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Everything posted by AvfcRigo82

  1. Yep. Especially if they have trains to catch of whatever.
  2. You will get there pal. Time is a healer.
  3. Yes definately. World of Books I've used frequently and they're pretty decent. The Amazon Ade one you mention I had not heard of but I'll put to use. I generally find the browsing of book shops quite nostalgic. Often when frequenting them you tend to stumble across books that you possibly wouldn't have thought about searching for online.
  4. Yeah I accept that to a degree, but still. The fact their mark up on other books that are widely available everywhere tells me it was still slightly overpriced.
  5. Yeah I agree with you. An example, One book in particular caught my eye which was in the comic book/action hero genre and published in the 70's... open the front page to find the price pencilled in at £84! I don't care how old or rare the book might be, that just takes the piss! Even the dozens of annuals from 70's/80's like Beezer/Topper that you can find anywhere ten a penny were priced considerably higher than other places. I'm not sure why this shop in Southport thought greed was nessecary. I can't see much stock turnover happening there at those prices.
  6. An absolute disgrace and a licence to continue ****** people over.
  7. Who are these 'extras' that come in at the 12th hour that you refer to Eddie?
  8. That's a word I've not heard for years!
  9. Does anyone have a favourite book shop as a go to as such, or know of any really good ones. (More on the preloved side and not Waterstones/WH Smith etc.) I came across a good one in Southport a few months back, however, their prices took the piss a little which was a shame and equally disappointing.
  10. Both Fontwell & Worcester jump meetings called off for today.
  11. Those moments of magic seem to be.... disappearing!
  12. Yeah, f*** squad depth! Who needs it anyway. 14 players is more than enough.
  13. More like a tear to a glass eye.. Bunch of sister shagging wankstains.
  14. Feat. Villa's latest celebrity fan, Bebe Rexha. Calling @Demitri_C
  15. Sounds like 2023 to me... The guy was ahead of his time
  16. I agree with you. I seen them introduced years ago when i lived 'daan saaouth' and laughed. I've moved up to the northwest a few years back and they're here too and I've still never ever used them. What an absolute waste of time they are. They're in the bin alongside paying the council £40 a year to make compost out of my grass cuttings. Both can sod off.
  17. I look forward to the post match interview with him ... trying to.. .. string ... a sentence Together... Mate
  18. Shit time for Sir Alex. Losing a good friend and his wife only weeks apart. Sad news all round.
  19. Fortress Villa Park!! Hopefully it's rocking tomorrow as Spammers will be up for this. I hope the little lad in attendance tomorrow is a pure motivation for our players to deliver a result similar to Brighton. C'mon Villa!!!!
  20. What a result! The phone lines will be in meltdown on the shitshow WM phone in... This is brilliant.
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