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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Maybe I'm old school (actually, there's no "maybe" about it) but I hate this current trend with websites. It seems like they are all build on the same template and every website looks the same. Why is there no originality and personality shown in web design any more?
  2. Had to mooney. Still no idea. RIP anyway.
  3. The whole concept of Football club partnerships has gone mental in recent years. This is just some of Man United's partnerships (as per manutd.com): 14 financial partner 17 telecoms partners Sustainable technology partner spirits partner official carrier wine partner outdoor apparel partner logistics partner Lubricant oil partner office equipment partner digital transformation partner footwear partner social casino games partner paint partner global betting partner leisure headwear partner global noodle partner medical systems partner motorcycle partner 3 tyre partners soft drinks partner pharmaceutical partner casino resort partner confectionary partner Wellness partner nutritional supplements partner social football gaming partner ready meal partner casual footwear partner male shampoo partner
  4. I just found out that the guy who stole my journal has died. My thoughts are with his family.
  5. If it please the court, I would like to offer my second peeing off word of the day. Conniption. Stupid word, used by stupid people. Enough to give me a fit of rage or hysterics.
  6. Aye, she's a good girl from what I can see so far. Cute, solvent (owns 3 properties!), not too mental. Struggling to find a drawback at this stage. An hour and twenty drive around the M25 is a good way of ensuring we don't go overboard with seeing each other all the time. As for being a lawyer, I work in IT so she's always going to have more banter than me
  7. Going good, mate. Can't see her all that often due to location and childcare commitments but early signs are more than promising.
  8. How unfair of you to post that, @Xann Hasn't he been humiliated enough?
  9. People who call you "fella". "How you doing, fella?" "What have you been up to, fella?" "What's happening, fella?" I tell you what's happening, chief. You call me "fella" one more time and we're going outside. (And I fully appreciate the potential irony of me calling him "chief". It is only "fella" that I have an issue with).
  10. Why does this song always put me in such a good mood?
  11. choffer


    Hasn't Captain Jack left too?
  12. I started a company selling land mines that look like prayer mats. Prophets are going through the roof.
  13. Interesting. I enjoyed the first series but never so much that I felt compelled to keep going with it.
  14. I saw Parker play a few weeks ago against Brentford. Well, I say I saw him play but it was halfway through the second half before I even noticed him. Totally anonymous.
  15. That sounds similar to my experience. I went to a school that I was ill-equipped for so hated it. Left for 6th form and got a bit lost. Both stints at University were fantastic though, especially the second time around as I had a few years of life experience and a 4 or 5 years of working under my belt by that time. I guess it showed how sheltered and naive I'd been in my earlier years.
  16. choffer


    I know he's not to everyone's tastes, possibly very few but Late Nights with Iain Lee has me in stitches most days.
  17. It went well. So did the second date the following day
  18. Soft spot for: Brentford (my current local club) St Pauli (although this is less hipster than it once was) Vancouver Whitecaps (As I've been there a bunch of times, pre-MLS) Used to support Rangers until I worked out what a vile club they were. Now I follow Third Lanark.
  19. No doubt a wonderful speech that will transform the thinking of all his staff that he's paying to hold up the signs. The most pertinent sign though will be the blue one, far left
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