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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Mothers on facebook moaning about the Govt cutting child care for families and slating people who are on job seekers.

The basis of the opinion seems to be that the woman seems to think EVERYONE on job seekers allowence is a scally.

Yet she thinks it's ok for everyone to give her money for her kids.

I'm not into politics but as far as i'm concerned, I'm paying for both of them through taxes, so they should shut the **** up. I don't care if my money goes to helping a guy get back to work or the next generation.

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We run weekly backups of all our data, which is obviously quite sensible. However, the person in charge of starting the backup process didnt do so early enough, so now i'm waiting past my finishing time for them to finish.


Why do you have to stay until the backup completes? Seems a rather bizarre process.

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The Champion's League is a total **** bore

:clap: Another convert :mrgreen:

Meh, it's still got me hooked. Bayern vs Madrid and Barca vs Chelsea semi finals have my mouth watering at the prospect.

Maybe I'm not old and cynical enough yet :D

I'll watch it from this point onward, but for the last few years, I've not paid it much mind until the semifinals or final...it's just lost it's luster for me.

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Women that turn up at work with a handbag on their arm, another handbag in one hand, a carrier bag in the second hand... why on earth do they need to bring that much 'stuff' to work each day?

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So true TV!

I bring one bag to work, and even that's overkill. It's only got my lunch in it, and the only reason I put it in the bag is to look smart. I could quite easily just bring it in a small carrier bag.

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people who stop at the top of the escalator, or when they exit the revolving door. You do realize that people are coming behind you, right?

People who don't let the others get off the subway before trying to push on.

I guess I didn't have the best commute to work today :)

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People who don't let the others get off the subway before trying to push on.

Similarly, people on the subway who make it hard for others behind them to get off by moving off the train at snail's pace.

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Scrawny, pikey yoofs hanging around local stores like Tesco, scowling at passers by. Walked past a few of these heroes last wed night, pissing down with rain. There they were, slumped up against the window of Tesco, sharing a cigarette. All no older than 16. I mean, its cold, raining, you're not actually doing anything, just "hanging out", givin it the ol James Dean. What's the point ? All dressed the same. One tried to stare me out so I returned the favour then burst out laughing & said "Prick !!"

If it hadnt been for my 6 stone weight advantage I'm sure he would've taught me a lesson for dissin' him in front of his "dawgs", innit ? Instead, he just gave me his best scowl & one of those spits on the ground....you know the ones...a tiny amount of gob comes out.....for ****'s sake if you're gonna gob, do it justice, not a pea size amount that slowly arcs to the ground !

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come on, you need to remember when you were a child trying to make an impression on the grown ups, easiest way was pseudo bad boy

In reality, back then you were a bit bored, didn't have any money and didn't want to go home because you knew you didn't have first dibs on the tv channel

Better to bid them a cheery 'alright chaps!' and know it's a couple of years before they can give you any real grief, by which time most of them will have discovered the delights of 9 to 5

By the same token, always know that if the situation does go nuclear, go for the knees and the face simultaneously and always always destroy

always destroy completely


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People who drive down a lane that is right (or left) turn only, but still indicate.


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On a similar note to that, I know someone who used to indicate when on a single lane road, if the road had a turn in it. She's still indicate, as if to make people aware that she didn't plan on continuining to drive straight off the road.

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It becomes second nature though doesn't it? You start to steer and pull to whichever side of the road in preparation for the turn and as you move the wheel clockwise or anti-clockwise your fingers brush the indicator up or down.

Either way, it's never a bad habit to get out of to be fair, far too many morons out there who do the opposite, not indicating when they're supposed to.

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It becomes second nature though doesn't it? You start to steer and pull to whichever side of the road in preparation for the turn and as you move the wheel clockwise or anti-clockwise your fingers brush the indicator up or down.

Either way, it's never a bad habit to get out of to be fair, far too many morons out there who do the opposite, not indicating when they're supposed to.


But I refer to a certain road on the way to work every day - it has traffic lights too. People sit at the lights when they are red with indicator flashing away when THEY CAN ONLY GO RIGHT ANYWAY.

Still, could be worse. I could be stuck on public transport

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Actually you get marked down on indicating when you don't need to in advanced driving tests (used in the police force etc) as it shows lack of awareness and means youre just like a robot rather then someone who actually thinks when they drive. Eg if there's no-one around you should know that and know not to indicate.

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People walking through supermarket aisles with trolleys who stop stone dead in the middle of the aisle for no discernable reason. I had to go to ASDA on Friday and it was like the apocalypse was coming. So many people stopping in the aisles for no reason I was ready to kill by the time I got to the checkout

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Actually you get marked down on indicating when you don't need to in advanced driving tests (used in the police force etc) as it shows lack of awareness and means youre just like a robot rather then someone who actually thinks when they drive. Eg if there's no-one around you should know that and know not to indicate.

Standard one too.

It's expected that you actually look to see if anyone will benefit from a signal before you apply it, if you apply one with no one around, or when it was the only direction you could go, it shows you haven't carried out your observations correctly so you should pick up a minor for it.

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