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Everything posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. This has been such an odd appointment. We really don't know much about him, not one single interview? ( unless I missed it) The signings he has brought in have been poor with no real methodology.. For me this started with the Danny Ings signing.. Purslow has made two bad appointments tbh.. him and SG..
  2. Shortlist of managers is being built imo..
  3. Interestingly, What manager do you think is capable working with this current squad? We have very little width, two wingers? Bailey and Buendia ( Isn't a natural 10). Most managers that are being suggested tend to play with wide players.
  4. I said this, After the two tough games it will either be Leicester or Southampton. It wouldn't be fair for our potential manager to be dealing with the two best teams in the league currently.
  5. Rumours circulating that we have sacked 9 members of the back room staff..
  6. I can’t see Poch coming here tbh.. We cannot provide him European football in the next two years. The teams that we should be challenging have strengthened remarkably in the past month.. Our recruitment plan has been poor, only good players we have signed has been Kamara and Carlos. But the recruitment plan seems to be all over the place. He will have better options. Potter could come but he would need some assurances on the long term strategy. Are we recruiting players that can grow and be top level? or Are we just signing players that have the highest amount of International/Europa league caps.. The board need to figure out the project and sell that to that the next manager!
  7. I haven’t seen a Villa Manager get so much press on a potential sacking like this. Percy, Talksport ect.. The damning thing is that they are not just questioning the results but his ability to coach, team selection and disharmony in the dressing room. The writing is very much on the wall.. He could be gone next week Monday..
  8. One of our next managers will either be Brendan Rodgers or Graham Potter.. I remember reading that Purslow prefers British managers..
  9. My thoughts.. We are probably going to sign a CB and that will be it.. The club don’t want to sanction anymore project signings because Gerrard will be gone by the international break..
  10. We won’t get any better because he doesn’t coach the players and the players need coaching to improve.. Apparently we have one of the worst running stats in the league.. That tells me two things.. 1.) We lack athleticism 2.) Players are not playing for the Manager I want him gone, but we may have to wait until after the Arsenal and City game so that the new manager gets a better run of games..
  11. I have no words left.. Its not even disappointing to see him perform bad, I expect it.
  12. I think he is finished as a player.. Bailey, Buendia are ahead of him..
  13. My issue with Purslow is that he has placed a lot of faith in Gerrard, prized a manager from Blackpool to be our assistance manager.. You sack Gerrard and his backroom staff, that is a lot of money wasted.. Will Purslow be in a rush to sack Gerrard? I don't think so.. Although he is financially invested in the club I wonder if NSWE are questioning some of his decisions of recruiting Lange & Gerrard..
  14. The fact that we considered loaning him has really annoyed me.
  15. A few sources on twitter are saying that the deal is off.
  16. If we don’t sell or loan this guy this window that tells me that Gerrard won’t be here for too long. A new manager might value him more?
  17. What makes it more difficult after yesterday’s result is that the teams we are competing with are playing extremely well, with an an identity and on a lesser budget..
  18. We need a tactician and a someone that can coach. Gerrard is limited in both.. DS is a great coach but tactically wasn’t the best. We need a combination of the two.
  19. I didn’t watch the game or see the highlights as I had a feeling we wouldn’t have won that game and I did not want to ruin my weekend. I will say, it’s becoming more apparent that SG isn’t tactical and himself and coaching team don’t have enough about them to implement a known style. I did say give him until after Xmas but now I feel that he isn’t good enough. We are screwed because we have thrown some money at players that didn’t want to play for the club but wanted to play under Gerrard. I just don’t know how this going to end honestly.
  20. They look like a top 8 side minimum. Very strong.
  21. I am not sure what your point is.. I am discussing why Konsa may be ahead of Calum Chambers.. We are not speaking about someone that hasn't played for this club in over 25 years.. that played under a different manager.. during the 90's.. lol
  22. Konsa is one of the most competitive trainers in our squad which is why he is slightly ahead of Chambers. For me, Chambers should be starting.
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