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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Looks like as a new member of the EU, other countries had the option to delay allowing people from Croatia freedom to work until 2020, and the UK chose 2018 as a start date.
  2. As far as I can tell, the higher the national team is in the FIFA rankings, the fewer games the player has to have played in order to qualify for a work permit (I assume this is why Kalinic now qualfies). If that fails it's done on a points basis depending on which league they are signing from, how expensive the fee is, how much his wages are, how good his English is etc. Teams have got around this before by buying players and sending them to other countries where it's quicker to get EU nationality. But yeah, as a result they hope young English players will get more chance of first team football.
  3. It was 'charlatan' a few months ago. I find 'dinosaur' marginally less annoying.
  4. I thought Malkovitch was the best thing about it. The actual whodunnit part of the programme wasnt that great, but then the more I watch whodunnits the more I work out who the murderer is within about half an hour. It's usually the most famous actor innit.
  5. Omnivore surely? I know you don't like veg but not quite that much
  6. Hopefully we can do a Fulham and go into the play offs with momentum and be the best team out of the 4 this time. We've got every chance of doing that and it looks like we aren't hanging around when the transfer window opens.
  7. Immortals vs Dignitas sounds like a tough one to call
  8. I love this time of year, from Boxing Day onwards you get cricket in New Zealand starting at 10pm, then Australia about half 11, then South Africa at 8 in the morning til early afternoon with a Big Bash thrown in as well. Probably about 16 or 17 hours per day.
  9. Finished Narcos Mexico just now, again very good. I would have liked more real footage thrown in like the original Narcos, but I guess there isn't as much material compared to Escobar who was so high-profile. I assume there will be another series.
  10. Also with his comments questioning the point of a sporting director is talking himself out of getting another job, as most clubs are going that way nowadays. Not that he had much hope of getting another manager's job anyway mind you.
  11. Exactly, Smith's seen enough of Nyland to make a judgment, and that judgment seems to be to get a new keeper in literally as soon as he possibly could. Kalinic will be our number 1 for sure.
  12. Surely more suited to the Rubbish Claims To Fame thread But yes it was decent enough. I get suspicious about programmes that have a lot of arty farty slow motion in it, like they're doing it so they can stretch it into 3 episodes.
  13. The thing is from what I remember Liverpool had a run of a few games where they scored late goals to keep them in touch of City, but City haven't done the same in their dodgy period. Tbh my hatred of Liverpool has softened these past two seasons, and as long as Utd don't win I'm relatively un-arsed about who wins.
  14. Man I've just had a massive dump, and that must have just been Christmas Eve's food, God knows what it'll be like tomorrow. My sister in law cooked, she actually got a turkey from the butcher's and it was the best turkey I've ever eaten. Hope everyone has had a great day.
  15. They've put an Argos in our Sainsburys which makes things even worse. The queue for click and collecting stuff from Argos almost reached all the way out of the shop, let alone a billion people trying to do their food shop as well. It was nuts.
  16. I'm early 30s and think rap music is worse than ear rabies. I actually managed to plumb in the washing machine (having bought an adjustable spanner, thanks @mjmooney) only to find the plug socket doesn't work. I'm having to use an extension lead for now which looks a bit untidy.
  17. Exactly, I can't believe people are still sticking up for Jose. Fair enough if it was a one off but it's happened at every club he has been at in recent years. The man is an idiot for slagging off his players over and over again in public, not to mention his shit out of date tactics.
  18. The balls to do that at 0-0. If it went tits up he would have looked a right plonker.
  19. It's happened so often at different clubs that I never really got why people were blaming the likes of Pogba over Mourinho.
  20. I mean I've got nothing against the metric system, nor the imperial system, but having this stupid mish mash of both over here does piss me off. To be fair I could have just read the packaging.
  21. Probably just a pair of standard creepy Crawley scumbags
  22. Picked up a set of imperial spanners rather than metric in Wilkos ffs. Washing machine is going to have to wait til tomorrow now.
  23. They should be tied to the runway as punishment. rocket polishers.
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