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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. Could you please describe why you think Joe Rogan tells people what to interpret as racism?
  2. Yup, Alex Jones is full of shit. His school shooting disaster was really bad. But, even 10 years ago, he was talking about millionaires taking underage girls to islands and a secret league of pedophelia within high status people. It sound crazy. And then Epstein happened. Maybe if we paid more attention, some girls might not have been faced to sleep with royals and major firm producers? So let's critiqe the shit Alex Jones has to say, and there is a lot. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. He was with Epstein. Should there be a place for Alex Jones? I don't know if I'd invite him. But I wouldn't "cancel" him either.
  3. I should also say, if you don't listen, don't comment on what he does or doesn't do, because you simply don't know. Unless you go off secondary sources - but we all know what the problem with these is.
  4. I will finish this discussion on here, if you want drop me a message to further discuss. But I think you should be careful who you want to take down, because it's entirely possible one day someone will want to de-platform you, or people that you believe. Also, I take you don't listen to his podcasts. He takes in a lot of shit, but also disagrees with much his "controversial" guests are saying. For example, one said that you can't catch covid twice. That was a few weeks ago. Since then, Rogan has clarified this (and many other non truths) a number of times. He is just a pot head comedian. If you don't like him, don't listen. If you listen, don't take it as truth. It isn't.
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7539925/ I found a million of these studies btw, all suggesting antiviral qualities of Ivermectin. That's what happens when you listen to BBC, you get misinformed. It's worth looking stuff up. Edit* I should say, and should say from the start, I don't know if Ivermectin works, my treatment would be directed by a doctor and not googling stuff. But the drug is used worldwide for its antiviral properties, although many disagree with its use.
  6. He didn't go to Pets at Home, a qualified doctor prescribed it to him. It's an antiviral drug. Hundreds of millions of other people have also been prescribed that same drug.
  7. No - I just say you are spreading misinformation, and you should be deplatformed. Because you know, people read this and have a skewed opinion on what really is happening. Do you see what the problem with this is?
  8. Now this is misinformation, untruth and manipulation. He invited people like Sanjay Gupta or Peter Hotez (twice) and a variety of others who are "mainstream". Why are you spreading fake news?
  9. Well, that's a wider debate. Clickbaity/viewership driven media do lower the standards and drive political narrative. Once you leave school at 18 and spend the next 30 years getting your knowledge from a media platform, I'd say they have a big role in education. But that's off topic a bit. I'd like Rogan to tell me sky is green. I'd like to say that's BS based on research. That's education in its purest form.
  10. 100% it's used as a political tactic. So if it is, why should we allow the very same people to "fact check" and "de-platform"? I think it's dangerous for CNN or BBC or Twitter Or Boris or Trump or Biden to tell us what's true or not. Let's open up the narrative to a wide spectrum of views, and defeat the shitty ones in open debate. I would happily argue anyone who thinks vaccines are pointless. But I will also defend their right to say they are pointless, regardless of how much I disagree.
  11. I get that and agree that responsibility should fall somewhere. But, a reasonably smart high school student should be able to call BS on half of the things they find on BBC, Fox news, CNN. Heck, just over a year ago Boris told us to not go outside other than once a day. That's misinformation in its purest form based on no science or common sense whatsoever. There is a lot of BS coming from everywhere. So education, not de-platforming should be key. Let's make people think for themselves a bit more.
  12. Another clue - if BBC or any other major media tells me to not do something, I'm likely to find out what it is before making a decision.
  13. I know - it's like when some people call Rogan fascist or say he takes horse medicine. Most people are somewhere in between - they say bullshit to both, 'sheeple' and 'fascist rogan'. I think it's important to find balance between the two.
  14. I think people are reeeeaaalllly giving Rogan too much credit. The reason why he is popular (and I listen to 90% of his podcasts) is because the conversations are what you'd experience in a pub or a poker night with your mates while having too many beers. Lot's of shit talking, jokes, controversy, stuff you wouldn't say at your mum's bday party. Talks of aliens, scuba diving, dieting, the last episode I listened too was a lawyer who decided to leave the corporate world and take up fishing and discussing how to best protect the oceans. A great activist and a brave soul by all accounts. Most episodes are done while he smokes joints, he is high as a kite. It's entertainment. Spotify once said that if they censor Rogan, they should censor rappers talking about smacking their bitch up and doing drive by's. They are dangerous views and shouldn't be repeated. Does anyone talk about 'de platforming' snoop dogg? He praises Obama, votes Bernie Sanders, is pro universal basic income, he invites trans and homosexual guests, he is as liberal as they come. He never voted Republican in his life. He grew up in 1970's San Fran in the hippy community. He also invited a number of very much pro vaccine and 'mainstream' doctors to discuss the pandemic. Of course, that seems to be forgotten. Now, if anyone looks to the JRE as an 'information' show, or a place to get educated on virology or epidemiology, they are an idiot. The show is as true to the pandemic as the latest Jimmy Carr specials. So let's not make him to be some sort of a fascist alt right guru, because we will certainly miss the real ones - and he is just a high as a kite comedian talking shit. Simple as.
  15. I wouldn't be astonished. Its January. It's harder to pick up players for obvious reasons. We also have Douglas Luiz, Marv to come back from injury, and Callum Chambers to drop there should he be needed. Its unlikely we get Europe, it's unlikely we drop. You could argue not pushing for a DM in the last 24hours is the more sensible thing to do in our situation. Yeah, we could use someobody in that role. But our season doesn't depend on it.
  16. I disagree, I hate looking at others people's pockets. I hope Rogan earns billion. I hope musicians earn a billion. I hope everyone makes as much money as possible. That's not always possible. But let's not begrudge others their wealth.
  17. Podcasters are getting as much as their "employer" (Spotify) wants to pay them. If they didn't think Rogan was worth 100m, they wouldn't pay that. What are they, a charity? There is a finate amount. But I'm not sure either you or me know what that amount is with relation to staff costs, benefits, commercial growth, and a million other factors. Wasn't there talk of Spotify owners buying arsenal? How about using some of that money? Again, if I am refused a pay rise, I'm not angry that Paul who sat next to me in a cubicle for 10 years earns more. I'm angry I don't get more, and my anger is directed at my management. Not at a number Paul earns. I wish him the very best, unless I'm a bitter person.
  18. Because the poster said: I disagree. Pay the podcaster good money. BUT pay musicians good money too. Don't be angry that podcasters get lots of money. Be angry that you don't get enough.
  19. I get that. But let's be angry about musicians not getting paid enough. If I get paid 30k, and someone in a similar role that works as well as me gets paid 35k, I'm not angry at him - I'm angry at my manager.
  20. I really don't get this line of thought. Why would they be angry about Spotify paying someone an X amount? They can be angry about not being paid enough themselves, but looking at other people's pockets is a shitty thing to do.
  21. If it's a rule, I have no beef with them enforcing it, and no problem with wearing a mask. I never had a problem with it. But this looks like an old statement. It's no longer gov regulation, so it looks like hasn't been updated?
  22. But it's not a rule - it's a reccomendation. If it was a rule, sure. But they won't ask you to leave like they would a week ago.
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