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This Could Be Rotterdam

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Everything posted by This Could Be Rotterdam

  1. Didnt he also add further insult by booking Green?
  2. It isn't a random pop at gabby at all,it a genuine point that I think he lost the players when he put gabby back into the team. Are you saying it had no effect? I don't feel like you're willing to have the debate though, so it isn't worth me trying to explain further. So gutted that my posts aren't worthy of further memes But, did I see issues with berahino at wba? Is that a serious question?
  3. I think the question is who would you replace him with? If we look like staying up after the next three games then I would start looking for his replacement in the summer. If we lose them then he has to go now and get someone like Rowett in. But if we'll stay up what's the difference between now and end of the season?
  4. Yeah, it isn't possible that they would see that sorry excuse for a footballer being played week in week out and let their standards drop, or feel slightly irked that they're being made to work for a spot in the team when he walked straight back in, and was kept in, after showing nothing. How silly of me. Lol.
  5. I genuinely think he lost the players when he persisted with gabby in the January transfer window. I've said it before, but if I saw another person at work not even coasting by but going all out to rob a living, and a new manager came in and gave that person the most important role in the team, knowing that person's history, I would lost all respect for them. It's no different in our situation. There seems to no team spirit, no passion to push on and no understanding. The lack of understanding I can give time for, the others I can't. I still think stick with him but that could change if the next three results are as bad as the last few.
  6. Fair enough, I just caught the original reports to be fair.
  7. I liked the look of it but there have been several reports of mistreatment of the dogs throughout filming (have a google) which has put me off going to see it to be honest. Whats pup are you getting? Highly recommend the happy puppy handbook to read before you get him, really helped assure us when we werent quite sure how to handle something.
  8. From two and a half months old to five months old. He's definitely gotten moodier!
  9. What is really frustrating me is how we come out for the second half. Yesterday would have been the perfect chance to come out and get right at them, pushing high up the pitch and going all out for an early goal. They'd just had to sub their second player in the first half, we were pushing until the whistle and we come out and look like theyre half asleep. I'd love to see us really go at a team. People will quote the statistics yesterday but other than one great save did their keeper really have much to do?
  10. Sorry. I forgot to mention the next bit of the conversation. I asked if that is what her mom wanted and she said, 'no, she wanted to be split between me and my brothers and then spread in our gardens so she was with each of us. But they never asked, and this way she gets to see some sights so everyone is a winner.'
  11. I'm currently managing in a new office so have been trying to get to know some of the staff a bit better. One woman I got talking to today started telling me about her mom passing away last year and the fact she was given her ashes. Then I made the mistake of asking where she spread them. Her exact response was... 'oh I didn't. I carry them round with me in my handbag... *points to floor, right by where my feet are*... That way she's always with me wherever I go. Then sometimes if I'm somewhere I think is really pretty, like last month when I was coming down the escalator in harrods, well, POOF, I just grab a handful and away she goes. I reckon there's about half of her left now'
  12. http://www.skysports.com/transfer-centre Sums the state of football up. He was happy before, so just get on with it. Earn yourself the wage!
  13. But he knew what he was signing up for. It was clear as day that him choosing sunderland as the place to rebuild his career was bonkers. I'd much prefer Bruce in charge of transfers than Moyes.
  14. To be fair, seeing the way that Moyes is 'building' a team at Sunderland, im incredibly glad we didnt choose him! Safe to say richards would be a starter.
  15. 9/1 on wolves to win before the game, knew it was great odds when klopp put that team out. Disrespect to wolves and the cup! That should have been a penalty though!
  16. That's not what I said. I. Quite clearly said if he gets his head down and sorts himself out, then what's the difference between him and gabby? Oh, hang on, gabby was Iver weight, unfit and embarrassing the club while we were having our worst season in recent history. Ross may well be struggling with depression or going through some difficult things, but i can't see how everyone in the holte can forgive gabby and sing his name and somehow not even entertain the idea of supporting mccormack.
  17. While his behaviour is a disgrace and can't be accepted, now that it's out in the open, should he decide to up his game and get his head down wouldn't it be great if as fans we accepted that everyone goes through personal problems and offered support rather than abuse if and when he plays again? I'm sure Bruce won't bring him back in until he shows desire. But after everything gabby has done, for so long, to show absolutely no care for the club, and yet he still comes back and fans sing his name (which amazes me) surely there has to be a future for Ross? I think a bit of understanding is needed from everyone here.
  18. Ive always been of the impression that apart from the obvious breeds such as staffies we dont actually have a massive homegrown issue so they rehome from europe to fill the spaces. If we only rehomed dogs from the UK our rescue centres would be full of very few types of dog. Totally agree on the puppy farm issue, its disgusting and you would think with some proper targeted enforcement a relatively easy issue to address. The problem will always be though that any dog lover who goes to visit a puppy and realises that the puppy is living in the conditions like puppy farms will instinctively want to save that puppy. Long term it makes the issue worse, but as a nation of dog lovers it a puppy farmers dream.
  19. If we had won this game would our players be reacting like that? Would our manager? No chance!
  20. Tactics of kick and rush. Without the rush! These subs don't make any sense whatsoever.
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