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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I don't what pisses me off more: the fact that OT (e.g. General Chat) has now actually become TOO laddish and bad taste, or the fact that I am pissed off by it at all.

It's not that I really object to all the smut, obsession with porn and general immaturity - let's face it, I contribute to it myself on occasion - but you know what? It's getting boring.

There, I said it.

+1 (and I know that I've contributed to it, but everything in moderation, including moderation)

+1 aswell. I'm all for going into the finer details of most things, but I know when it has served it's purpose :)

+1'd. Pretty much exactly as Mike said.

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I now dispise the following;

Wiggy - the ring master of the whole (laddd) operation - or should that be.. ring piece?

Irrev - The main underling to wiggy - a true asshole

Shillz - Has finally shut the **** up lately, but still.. noone can escape his quotation alterings..

Eames - Another main culprit of the distasteful mutterings in the off topic section - also found husslin' in VT section

CI - A hate filled cultural vacuum, may have something wrong with him..

Dante - An unfortunate who has been sucked into Operation Ladd's evil smuttiness

Tamuff - A shady outsider who is also an accomplice

Paddywhack - A no good for nothin' punk who is hagglin' for power, without getting anyway - a proper douche

and last of all..

Theunderstudy - everyone knows this menace, he does evil things around here without even trying.. Armed and extremely dangerous.. Taken dead or alive, reward of nothing for being taken alive.

Can I have a sheriff's badge please? Make it rusty..


just joking btw, I don't dispise anyone! :D

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I don't what pisses me off more: the fact that OT (e.g. General Chat) has now actually become TOO laddish and bad taste, or the fact that I am pissed off by it at all.

It's not that I really object to all the smut, obsession with porn and general immaturity - let's face it, I contribute to it myself on occasion - but you know what? It's getting boring.

There, I said it.

+1 (and I know that I've contributed to it, but everything in moderation, including moderation)

+1 aswell. I'm all for going into the finer details of most things, but I know when it has served it's purpose :)

+1'd. Pretty much exactly as Mike said.

I seem to recall you went through a similar phase before Mike with the constant anti French comments that were common place on VT ( and I know Dean felt the same with the yoghurt knitting references (boo hiss )

To me , with regards VT they become an In-Joke (we've had a few French ones over the past few days , they never get old :-) ) or a term of endearment in the case of yoghurt knitter ..maybe they then become a victim of their own success thus becoming overused and boring and an irritant to others ..

The grammar Nazi stage that VT went through I found a tad tedious ... as we've not had an overdose of them for a while I suspect in isolation , said post(s) would raise a chuckle now

(I suspect with a sense of VT irony there will be a grammar mistake or three in my post that will get gleefully picked up upon :-) )

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'your prayers have helped muamba'

**** off. the paramedics and doctors saved his life. give credit where it is due.

and that goes for any **** life saved by dctors and advances in science.




Lets all pray to the god who let this happen in the first place and see if he'll stop being a prick for two minutes and help someone out .

If the worst had happened it would have been "god's plan" but now he may be O.K. it's "The prayers that did it ".

It wasn't the prayers it was years of scientific endeavour (Which the churches tried to hinder for centuries) that saved that mans life.

**** religion.

**** it right in the ear .

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I don't what pisses me off more: the fact that OT (e.g. General Chat) has now actually become TOO laddish and bad taste, or the fact that I am pissed off by it at all.

It's not that I really object to all the smut, obsession with porn and general immaturity - let's face it, I contribute to it myself on occasion - but you know what? It's getting boring.

There, I said it.

+1 (and I know that I've contributed to it, but everything in moderation, including moderation)

+1 aswell. I'm all for going into the finer details of most things, but I know when it has served it's purpose :)

+1'd. Pretty much exactly as Mike said.

I seem to recall you went through a similar phase before Mike with the constant anti French comments that were common place on VT ( and I know Dean felt the same with the yoghurt knitting references (boo hiss )

To me , with regards VT they become an In-Joke (we've had a few French ones over the past few days , they never get old :-) ) or a term of endearment in the case of yoghurt knitter ..maybe they then become a victim of their own success thus becoming overused and boring and an irritant to others ..

You're right Tony, and I did think that the whole thing would settle back to normal if ignored anyway. Which was why I said I was partly pissed off with myself for not just letting it lie. I did think perhaps it was just me, but responses would suggest otherwise.
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Look as I am probably a culprit of this 'laddish' behaviour (never been termed this before), I think now Mike has made the comment, everyone has taken it on board and will try to rectify the frequency of crude comments as it is not fair for a few to ruin the great forum for everyone else. I think that has happened since the comment was made from most.

So as everyone had taken it on board, can we stop the irritating "+1" and just get on with talking about Off Topics.


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Look as I am probably a culprit of this 'laddish' behaviour (never been termed this before), I think now Mike has made the comment, everyone has taken it on board and will try to rectify the frequency of crude comments as it is not fair for a few to ruin the great forum for everyone else. I think that has happened since the comment was made from most.

So as everyone had taken it on board, can we stop the irritating "+1" and just get on with talking about Off Topics.


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Look as I am probably a culprit of this 'laddish' behaviour (never been termed this before), I think now Mike has made the comment, everyone has taken it on board and will try to rectify the frequency of crude comments as it is not fair for a few to ruin the great forum for everyone else. I think that has happened since the comment was made from most.

So as everyone had taken it on board, can we stop the irritating "+1" and just get on with talking about Off Topics.



Jesus, I left myself wide open there!!!! :evil:

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I seem to recall you went through a similar phase before Mike with the constant anti French comments that were common place on VT ( and I know Dean felt the same with the yoghurt knitting references (boo hiss )

To me , with regards VT they become an In-Joke (we've had a few French ones over the past few days , they never get old :-) ) or a term of endearment in the case of yoghurt knitter ..maybe they then become a victim of their own success thus becoming overused and boring and an irritant to others ..

The grammar Nazi stage that VT went through I found a tad tedious ... as we've not had an overdose of them for a while I suspect in isolation , said post(s) would raise a chuckle now

(I suspect with a sense of VT irony there will be a grammar mistake or three in my post that will get gleefully picked up upon :-) )

On the yoghurt knitter issue I always took issue with that because its always used, even in jest really, as an ad hominem - an attempt to discredit the argument one makes because they're a lefty. I have the same issue with the right wing versions (though I can't think of a perfectly analogous one, despite some spirited attempts by some to make the term 'Tory' achieve the same thing, it doesn't quite work the same). I appreciate that its usage waned, and even if it hasn't I now can't bring myself to read the political threads much, despite my interest, because they spent the last year at least being the most tedious and grim reading on the forum (although even that has lessened just a little recently...).

On the actual point Mike raised... anything can get tedious, we all know that. Its that that kinda makes Mikes (and others including myself) gripe with the 'laddish' thing perfect for this thread. I found it's gotten tedious... boring, but it shouldn't really bother me.

What it has achieved is me ignoring General Chat recently, because editting a person to say 'Cock' (hur hur hur) isn't my idea of the height of comedy, and theres only so much of that kind of stuff I can bother with. I've no issue with 'smut' per se, I'm fully in favour. It's just... grown old. Fast.

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This modern thing that when someone famous like an actor or footballer is being interviewed the interviewee asks questions like "You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog who sings lullabies, which do you choose?" or "What nocturnal animal would you be if you had to choose and why?"

I just cant stand this line of questioning, trying to be witty and clever when its just a total waste of the famous persons time, the viewers time and air time. I couldnt careless whether they prefer a signing Gorilla or a bat.

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This modern thing that when someone famous like an actor or footballer is being interviewed the interviewee asks questions like "You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog who sings lullabies, which do you choose?" or "What nocturnal animal would you be if you had to choose and why?"

I just cant stand this line of questioning, trying to be witty and clever when its just a total waste of the famous persons time, the viewers time and air time. I couldnt careless whether they prefer a signing Gorilla or a bat.

A matter of taste, really. For me, I'd rather gain some small insight into the personality of the interviewee by such means than listen for the gazillionth time to:

"Well, once I read the script and so-and-so contacted me to say he was on board with it, there was no question in my mind that this was something I wanted to be involved in..."


"At the end of the day, all credit to them..."

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I now dispise the following;

Wiggy - the ring master of the whole (laddd) operation - or should that be.. ring piece?

Irrev - The main underling to wiggy - a true asshole

Shillz - Has finally shut the **** up lately, but still.. noone can escape his quotation alterings..

Eames - Another main culprit of the distasteful mutterings in the off topic section - also found husslin' in VT section

CI - A hate filled cultural vacuum, may have something wrong with him..

Dante - An unfortunate who has been sucked into Operation Ladd's evil smuttiness

Tamuff - A shady outsider who is also an accomplice

Paddywhack - A no good for nothin' punk who is hagglin' for power, without getting anyway - a proper douche

and last of all..

Theunderstudy - everyone knows this menace, he does evil things around here without even trying.. Armed and extremely dangerous.. Taken dead or alive, reward of nothing for being taken alive.

Can I have a sheriff's badge please? Make it rusty..


just joking btw, I don't dispise anyone! :D

I don't know if I'm happy or sad that I didn't make the list of Off Topic delinquents :D

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I now dispise the following;

Wiggy - the ring master of the whole (laddd) operation - or should that be.. ring piece?

Irrev - The main underling to wiggy - a true asshole

Shillz - Has finally shut the **** up lately, but still.. noone can escape his quotation alterings..

Eames - Another main culprit of the distasteful mutterings in the off topic section - also found husslin' in VT section

CI - A hate filled cultural vacuum, may have something wrong with him..

Dante - An unfortunate who has been sucked into Operation Ladd's evil smuttiness

Tamuff - A shady outsider who is also an accomplice

Paddywhack - A no good for nothin' punk who is hagglin' for power, without getting anyway - a proper douche

and last of all..

Theunderstudy - everyone knows this menace, he does evil things around here without even trying.. Armed and extremely dangerous.. Taken dead or alive, reward of nothing for being taken alive.

Can I have a sheriff's badge please? Make it rusty..


just joking btw, I don't dispise anyone! :D

I don't know if I'm happy or sad that I didn't make the list of Off Topic delinquents :D

I just spotted this! haha.

But he missed one:

Lapal - 'The puppet master' he seems innocent but orchistrates all the smut and vulgarity for his own amusement. Then sits back and waits for the fun!


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A serious answer, the gutter humour is, on the most part, isolated to a few threads (this one, general chat, relationship thread)

I think it's quite easily avoidable if you want to avoid it.

And it's far far outweighed by serious discussions. There's a hell of a lot more Bollitics on this forum than there is gutter humour.

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