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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Police have Blocked off the 50 yards of my road where my house is located. Won't let me go home, even by foot.

Been sat in my car for an hour and a half.

Pretty pissed off

stop using your phone while in charge of your car you criminal :-)


They have bigger fish to fry. It's because someone is being held at gunpoint 2 doors up from me!

Negotiators had just turned up when I left. Retreated to my parents for the night!

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The government promising lots of new affordable housing, this just means they are going to stick a bunch of scumbags on to any bit of land they can find.

yep I don't want to buy a new build home, most of the ones I've been in are tiny, I want to buy a decent home that I pick myself in a good area, not some squeezed built on the cheap new build home where after a few months of being empty next door gets filled with people on the social

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The government promising lots of new affordable housing, this just means they are going to stick a bunch of scumbags on to any bit of land they can find.

yep I don't want to buy a new build home, most of the ones I've been in are tiny, I want to buy a decent home that I pick myself in a good area, not some squeezed built on the cheap new build home where after a few months of being empty next door gets filled with people on the social

The worst part is they kick these people out of their houses for not paying the rent or generally being a nuisance to society then move them in to new houses, it doesn't make sense.

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People who feel the need to tell you they are having a shit. Why?

Text my mate earlier "you coming library??"

text back, "yeah mate, 5 mins, just taking a shit"

WTF. Why, what's the need in that!? Just leave it at "yeah mate, 5 mins" I really don't need to know.

Or you're in person and they say "just going back for a shit" ....what, just tell me you're going toilet, i don't need to know details!

And that's exactly why you need to be told.

I love it when people phone me whilst I'm taking a shit. The reactions you get when you flush and someone realises they've just been talking to you whilst you take a dump are always great.

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People who feel the need to tell you they are having a shit. Why?

Text my mate earlier "you coming library??"

text back, "yeah mate, 5 mins, just taking a shit"

WTF. Why, what's the need in that!? Just leave it at "yeah mate, 5 mins" I really don't need to know.

Or you're in person and they say "just going back for a shit" ....what, just tell me you're going toilet, i don't need to know details!

I tell people all the time, even when I'm not.

I'm having one now

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I've only just found out that Shooting Stars has been dropped by the BBC

Shooting Stars Axed

Why not get rid of crap like Miranda, Lee Nelson and Outnumbered instead?

First they get rid of Jonathan Ross, then they move everything to dirty Manchester and now this!

Now for me, short of the BBC telling me I'd won a night of carnal lust with Billie Piper and Cerrie from Cbeebies this is the best news ever.

Shooting Stars is inane shite, and Vic Reeves is the biggest clearing in the woods I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

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Shooting Stars is inane shite, and Vic Reeves is the biggest clearing in the woods I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

Wow. I respect your opinion mate but...wow.

For me Vic and Bob kick are heroes of modern comedy and IMO kick started the surreal comedy movement in the early 90's...

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Shooting Stars is inane shite, and Vic Reeves is the biggest clearing in the woods I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

Wow. I respect your opinion mate but...wow.

For me Vic and Bob kick are heroes of modern comedy and IMO kick started the surreal comedy movement in the early 90's...

Got to agree here. I'm always in the mood for a bit of Vic and Bob, they never fail to cheer me up either. I was gutted when I heard shooting stars had been cancelled but I always much preffered the 'Smell of' and 'Bang, Bang' shows myself

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I've only just found out that Shooting Stars has been dropped by the BBC

Shooting Stars Axed

Why not get rid of crap like Miranda, Lee Nelson and Outnumbered instead?

First they get rid of Jonathan Ross, then they move everything to dirty Manchester and now this!

Now for me, short of the BBC telling me I'd won a night of carnal lust with Billie Piper and Cerrie from Cbeebies this is the best news ever.

Shooting Stars is inane shite, and Vic Reeves is the biggest clearing in the woods I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

This for me too, shouldnt of even came back. Vic Reeves is one of the biggest and unfunny tw@ts I have seen on TV, without Bob he is nothing and Bob without Vic is the same.

Anybody see Vic Reeves on Hells Kitchen a few years ago? He was a guest there eating and decided to try and be funny by asking Gordon Ransey if he could have egg on chips and got egg on face!


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Shooting Stars is inane shite, and Vic Reeves is the biggest clearing in the woods I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

Wow. I respect your opinion mate but...wow.

For me Vic and Bob kick are heroes of modern comedy and IMO kick started the surreal comedy movement in the early 90's...

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Now I've wiped the coffee from my screen..... Vic and Bob "Heroes of Modern Comedy"

"I respect your opinion mate but...wow."

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I have said this type of one before but here goes....again

stupid **** bints in the office, this is pretty much word for word how a conversation has just gone in the office

girl 1 enters room sits down at desk

girl 2 - ive got my christmas party dress

girl 1 - ive got my christmas party dress as well

girl 2 - let me see your dress then

girl 1 - ive only got a photo on my phone

girl 2 - ive got mine here

both girls look at each others dresses and say in unison - aawwwwwww thats sexy

girl 3 enters and sits down next to the previous 2 girls

girl 3 - you need to see the video I got of **** (**** will be the name for all of the kids mentioned) its sooo cute

girl 1 & 2 - lets have a look then

they all crowd round the phone and let out (again in unison) a big aawwwwwww

everytime someone comes into the cycle starts again

I swear to god I could **** brain someone

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oh yeah ive got another one but this should go in a thread titled ''things that piss you off that should''

I bought my nephew an xbox game for christmas over a week ago (closer to two weeks now) and the money has just came out of my **** account today

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i'm pretty sure I have mentioned this one before as well

people who feel the need to interrupt you even though that can see that you are reading a book.

I literally managed to read 10 lines...10 **** LINES of my new book this morning and I was interrupted 5 times by 3 different people

**** ignorent swines

im in a real stinker of a mood today

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oh yeah ive got another one but this should go in a thread titled ''things that piss you off that should''

I bought my nephew an xbox game for christmas over a week ago (closer to two weeks now) and the money has just came out of my **** account today

So they gave you a week's interest free credit? :winkold:

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oh yeah ive got another one but this should go in a thread titled ''things that piss you off that should''

I bought my nephew an xbox game for christmas over a week ago (closer to two weeks now) and the money has just came out of my **** account today

Yep, that definatly does the trick in pissing me off! I always thought direct debt was instant?

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