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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. Won an FA cup? Sacked his dickhead of an agent? Signed a lifelong contract without a release fee or expiry date? I don't mind players leaving if they aren't getting football here ala Luna, Weimann et al. They will get all the well wishes in the world from me because they just want to play and they aren't getting the opportunity here... Its the people who leave us for more money and to win things with other clubs who can, to be fair, get f**ked couldnt agree more. He should stay here in his dead-end job instead of trying to better himself elsewhere Dead end job... Don't talk garbage... I'd love to know what your job is if being a professional footballer on megabucks a week is 'dead end'... Are there any vacancies going?
  2. Won an FA cup? Sacked his dickhead of an agent? Signed a lifelong contract without a release fee or expiry date? I don't mind players leaving if they aren't getting football here ala Luna, Weimann et al. They will get all the well wishes in the world from me because they just want to play and they aren't getting the opportunity here... Its the people who leave us for more money and to win things with other clubs who can, to be fair, get f**ked
  3. Yes he was... But just like every other player that doesn't make the grade and wants to leave to play football (e.g. Weimann, Albrighton)... I wish him well Its the bastards who leave to earn more money and win things without us that can get ****...
  4. This! Aston Villa paid for him and continued to pay him, he signed the contract extension... ergo... he is and agreed to be property of our great club... That prick (and Bentekes countryman) Jean-Marc Bosman is all to blame for this... If he had just shut the hell up and known where he stood, Benteke and plenty of our other great players would have left when Villa were ready for them to... not when they wanted to...
  5. Of course you would. Stop thinking short term and think long term. Huge difference in your life between 3mil and 6mil To your back account yes but outside of greed, what difference could it make to your life? Far too simplistic. People have different standards of living. Once you earn more, you spend more. The nature of being human/living in a capitalist society is that we will strive for more or generally accept things that make us "better off". The problem is that most people can't comprehend having an income of £3m a year. But that's my point, once money becomes no object other than greed, why do you need more? Say you have 10 billion, do you need to double it? What could you then buy that that 10 billion couldn't already afford you? Taking a massive chunk out of third world debt for a fraction of it?
  6. Buy you, like many others, are confusing the real world - where the average annual salary is £26k to the premiership footballers world where £26k could be your weekly salary. The comparison doesn't stick. The comparison does stick! You never heard the phrase the bigger the bath? They live a complete different lifestyle and 60k a week is prob not extortionate to them. If you told a man who had nothing and lived on the streets that you were on 30k a year and that wasn't enough, so you were ditching that company for a new one which would pay you £60k a year, you don't think he would class you as greedy? Not loyal? He would see that 30k you currently earn as more than enough to live comfortable and not to want more. That's the real world! There are different classes out there, and different lifestyles. Just because we can't comprehend what earning 60k a week would be like, for others its not enough! I can remember the exact date the last time I signed 30k a year contract to work for a tramp on the street, told him and his friends and national media that he was my tramp and I was with him for the long haul...
  7. To paraphrase Bane in 'The Dark Knight rises': When he pulls on that Man City shirt... He has my permission to die...
  8. Gardner: 'Bloody hell, that new window cleaner is a bit keen!!!'
  9. Is he hard and a bit nutty like the cheese?
  10. I hope he suffers the same fate as Djibril Cisse or Pierluigi Casiragi... Arrives to much aplomb and bravado... then suffers a severe injury... Once he no longer wears our teams colours, I care nothing for the bloke... This isn't like Andy Carroll who actually wanted to stay in Newcastle and was forced out by Mike 'Show me the money' Ashley... This is a man who will not sign a new contract, will not devote himself to us and will not publically tell his shithead little word removed of an agent to **** off and die...
  11. I couldn't give 2 shits who he plays for as long as we get the right fee for him. Once a player leaves AVFC they are dead to me, I don't know why people get so hung up about it. This... They are either with us, or against us... and if its the latter, as long as we get the money that we want for him, I couldn't give a shit if his metatarsal snapped and he never played football again...
  12. Which makes them utter assholes considering their stances on Suaraz and Sterling when they have been the selling club and the amount they have spent this window they clearly had enough to pay the fee. I don't see how that makes them "utter assholes". Surely it's better to haggle over an asking price rather than pay the full amount? If they want him that badly, they know what to stump up... Because we are Villa fans... Why should we give a shit about Liverpools right to bargain?... Either give us what we want, or **** off... Bunch of utter assholes...
  13. If this is true, it shows what a word removed Levy is... Everyone knows Spurs are loaded... Just pay us what we want... Dickhead!!
  14. Havent seen anything suggesting it whatsoever, so this isnt ITK in any way, shape or form... But as he is a free agent, how would people feel about signing Glenn Johnson?
  15. Can anyone come up with a Ray Wilkins themed chant to the tune of either the Adams Family or Superman considering his likeness to both Uncle Fester and Lex Luthor respectively?
  16. Get.... the ****.... IN!!! Super Ray Wilkins!!!!
  17. Cheers for everything Matty... Aside from your missus... Glad she is off with you to the beautiful, hip and trendy lights of Burnley...
  18. 'When the ball hits your head, and you're sat in row-Z; Thats Zamoraaaaaaaa!'
  19. According to SSN, Tom Fox has said that the prank call from a Villa fan pretending to be a Prem league manager that proved Kismet is trying to make Benteke leave was 'disgraceful' and 'beyond the pale'... Personally, I think it was completely justified and its brilliant it has been done... It just shows that tapping up from other managers does happen behind the backs of the clubs who own players contracts... We all knew it happened anyway... Its got to stop... Agents and these shady meetings to violate contracts need to stop...
  20. Successive shite managerial appointments ruined this bloke. Houllier had him banging them in as we expected from a natural goalscorer like Bent THEN... McLeish had us playing his patented 8-1-1 and then Paul Lambert put the nail in the coffin by just boying him off completely... Lambert has a lot to answer for for the way that Bent was treated
  21. Hope wherever he goes... He does his cruciates in... and Kismet is in a car crash....
  22. I don't think thats the truth mate... Lerners got it, but he won't spend it on us anymore... He is a billionaire... All of that money from the sale of the Cleveland Browns didn't just disappear into thin air... He is just a selfish word removed... So he should just keep chucking money at it? Yes actually, he should have.... He is the chairman and the owner... It was his job to lead by example... Not shit his pants and pull the plug when things got a little bit ropey... He should have kept chucking money at it or handed over the reigns to someone else who would before things got as negative as they did...
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