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Everything posted by saturdaygig

  1. They only have to disclose in year end acounts, and even then only money spent. No requirement to report proposed spend.
  2. Ah, very useful, we're doing one soon. It's the 1pm - I assume the Holte Pub doesn't open on a weekday? Anyone know how long the tours are and where we might eat somewhere near?
  3. We've been doing that every week for a couple of months now. And packed gig places. No effects at all.
  4. In a football match between Man U, and any other team in the world, I support the other team.
  5. Yes, I agree. We often go for films that people love or hate. Can't say we loved this but it's certainly decent.
  6. Me too. I copied it onto C90 to listen to in the Allegro.
  7. I don't understand why we aren't talking about the desparate need for a striker. We don't have one at all at the moment.
  8. I never want to see Ings in a Villa shirt again.
  9. They never lived for me. I held on with vinyl for so long digital started to appear, so I skipped over CDs entirely. Don't own any or a player. I download what I want into my own library though, don't pay for any subscription services.
  10. Glad to see Morgan doing so well. Gives us an extra proper first teamer to choose from.
  11. You've got to respect the team for the belief in the second half. I voted Very Good for Stevie. And I have to say, Mike Dean was fine today.
  12. Agreed. His overlapping run made the first goal possible. I'd like to see him starting and Buendia left back in the dressing room.
  13. Early naughties it was a regular Holt End thing. I used to enjoy it. We all joined in.
  14. They are, but I think they sell big venues around the place. I saw them support Babyshambles, then headline the Apollo. They were good, but I have no idea how they fill stadiums off so little publicity, no hits to speak of.
  15. Watched it last night. We rated it as the worst movie we've ever seen. Reveals its total implausibility slowly and steadily so there was only 15 minutes left when we turned it off. By that time it was unbearable tosh. Check out the IMDB reviews, and save yourself the pain.
  16. I don't. I remember taking spuds to pieces though. We had A Person playing for us then though.
  17. I'd like to see a John Gregory style 5-3-2. We have Cash and Targett to play the wing back roles, they more or less play it already. They were fun days.
  18. Leaving McGuinn and Barclay on the bench, can't argue with that. Not so sure about Luiz though. I'd go Ramsey.
  19. So Tammy is stalling on contract talks while Man City continue to show interest in Haaland (or so says the super reliable Metro). We'd have him back, yes? To partner Ollie?
  20. We really do need a free kick taker. So many chances wasted at the moment. I'm not saying Conor is it, but maybe Sanson? At least lets have a proper look at him.
  21. So the only way out of defence is the long ball. No thanks. We need a midfield, that's what we've been lacking.
  22. saturdaygig


    Funnily enough I'm doing just that at the moment. I actually had all the parts apart from a spare screen, and I think I left one of those in the loft at the last place when moved. I'm planning to play Neverhood on it. But I'll do some pipes too, now that you mention it.
  23. Tell them we'll accept Son. Might even throw in some cash.
  24. Even when he's playing we miss those screamers 49 games out of 50. I'm not so sure about Dougie. He can play forward, but so often his only thought is play back. Even though we're so much better in attack than we are at getting the ball out of defence. I'm hoping Dean knows this and Morgan is our man.
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