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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. It seems to me that some who think people who decide to take the mask of are dicks are basing it on potential threat to others. But others have had a vaccine. And a 3rd dose too. We now have drugs to cure COVID at early stages if you are volnourable. We also have a very high level of natural immunity. We are in a much better place than we were a year ago, although there is more reported infections. So for me it comes down to "how far can we push this argument". Are you a dick if you drive anything other than a 1ltr petrol fiesta considering the environmental impact that will ruin our planet? Are you a dick if you decide to buy alcohol which hugely increases your chance of disease and taking up a hospital bed? Are you a dick if you give a kid chocolate if you know sugar which by all accounts is a disastrous and addictive thing to your body? I chose these examples because science is very clear on them. None of the above are good things to do, but I wouldn't call anyone a dick for doing them. Sure, it's better to wear a mask. It's also more considerate to wake up at 3am to do your shopping in the mode of the night to make sure you don't infect anyone. Why are you a dick and shop at 5pm after work? Can't you skip your 9pm Netflix and shop later? You have kids? Why can't you shop online? I get it's better to wear the mask. But let's not point fingers and ridicule people because of a decision they decide to make. We all make stupid, unhealthy, ridiculous decisions on daily basis. I doubt there is a single person who couldn't improve on their daily actions for health benefit of others. I had my jabs and had COVID 3 weeks ago. I don't have COVID, I can't get infected, I can't infect anyone else. I don't have any symptoms. Am I a dick because when I went shopping today, for the first time in months I didn't wear a mask?
  2. What about the minimum wage Tesco colleagues who are employed specifically to collect trolleys and put them back? Do I want them to lose their job?
  3. Mic09


    the very best thing I have ever listened to. Hardcore History is incredible.
  4. Yeah sure, I just doubt the report will finish him off. I think it will be manipulated and easy going. I think too much hope is put into it, while I agree further punches should be thrown.
  5. There is a man who is married, but his wife gets some serious loving from numerous men. Basically, everyone can have a go. But it's ok - the husband has a marriage certificate. NFTs explained.
  6. No point - a question The report will, most likely, be a piss take, just like anything coming out of the cabinet. It now looks like it will be heavily redacted by not including certain information that Met will be investigating. I guess (no certainty, just my feeling) is that the report will not be too damning to the tories. Definitely won't do more damage than what has already been done. So I wonder, are Labour right in demanding for the report to be published? Is it a right political strategy considering the report is unlikely to be too damning to Boris? Or, once it is published, and shows nothing 'special', will they simply say this report was a joke from the start?
  7. I never meant to do that, you have jumped to a conclusion that I did not intend. No question the lying government took the piss. They are liars and should go from public life for good. I don't think we need to explain that. I'm questioning the report itself - do you think that Labour is shooting itself in the foot by openly campaigning for a release of a report that will likely be affected by the government itself? Or is it just a case of making as much noise about the parties as possible which might be a worthwhile strategy?
  8. I really don't understand how anyone could be hopeful that this 'investigation' will show anything too damaging to the government. Labour seems to be pushing for it on all fronts. I am a cynic, and I do not believe that a Cabinet Office employee will have too bad of a go at the Cabinet head. Are Labour shooting themselves in the foot once the report releases a filtered and lite version of what really happened? Or is it just a case of making as much noise about the parties as possible?
  9. So he is good, but won't make a mark.
  10. And why should we wish to resemble the past? Let's look at the future and create something that will reflect where the club stands now rather than 50 years ago. I like brick. But just because something is made out of it and looks like a new built estate it doesn't mean it will create a great looking stadium. But it might very well do - I'm just not desperate for something that looks old for the sake of it, you know, because we won the FA cup in 1957.
  11. Restless? Be quiet, he will be out for 3 weeks with fatigue if anyone at the club realises he is restless.
  12. The best thing about it was how the media praised Bielsa for such good sportsmanship. He was talked about as a real "fair play guy". You can see how angry he is and how much he doesn't want to do it, but to not do it would make him an even bigger prick. No way would he agree to it if it wasn't for Villa making a big deal out of it.
  13. I just read the news. Are we still discussing sacking Rainieri? Or have they already sacked the next guy?
  14. I watched him a few times for Marsailles. He is a veeeeeery good player.
  15. Doesn't he play with a 30? So he is 5 times better than a 6.
  16. Have you not read the thread? Rodrigo Bentancur
  17. I'm reading this thread, and I question if I know nothing about football or whether you are watching a different player. Dougie is class, he could easily play European football and when we get there, we will need players like him.
  18. I reckon Targett is a 20m player, easily. He is 26, proven, solid. In fact, I wouldn't even want to sell him unless a good offer came up. I'd start the negotiation at 35m minimum.
  19. Apparently Arsenal are complaining about fixture congestion, so to solve the problem they have sent 7 players and 4 coaching staff on loan to Turkey, and Klopp's entire team is testing positive in a statistical miracle.
  20. What's that popular place, you know the one, in the middle East, players seem to like going there...
  21. That's the perks of democracy. It's not Westminster, other countries have identical problems.
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