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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Me too, in fact I'd go as far to say that I really disliked it. Just not my cup of tea really.
  2. Just don't give him any money spend and I suspect he'll do ok
  3. I didn't realise his contract is up in the summer, for once some decent planning (though that's countered by the fact he has always had no footballing ability so shouldnt have been signed in the first place). The only decent thing he's done at the club was miss that penalty.
  4. I think this is part of the whole problem in any manager taking the job on, many of us said that it's a long term fix to change everything to do with the playing side at the club, but as soon as you start losing you get pelters. You're completely correct, but the atmosphere will probably kill off Smith before he implements what he wants. I hope I'm wrong.
  5. If you like fish I'd recommend the Fog Harbour Fishhouse the end of Pier 39 in San Francisco. Only went to San Diego for a day and got heat stroke but you should be ok in March.
  6. Hopefully going to Lisbon in May. Might sound weird but Portugal is one of those countries that I always forget exists, a bit like New Zealand, so when the idea popped up I thought **** it, yeah let's go. Looks like there's lots to do and the beer seems cheap. Not sure I'll get a proper summer holiday, more likely to get some winter sunshine in November instead.
  7. Suso or whatever his name is needs to start identifying a list of the best young prospects around the Championship/League 1/Scotland now, ready for us to go for them in the summer. I'm fed up of us signing players who are on the way down. Get the lad on here who scouts for St Mirren if needs be!
  8. I'm half ready to accept that Smith is going to need a while to sort this out and in reality means saving our money for the summer when we have had a proper clear out.
  9. Gone along with Axel and Jack unfortunately. Now we are left in the same position he took over. I wonder if conceding the two goal lead against Leeds is Smith's equivalent of giving up two goals to Leicester under Sherwood. We seemed to have been destroyed ever since.
  10. If I was Smith I'd chop off everyone's arms and legs, then shoot myself in the face
  11. Tbh although that would be a hell of a lot of players leaving, I don't disagree too much on the individual verdicts for most of those players.
  12. The Hate Mail is a weird one, the Mail on Sunday backed remain and their editor has recently taken over the Daily Mail. I don't know whether there has been much of a change in their coverage in the last couple of months and whether that's enough to alter the views of enough of the pro-Leave demographic to make a difference in another referendum.
  13. True, though the Davis Cup (how the **** did we manage to win that?), Olympic golds and pretty much keeping up with the big 3 in the world rankings for so long make up for it a bit.
  14. Once Radio 1 decided I was too old for them I switched to Shaun Keaveny and enjoyed it, but there seemed to come a point where his listenership figures started increasing rapidly (I assume for the same reasons I switched) and he went a bit too far with his schtick and it got a bit grating. I've not listened to Lauren Laverne on the breakfast show, I used to hate listening to her old show.
  15. I wouldn't say he's miserable, he's got a very dry wit and seems like a good family man. The best British sportsman in my lifetime, I agree he should give himself a few months off and make sure he goes out at Wimbledon but then he knows his body better than anyone.
  16. I thought the right decision was made in the end, which is the whole purpose of it.
  17. I thought so, there was a villain in it that I assume is from a previous series as well. The actual murder part of it was good enough to hold my attention anyway even if I didn't know what the **** was going on in the rest of it.
  18. Nah I prefer the machines in McDonald's, easy to customise your order and the ticket system where you wait for your order is better than you used to have to wait awkwardly to one side and wait for them to bellow out your order. It's a bit like the self service passport things, takes a couple of times to get the hang of it but better in the long run.
  19. My local team Horsham's new ground is coming along nicely. Been 12 years without a ground thanks to rampant NIMBYism, it's only small but has two 3G pitches with one for use with the community, but most importantly their future is secure.
  20. I liked it too, it is a bit trashy and everyone is implausibly good-looking but the ending genuinely surprised me (well not so much the very last scene, but the conclusion of the main storyline)
  21. Cats can't survive on a vegan diet, so I've often wondered how vegans reconcile that with their beliefs, whether they choose not to have cats or just feed them meat anyway.
  22. I was thinking it must have been a badly negotiated loan deal in the first place if this could happen, but then I think we did the same with Grabban last year. It's one of those depressing things that comes with being a Championship club.
  23. Pisa, the worst holiday and worst hotel ever. A word for the couple of hotels I've stayed in recently that have a see-through shower cubicle in the middle of the room. Good idea for sexy holidays but not family ones.
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