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Everything posted by choffer

  1. It's a half-decent pop tune which wouldn't get any air-play if it were from a lesser known band. I am a bit relieved though as I've still got a soft spot for the band and with this, they havent completely peed on their past.
  2. Mum's side - large and close. Dad's side - small and distant.
  3. If our new overlords are Chinese, I just hope they're not very rude ones.
  4. Have they shown Lingard's video from on the bus? Best bit of the whole event. "mummy....mummy......MUMMYYYYYY!"
  5. I'd heard he was Everton-bound. Not a particularly reliable source though.
  6. Embarrassing display by their fans who I expect are stripping the ground right now. Not as embarrassing as that farewell "party" though. Cringe from start to finish.
  7. Actually, you're dead right. I didn't mean to suggest that they were the only mental women. Just that they're the most loopy.
  8. Tried that approach last year. All she wanted was an occasional bit of NSA fun. After two dates she was calling me all the names under the sun when I didn't respond to her texts within 5 minutes. In my (albeit) limited experience, women who say they just want a bit of "fun" are mentalists.
  9. And "my house". If you need to stop by for something, that's fine. But don't bring your brood of venomous offspring with you to traipse mud into my place, nick all my sweets and lift £1.40 off the kitchen table.
  10. First Tinder connection: Her: Hi Me: Hey there, thanks for swiping. I'm new on here, what's the score? Her: No idea Me: Ah, I see you're a woman of few words. So what do I have to do to get to know you a bit better? Her: Meet up At which point, it all seems a bit weird so I give it up. I clearly need to up my game.
  11. choffer


    There are some things I miss about Birmingham. Oddly, taxi fares is one of them. Late home the other night, I missed the last bus from the train station. 4 minutes in a cab to get home and it cost me £18.
  12. Come on people, it's Dem. It'll just be a typo
  13. Bit much. You can get it on Amazon for £8
  14. I really like King of Limbs on first listen. Am feeling the same with this new one too. Only had one go through but I'm looking forward to a second listen on my way home tonight.
  15. I wish there were more cinemas like The Electric. Just seen their summer programme: Peeping Tom Kes 2001 Cool Hand Luke Anatomy of a Murder Breathless Once Upon a Time in the West Badlands Dog Day Afternoon Deep Red The Passenger Enter the Dragon Jaws It's almost as if they just want to put on bloody great movies instead of CGI-fests. It'll never catch on
  16. All this talk of making a movie about it but it'd be the most unbelievable movie ever made.
  17. They sold them all ages ago too. Couple of Hammers I work with had to pay up last year. Nice little earner, all that interest sitting in their bank account.
  18. I was angry but mostly I was embarrassed that I'd believed so much of the lies for so long. I think there's a few posters in this thread who should do themselves a favour and watch the documentary through. I've no doubt it'll clear up the obvious falsehoods that have been peddled in here of late.
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