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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. THIS! Lambert and McLeish both wanted him to play a way that he couldn't (like on the wing when its clear he cant cross a ball for toffee)... Gabby is a poacher, plays off of flick ons and burns people for pace...
  2. Hope Sherwood convinces him to stay... Got faith that Timmay would bring out the best in him, actually play him and have him putting the ball in the onion bag more regularly
  3. I reckon Timmy will be the man to finally give Gazza his chance to shine... He has been overlooked by previous managers and unlucky with injuries, but this run with Forest is doing wonders for his confidence...
  4. Having been in that same position before, I can confirm that there is absolutely nothing as riotously hilarious as giving work a haphazard excuse as to why you need to miss a few days after your partner has a miscarriage. DEFINITELY something that needs to be brought up again and again every time your name is mentioned What?? There is such a thing as citing 'personal reasons', 'a loss in the family' etc without having to lie about another SPECIFIC member of your family dying which could actually backfire (and in this case, DID backfire). Its not the fact that he had the time off that caused the problem; its that he lied about his nan dying to cover for something else entirely. If he was a hell of a lot less specific but maintained that the incident was a serious one; that, 9 times out of 10, would have been enough and nobody would have held it against him...
  5. Are we any closer to understanding exactly what happened? Heard through paper-talk (which is probably just utter shash, but you never know) that he ruffled the feathers of Delph (who accused Roy to 'trying to mug (him) off') in training and also interrupted in a conversation between Lambert and Gabby which resulted in Gabby telling him: 'Excuse me, I am talking to the boss'... Which Roy took exception to... Then there is the Tom-Cleverly-turning-up-at-his-house-for-a-chat thing... It sounds like the players didn't like being told that they weren't giving enough and that they hid behind Lambert for protection...
  6. Man City breached FFP and got a suspended slap on the wrist and told they couldn't take an extra three players into the Champions League... Why shouldn't we be able to do it if we get an oil magnate? All we need is someone with a shedload of cash who is willing to show the middle finger to UEFA and sign a cheque then they complain that we didn't abide to FFP... They clearly aren't willing to play by the rules and UEFA don't have the balls to punish them by forcing relegation, removing championships etc (Like they did with Juventus for, ahem, CHEATING)... What Man City's owners have done with spending beyond their means and dictating football around the world with 'Sister clubs' so they could sign Frank Lampard on the free stinks of corruption... Why can't we have some of that?
  7. Randy Lerner... I would sacrifice him to save us from relegation... I would go Aztec on him, cut his heart out and eat it in front of his children to save us... and also because he deserves it...
  8. THIS!!! I couldn't care less if his nearest and dearest loved ones starved to death after he **** over our club...
  9. Couldn't agree more... I love the Villa and always will... but that Yank bastard and his determination to cut costs (when he is/was a billionaire - tight prick) and hire yes-men-rent-boys (Mcleish, Lambert et al.) did this to us... Lerner has sent us down, Lerner refused to bankroll us, Lerner shat the bed when Man City started being bankrolled by oil money... This is all his fault... **** him... I hope he and his family starve one day...
  10. Should have bloody thought about that before lunging in, giving away the penalty and losing us the game then shouldn't he... Then again, he wants out... So he doesn't give a shit about the club... He was probably only gutted because he would have to pay a fine...
  11. Stuck up for him for far too long just because he is a Villa boy... Now... All I can say is: **** him... He did bugger all yesterday; can't remember him touching the ball once, let alone making any positive impact on the game... Either he needs to buck his ideas up or we should flog him to some Armenian Premier League side which is where he will find his level...
  12. or collapse like a flan in a cupboard...
  13.     I've thought this too... He has had us playing so abysmally and negatively for so long; He was essentially goading the powers that be to sack him... But the fact that he would rather see us relegated than leave of his own accord speaks volumes of the man...
  14. Like all the pennies he's taken out of us so far? The guy has spent a fortune, of his own money, keeping the club solvent since he took over FFS. Yes, it's his bad management of operations that means it's cost him so much, BUT this idea that him not spending money on transfers and cutting the wage bill is doing anything other than reducing the amount of his own money it's costing him a year is a ridiculous one. Go look at the financial reports for his tenure and try to claim that he's asset stripping to line his pockets. He's not. Even during the austerity measures he's been pumping in the upper limit he's allowed to by FFP Yeah, some of the criticism is ridiculous. I wonder if anyone can name one person in the history of the planet that's put more money in to AVFC than Randy Lerner? As for those having a pop at him trying to sell for as much as he can, what's wrong with that? He's entitled to try and make as much money as he wants to off the sale of the club. I'm sure when you sell your home, you don't just say "Yeah mate, you can have it for £10k on the promise you do a better job maintaining it than I did". Awww... Boo hoo...A multi-millionaire buys our club, gets bored and treats it like crap while we all suffer watching it... and your worried about him getting his money back... Last time I checked, when someone sells a house, there isn't the interest and hopes of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to consider...
  15. Well if Clark hadn't snapped his leg.... Libor would probably have put one or two in... Alas... Clark did what he did
  16. Same here, I work in Bangkok and sit next to a Bluenose (what are the odds of that?!?)... I'm sick of it personally... Its not fair... This is all Lerners fault... If he hadn't been so f**king selfish and funded MO'N and let the build continue instead of cacking his pants when Man City went on their spending spree, this would never of happened... The last 5 years would have been so much different... Hate him... Bollocks to anyone related to the Lerner family...
  17. knows where the goal is, unlike Benteke, Gabby and Wiemann So, Benteke, who hasnt been given any decent service, has been playing after a big injury and is clearly stuck in a rut doesn't know where the goal is?... Agbonlahor, the clubs record scorer in the Premier league who has been playing as a winger when he is a striker and whose pace isn't being utilised properly? and... well... yeah.... Weimann And O'Leary called us 'fickle'... Thats putting it lightly
  18. I have faith in Tekkers... We have been lacking in some quality service for a while, he hasn't got anybody pushing him for a place considering Kozak being out and is stuck in a bit of a rut himself... A few new faces and a bit of fresh perspective with Gil, Sinclair and maybe, hopefully Ba and I reckon he will be causing problems for defenders and banging them in again...
  19. I can almost hear Ciaran Clark planning his next training ground assault...
  20. How is it Lerner's fault exactly? He can't force them to sign new deals no more than Lambert can He could have carried on bankrolling us, ploughing money into the club, thereby keeping MO'N thereby keeping us exciting and competitive, thus having us Villa fans enjoy watching the football and having Villa Park bouncing... Maybe a few more decent cup runs and appearances at Wembley and in Europe... But he didn't... and he is the chairman... The buck stops (pun unintended) with him... He didn't want to pay for quality any more, he decided that his family was more important than the fans (obviously I am biased towards us as fans... he is a billionaire after all, surely he had a few extra hundred million lying around - selfish prick), and he decided he wanted to try and get his money back instead of doing what was best for the club (selling us at cut price and trying to entice a richer, more dedicated and passionate owner to invest in us)...
  21. Well, like I do with all our players that go to other clubs (unless they leave to play abroad), I hope he goes on to fail magnificently; I hope he cocks it up and looks out of his depth and the fans of his new club get on his back and he gets all the bad media publicity... If you're not with us and you are still playing in England, you are against us... Same goes for: Bosnich, Yorke, Barry, Milner, Downing et al. Couldn't give a monkeys if they are 'professionals' and want to 'win things' or in the case of the first four, actually went on to 'win things'... I only have one loyalty and thats to the Villa...
  22. If the other team doesn't have the ball, they can't score. I used to believe that too... Until Mellberg threw the ball to Enkleman....
  23. Toss up between him and Adam Rachel... Gabor Kiraly was immense too though....
  24. Dunno... You might be confusing him for Stefan Postma who is fond of huge swingers...
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