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Everything posted by AvfcRigo82

  1. All that one can assume is that he must have an acquired taste for piss!
  2. I have many jokes about unemployed people - sadly none of them work.
  3. So coffee/tea can still be enjoyed without the caffine headache afterwards. Possibly why they also released Coke in gold cans which is their caffeine free version.
  4. Save a bullet for Kanye West too please. Annoying *****!
  5. Is he hoping for a move to that lot down the road?
  6. Daz the Spaz obviously forgetting the day that Joe was clotheslined from behind. He wasn't a "proppa local player" that day was he, Absolute piss stain.
  7. Sounds like they're the pubs that's supplied/operated by Molson Coors brewery.
  8. I think if you're running a free house that might still be possible to an extent. However, I notice now at wholesalers like Booker, they're no cheaper than the supermarkets when it comes to alcohol. - The major ones offering deals like 3 for 2 etc. on boxes of bottled beer would be the way round that side of it I would imagine.
  9. Yeah, I dare say it's splitting feathers on them really and doubt there's that much difference in them. I recall when cataloguing mine it took around just under 3 hours. Current count is 488 books (Approx 30 of those are Villa related). Latest purchased addition to the collection, The Kenneth Williams Diaries, which should be an interesting read.
  10. To hammer it with a stick so it will eventually flush away?
  11. You're not far wrong. Many moons ago when I lived down in Northants, I had a good friend who ran a fleet of ice cream vans. One afternoon he asked me to do a favour and could I collect one of his vans that's sited at a park out of town (the person who was the vendor that day went home early feeling ill). Now to get back to his yard from this location there was only 2 roads you could take and the age of this van meant you had no choice but to take the alternative route through the villages back to the town, as the van wouldn't have made it up the steep hill of the main road. He warned me. Watch out for the traveller site (permanent site) on the way through just as you approach the power station on main road to the town, the little children liked to hide in the trees and throw rocks and stones at the van. Anyway, I go and collect this van for him and sure enough when I get to the stage of the traveller site.. bang. A stone bounces of the windscreen from nowhere just after the entrance to this place. I stop the van.. reverse back 50 yards to their main entrance gates and sit there.. and you see all 5 of these wee children no older than 6/7 that look like they've not seen a bar of soap for two months all kind of standing there a bit confused (I equally realise I could be dicing with death). I go to the serving window and call them over to the van. All shocked and confused, they're suddenly reluctant to come to the van. I grab a small box and load it with about 20 or so different lollies and hold it out the serving window. Very slowly and hesitantly.. they come to the van. - "I'll give you this box of lollies for you all to share... on one condition - you stop throwing missiles at this van from now on! Deal?" "Yes yes Mr, definately, we're sorry, we're sorry, we won't do it again" Sure enough, from that day on according to my mate, the stones turned to waves and thumbs up from the traveller children. Best keeping them onside given he had to pass that site regularly.
  12. It's a tough gig. Especially when dictated to and at the mercy of a brewery. They also need to 'be serving' popular beers on tap just to get the clientele through the door, but they make very little mark up on a pint (Peroni one example). Then there's the bills of heating, gas, electric, staff etc. Before taking into account how expensive it is for punters. No suprise many are sadly going out of business.
  13. Usually more expensive and tastes like crap. IIRC, the last time I purchased this at a food chain for the wee one, it was roughly £4.90 for a half pint of ice then topped off with the flat tasting and zero fizz imbalance of syrupy Pepsi/Coke from the dispenser pub tap. But guess what.. It's unlimited refills (if you make it past the first glass).
  14. I suppose 'snacks' at a petrol station can sit itself next to buying bottled beer in a pub. Both are scandalous.
  15. Yes. This is what I was referring to earlier with @bickster Their Metro/Express setups work on a different pricing entity to that of the main superstores/Tesco Extra. They call it convenience, I call it taking the piss.
  16. You better believe it. It will be a direct access barrister though. I avoid solicitors when it comes to being represented at court and usually litigate in person without fail, even then the cases were not easy. I've experienced some really nice judges and some not so nice. I was too angry yesterday to look into it all but knew it isn't the end of it either, but you're right. I'm already spending most of today going through the appeals process first and waiting for permission from the courts before I make the next step of contacting the chambers. Barristers are equally not cheap, but they do a far better job than solicitors (going by previous personal experiences) and plus I understand you get what you pay for and the other party would eventually be paying the costs after all (if it goes in favour this time). Not sure if I'm more annoyed of the inconvenience of having to go through it all again and step it up a gear or the miscarriage of justice. Probably a combination of both.
  17. The legal frame work in this country when it comes to civil and family law cases (I dare say others too) is really damning. I was involved in a hearing yesterday taking a non-paying customer to court to recover money owed from a job that I completed for them last year. It's a four figure sum hence going through the hassle to pursue the claim. The whole claim/case was dismissed on the grounds where the defendant verbally claimed I had left their front doors wide open comprising the security of their house! Judge ruled in their favour despite me having a plethora of evidence. Absolute ******* unbelievable!
  18. When I first moved up to the North West a few years ago (Wirral first), I was actually considering taking on a closed down pub and re-opening it as a freehouse. The temptation is still there but with the cost of living being how it is, I doubt it would be a wise move at this moment in time.
  19. I visited my friend in his new apartment last week. He told me to make myself at home. So I told him to piss off and threw him out. I hate having visitors.
  20. If you think M&S is bad, avoid Tesco Express/Metro. Robbing dogs.. But hey.. you're paying for 'convenience' in these stores apparantly, although a major inconvenience to your bank balance!
  21. I agree, soft drinks/alcohol free should atleast be 50% cheaper than alcohol. Either way, they're capitalising and grabbing the 'non drinker' by the short and curlys too. ******s.
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