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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. I've generally been quiet on the Bruce front as I know a lot of it is endless bickering going round in circles, but I'm getting to the point where I just want someone new. In the last couple of seasons it seems like we always need more signings, then a few more signings, then a couple more. There doesn't seem much improving of players we already have, but I look at Leeds with envy and see Bielsa has implemented his style almost instantly in a new country in a division where you wouldn't think it would work. Yes we were unlucky that a defensive error cost us right at the end, but we've also rescued ourselves with late goals twice this season, so it works both ways. We still look short in defence and up front. I really don't understand why we signed Tuanzebe if he doesn't trust him to play centre half. We are desperately short there and we've shipped too many goals already.
  2. I don't think we're getting promoted
  3. The Pope's visiting Ireland. Whoopdi-****-doo.
  4. Watched Seven again last night, **** love that film
  5. Nirvana were great and I like a lot of Foo Fighters tunes. In fact almost all of the bands mentioned I don't mind (even Muse, I just felt like getting some easy likes ).
  6. I once had a chunk of scrap hot cross bun dough that wasn't quite enough for a whole pack, so I drew swastikas instead of crosses as a similar poor-taste joke. I didn't realise that my colleague took a photo of it, then sent it to his mate who put it up on Twitter. **** me was I worried I'd get sacked, but luckily it didn't go viral. These things can easily backfire on you in this day and age. Mandy's explanation sounds fair enough to me.
  7. Has he ever actually quit another job though? Seems to me he sabotages the team until the point where he gets sacked and a huge pay off.
  8. Definitely, I'd much rather Abraham and a centre half.
  9. I think your nephew has restored my faith in the youth of today. Dinosaurs and Villa were pretty much all I gave a shit about when i was a kid.
  10. Going to the dump. My Dad's downsizing so we are getting rid of a load of crap, but the dump is now closed Tuesday and Wednesday so going on a Thursday is painfully slow. Doesn't help that people just fanny around without a care in the world even though there are about 25 cars queuing to get in, and they don't organise their stuff before they leave home either so they take about 4 times as long.
  11. Was that two more including Bolasie? Abraham and a centre half would be perfect.
  12. He couldn't keep up with play when we were in the Cup final and that was over 3 years ago. No wonder he can't make the right decisions if he's not fit enough to get in the right position. Absolutely shocking ref.
  13. It's funny, I was watching this video with Dutch commentary and I could kind of understand what they were saying for some of it. https://youtu.be/WIBMxSShybA
  14. I noticed in that welcome tweet that it was pitch black when the picture was taken. I wonder if that means they got the paperwork done yesterday so he could play today? Probably a bit overoptimistic and the weekend more likely.
  15. Happy with the new links, though it would mean us having a huge squad and a load of unused players again, so hope we can send a few out on loan/loan to buy deals.
  16. Aaaaaaanyway, I'd be delighted if Abraham joins. Top bit of business that.
  17. After I finished GoldenEye last night I saw they had Die Another Day on ITV4, now that is an absolute scissors abortion of a film. It's almost as low as Batman got in that film with Arnie as the big blue frozen fella. I quite like Daniel Craig but he's been better than the films he's been in. Idris Elba would make a great Bond, he looks cool and looks like he could kick the shit out of you.
  18. One thing that surprised me watching Liam Gallagher live is the number of kids that are turning up and know almost all the words to the songs, many of which were b-sides released before they were born. The Masterplan album is where Oasis's greatness becomes undeniable imo. At the same time it's a bit depressing that for kids to get their rock n roll fix they have to go watch someone in his mid-40s. What's everyone's most underrated band? BRMC for me.
  19. And yet almost all hotels have that sheet arrangement. The only places I've found that have duvets are youth hostels, which interestingly don't let you sleep in the sleeping bag you've dragged around half of Australia with. Though in Australia, duvets are called doonas.
  20. I'm a Natalya man myself. Getting suffocated by Xenia's thighs would be a pretty cool way to go though.
  21. I've recently discovered the joys of a bowl of cereal with a pint of beer in the evening. Haven't tried pouring beer in the bowl instead of milk yet but I'm tempted to give it a go one day. I'm not sure I could eat any cereal dry.
  22. I've never really got into music from the 70s. 80s is abominable, and it seems to me the yoof of today are making the same horrendous mistakes in terms of silly barnets, shit music and style as they did back then. Anyone from the 60s, and 90s to mid 00s get a free pass from me, apart from Radiohead.
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