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The Fun Factory

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Everything posted by The Fun Factory

  1. I know I am about 5 years to late on it but just started watching some of people just do nothing on the iplayer. Not bad, basically a 2010s version of the office with hints of only fools and dads army thrown in.
  2. Didn't the democrat vote increase in Texas in the 2020 election? Austin is a liberal hotbed.
  3. What a very sad story. Thoughts to the family and friends. Sadly this is all to common at the moment.
  4. Er even Ron Saunders only just got above 45% (45.6%) with Villa. If Deano gets a 50% win percentage I would be staggered. Graham Taylor first era was 45.77. Big Ron and John Gregory got 43% odd, with O'Neill at 42% and Little at 41.5%. I couldn't be bothered to look at the rest as I suspect they would be deeply mediocre. If Smith gets about a 42-43% win percentage that would be very good and we would be looking at being a top 6-8 side again.
  5. Will be guaranteed starter now he has got his champions league move. The road to the winter, oil-sponsored, slave labour enhanced World Cup has started. Great.
  6. Players develop at different speeds. Both Lineker and Kane were late developers for example. Also on the flip side so amazing young prospects never actually achieve that much. Also yes Grealish did break into the team in 14-15 but really struggled for the next 2 years due to a combination of being in an appalling side, a lot of different managers, and some growing up to do. Ramsey is progressing nicely and could well get a lot of game time due to the no CM signing debate.
  7. I believe he accidently dismantled the trouser press.
  8. As long as can compete with the likes of Charlton and Middlesbrough we will be fine.
  9. They will come about 8th and get another manager and spent more tens of millions. They are incapable of doing anything worse given their income levels and support base, even if they are comically badly run.
  10. This summer has seemed to be about 3 weeks of melting hot weather followed by about 2 months of total grey skies.
  11. Never managed in the top flight after Villa which is frankly crazy as in his 2 full seasons at Villa we came 4th and 5th, won the league cup and got to the FA Cup semi final. Think how many gigs that Bruce, Pardew, Fat Sam, Pullis etc got on the premier league gravy train.
  12. We should have set the release clause at a random price like £107 million. That way when City put the 100 mil bid in and was rejected they wouldn't know how much to increase the bid up to. In hindsight we could have squeezed another £20-30 million out of this.
  13. Not sure on the idea of batting first today. Doesn't the Oval pitch usually deteriorate and be useful for spin later in the test?
  14. Only Steve Mclaren and Harry Redknapp have been the only english managers since to win a major trophy?
  15. Don't worry Brian will walk on water to deliver it.
  16. I don't think there are many people who have served so many roles at one club like Brian. Youth player, player, running the club shop, youth coach, manager, and now as advisor to the board. Should be an interesting read.
  17. No resistance is futile. If you are resigned to it now it won't hurt as much when they leave.
  18. The Molineux redevelopment has gone very quiet hasn't it. Currently they are left with 1 stand which is totally different from the remaining 3 others.
  19. Whisper it quietly but he started his coaching at Blues.
  20. Also a academy that has had millions poured into recently at Bodymoor and the proposed urban city academy as well.
  21. 'Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did'
  22. I think we should give Deano some more love. I like the fact that we were prepared to give a lower league manager who has earnt his dues a chance to coach his boyhood club. Modern football is a cruel heartless bar steward of a sport but things like this make you want to believe in positive change. Yes he has had a large budget to play with but a promotion, league cup final and now a mid table finish in the prem is really good progress. I would like us to stick with Deano and see where it takes us.
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