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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Oh I know thats a bad thing to do, and I actively try not to, but my mind has basically become... trained, I guess... to look around questions to see where the question is leading or what it's actually getting at. I blame A Level and university education - a lot of exams I did when I was doing those qualifications had an annoying habit of not directly asking a question, they ask a question that they expect you interpret to provide certain avenues of answers, and they used to give hints to what they wanted in the question but never directly say them, so what I always ended up doing, whilst I planned answers, was deconstructing the question to try to work out what it really wanted me to say.

I now really struggle not to do it. Which throws me on psychometric questionnaires. I'm getting better at it though. I still dislike them though, just ona fundamental level it's like participating in your own being pigeonholed. I can't help thinking that each one of the tests has a specific result for different types of person, probably labelled 'Ideal candidate' right down to 'Potential mass murderer'.

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Ah my old friend, the ''things that piss you off that shouldn't'' thread

its been a while but I am on the verge of **** exploding here so here goes

bit pissed off today just with life in general, I'm a bit run down with a cold and bad chest, got absolutely no money to my name (literally not a penny until next month) so I just wanto sit here and dwell in my own self pity, nothing wrong with that I actually enjoy being a bit pissed off sometimes....why do some **** idiots decide it is their **** business to try to cheer you up

'whats the matter lee'

'are you ok lee'

'is something wrong'

'has anything happened'

'are you ok'

'are you ok'

'are you ok'

**** OFF I AM FINE I just dont feel like joining in with your **** inane drivel just shut the **** up and leave me alone to get my head down until 5 o'clock so I can **** off and not haveto worry about seeing any of you for a whole week, even if I was **** depressed or suicidal you are the last **** I would confide in, I dont like **** speaking to you when I am in a good mood so when I am seeking comfort in my own solitary confinement the last thing I need is a **** monkey like you following me round....I know you dont really give a ****, you know I dont really give a **** so why dont we just both about our business knowing that neither of us really gives a **** hows about that you **** cretin

also this **** book that everyone is reading ''shades of grey'' or something like that

every **** bird I have heard speaking today has been going on about this book, **** sheep the lot of them I actually heard one say today ''I hate reading and I'm not very good at it but I'm reading this book so I dont feel left out'' WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE

another couple of them were talking and I swear to god this is how the conversation went

1-I'm struggling with it a bit to be honest, the beggining is reeeaaaallllly slow

2-oh I love it, what page are you on

1-errr about page 15 i think

jesus **** christ some people dont have the brains of shit maggots anything more intellectual than spot the **** dog and they dont have the capacity to take in the words that they are looking at

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I have tried to avoid it but I can see me making a little comeback now
We love you leemond. Never EVER leave again :) Rants are awesome in general.
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Ah my old friend, the ''things that piss you off that shouldn't'' thread

its been a while but I am on the verge of **** exploding here so here goes

bit pissed off today just with life in general, I'm a bit run down with a cold and bad chest, got absolutely no money to my name (literally not a penny until next month) so I just wanto sit here and dwell in my own self pity, nothing wrong with that I actually enjoy being a bit pissed off sometimes....why do some **** idiots decide it is their **** business to try to cheer you up

'whats the matter lee'

'are you ok lee'

'is something wrong'

'has anything happened'

'are you ok'

'are you ok'

'are you ok'

**** OFF I AM FINE I just dont feel like joining in with your **** inane drivel just shut the **** up and leave me alone to get my head down until 5 o'clock so I can **** off and not haveto worry about seeing any of you for a whole week, even if I was **** depressed or suicidal you are the last **** I would confide in, I dont like **** speaking to you when I am in a good mood so when I am seeking comfort in my own solitary confinement the last thing I need is a **** monkey like you following me round....I know you dont really give a ****, you know I dont really give a **** so why dont we just both about our business knowing that neither of us really gives a **** hows about that you **** cretin

also this **** book that everyone is reading ''shades of grey'' or something like that

every **** bird I have heard speaking today has been going on about this book, **** sheep the lot of them I actually heard one say today ''I hate reading and I'm not very good at it but I'm reading this book so I dont feel left out'' WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE

another couple of them were talking and I swear to god this is how the conversation went

1-I'm struggling with it a bit to be honest, the beggining is reeeaaaallllly slow

2-oh I love it, what page are you on

1-errr about page 15 i think

jesus **** christ some people dont have the brains of shit maggots anything more intellectual than spot the **** dog and they dont have the capacity to take in the words that they are looking at

Yaaaaaayyyy!!!!!! He's back! :clap:

**** love you leemond! You remind me of one of my old pals.

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I'm not so bad at the logical reasoning ones, though I still don't like them. And I never trust psychometric things because I always by habit, somehow, look for the 'seams' and try to work out what the questions would like me to answer them. Even when I try not to.

Unfortunately I need to do them. :|

This is absolutely the worse thing you can do.

We run these for our recruitment and I see countless results of people and you can spot the people who do this a mile away. Built into most of these tests is something called a 'distortion test' and if you score badly on this most companies will end your application right there.

There are no right or wrong answers to many of these tests, what they are looking for is personality traits, what makes you tick and how you think. You can't beat them, if you try it shows on the distortion score and they will view you (anyone) as being disshonest or having something to hide.

The point of these tests is to match peoples personalities with those required for or that usually succeed within a role. People shouldn't be trying to cheat or beat these tests because not only will they help employers pick people that match what they are looking for but they will also reduce the chance of you ending up in jobs you hate.

This isn't a reply directed entirely at you mate but anyone in a position of taking one of these tests and a bit of advice from someone on the other side of the fence.

That makes a lot of sense to me. was up for a job a while back and they said while they're putting together interview schedules for me, would I mind doing this quick test. Remember, there's no right or wrong answers, it's just a formality they go through before interview. 20 minutes after I complete the test, I get an automated response telling me I am no longer going to be considered for the position. Thought it odd that within 20 mins of taking a test that would have no real bearing on my interview process, I was shit-canned.

Guess I must've been distorted! Probably because I have a habit of telling people what I think they want to hear.

Next time I take one of those tests, I'll just be honest and not try to make out I'm the lazy good-for-nothing that I really am ;-)

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^^ Had to do one recently for an interview and they're the most demoralising things to have to do, especially when you've just worked out the answer only to find your 30 seconds for that question gave just expired. Apparently I was in the top 8% on the verbal reasoning but the bottom 20% for the numeric!

So could you not talk your way out of your poor numeric grades? :winkold:

I tried but quickly realised that there's just no reasoning with a print-out.

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Well I've just done the test.

What the ****.

5 sets of 5 questions with a time limit that slowly dropped, starting at 9 seconds for each question, down to 5. The questions? Match the string of letters/numbers to the selection opposite, find the matching one as fast as possible. The string starts out with 5 differing numbers, which is easy, and gradually gets longer and having more letters and numbers with similar shapes and with more very similar strings of letters and and numbers in the options as it goes on, and of course you get less time.

I'm genuinely at a loss what that could tell you about how well I could manage the job it's allegedly for. I also know I averaged probably 3 out of 5 on the sets and consistently did so for the practises. I dunno if thats good or not. Anyone capable of doing that perfectly though, is probably dangerous or ill.

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often those tests are adaptive though, Chndie. If you start off well, they ramp up the difficulty. That's why most people think they've done badly when in fact the fact that it gets tougher as you go is an indication you're actually doing quite well.

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The fact that it doesn't matter if I wake up in a good mood, it'll only be ruined when I get to work with my bunch of miserable twunt colleagues.

When I ask you how you are I'm just being polite, I'm not really bothered to be honest.

That's the last time I reply to one of your morning emails you grumpy ballbag!

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often those tests are adaptive though, Chndie. If you start off well, they ramp up the difficulty. That's why most people think they've done badly when in fact the fact that it gets tougher as you go is an indication you're actually doing quite well.


Personally I think I **** it up.

Which could be a chance of a job down the drain. On something so **** arbitrary.

**** sake. I've had enough of this shit.

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My son has come home from school singing " We will Rock you"

seems they were singing it in the playground at play time


At least I still have a daughter

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My son has come home from school singing " We will Rock you"

seems they were singing it in the playground at play time


At least I still have a daughter

Modern thinking has it that it's not willful, deviant or due to a nasty incident with a relative, it's actually just natural. Some kids sing Queen songs.

Many parents can embrace this lifestyle, sharing their child's own personal path to joy.

Better that, than living in denial, pretending to be happy with good music, but always humming it's a kind of magic when you think you are on your own.

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My son has come home from school singing " We will Rock you"

seems they were singing it in the playground at play time


At least I still have a daughter

Modern thinking has it that it's not willful, deviant or due to a nasty incident with a relative, it's actually just natural. Some kids sing Queen songs.

Many parents can embrace this lifestyle, sharing their child's own personal path to joy.

Better that, than living in denial, pretending to be happy with good music, but always humming it's a kind of magic when you think you are on your own.

The only time it is even remotely acceptable to listen to the 'music' of queen is when watching Highlander.

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My son has come home from school singing " We will Rock you"

seems they were singing it in the playground at play time


At least I still have a daughter

You could offer him to Pelle for adoption. :P

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