where i think i want him to stay more due to the fact we need stability than what hes actually bringing to the club. When he first came it was nice to have an assured honest guy running things. Even his substitutions seemed well timed and thought out, he seemed to be doing exactly what we were calling for in the stands. But honesty is increasingly frustrating. He knows what the issue is but either is doing nothing to fix it, doesnt know how, or isnt good enough to. I dont believe the players arent good enough to. He will rightly be given the summer, but rightly only because the club is screaming out for stability from both management and within the squad. The more i see the more i dont think we will go up next year, in fact i think we'll struggle for play offs again because it will be a difficult league yet again. The squad depth is a serious concern and the message coming from the club doesnt seem to address that if we do only get 3/4 players in. The balance to the midfield just isnt there. That doesnt mean they arent good enough, it just means the mix isnt right and its Bruce's job to figure that out. i dont know who we would replace him with. There isnt any point in putting thought into it because there isnt any chance he is leaving this summer. The pressure will be on even more than it was on RDM as soon as the season starts. His formation choice will be interesting on Sunday, the last game the fans will really care about and he has to get it absolutely bang on.
  10. Amavi just has no awareness about what's around him. People on twitter saying Kodija will get that overturned. No chance!
  11. Amavi playing jedinak role while theit full back has the whole wing to himself! Disaster waiting to happen here.
  12. http://www.myoldmansaid.com/22664-2/ Worth a read to plan route into the ground. Just screams to me that they've overcomplicated the policing operation. Keep it simple, make the scum all get on compulsory coaches, keep them in the ground and train all cameras on their faces so anyone damaging the ground is banned and punished. Just shouts trouble! Surely beaten only by placing albion fans directly above our fans. Lets hope for a safe afternoon and a villa win! Can't wait for this atmosphere, it's going to be electric!!
  13. Saw Life over the weekend. It was watchable even if it was fairly predictable and the more i think about it the more i can see some plot holes that really annoy me. I really am hit and miss with this genre, id probably rank it above Arrival but so far away from Interstellar or The Martian. Worth a watch but doubt i'd bother watching it again.
  14. Again, i wasnt around at the time but my nan and grandad came over to Birmingham from Ireland in the 60s and my mom vividly recalls as a kid at that time having to go to the butchers in place of my nan because of her thick irish accent and the abuse and threats she received. As an aside, my nan was caught up in the Birmingham bombings and was haunted by the memories of that day.
  15. One thing that has irked me is the 'londoners will show our strength as a city'. How about strength as a nation? It's something that is always said and never quite sits right with me. The whole country will be affected by this, whether it's in their locality or not.
  16. Images of an mp who reportedly ran towards the incident and gave the injured officer cpr. That guy deserves major recognition!
  17. I shouldve known not to open the article but safe to say the photos the sun has chosen to broadcast are shocking and show no respect for the people involved. Shameful!!
  18. First confirmation of someone dead from the incident on the bridge and reports of french school children involved. Just sickening. Full respect to all of the emergency services reacting to it, sounds like theyve done an amazing job so far with the reaction.
  19. As has already been said you just have to hope that the only person dead is the scumbag responsible. Fingers crossed the policeman stabbed is ok!
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/17/uproar-as-bomb-detection-dog-grizz-shot-dead-on-tarmac-at-auckland-airport?CMP=soc_567 At what point does kill the dog become the best solution? Shockingly bad decision making.
  21. Got the new client 6/1 for altior to win, signed up and now cant see the enhanced odds when i select it. Any idea? ...Edit...Never mind, sorted it out.
  22. Hes discovered a liking for mud. On the same day i had my car cleaned inside and out.
  23. The heating at work has stopped working overnight. Its getting gradually colder and I'm sat in the office on my own. None of this annoys me more than the fact i asked for the day off as annual leave last week and it got rejected because someone wouldnt work their day off to cover me. No problem, except that person is now working their day off in another office. All while i have to wait here for the engineer to come out and turn the heating on.
  24. In the best leagues in the world maybe. But you ignore Chelsea this season who build from very good organisation. You can't compare the championship to the leagues those teams are competing in. For me, Bruce needs to get the basics right, get the shape and organisation and build from there. He's finally getting there.
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