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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Something that pisses me off that really shouldn't and I don't know why it does. People taking my dirty mug off my desk to put in the dishwasher after I've left work.

It's a nice thing to do, but it really annoys me and I don't know why. Just leave it alone!

I'm with you.

I've got to the point I finish a coffee I put my cup in a drawer.

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Here's one here's one: People idolising shitty actors.
Or, the public's obsession with "celebs" in general.

I may have an opinion on a sportsman's performance on the field, I may have an opinion on an actor's or a musician's performing skills, or an opinion on a politician's policies, or the Queen's role in the constitution, and so on.

But as for what they are like "as a person", I have not the slightest interest. I can't - I DON'T KNOW THEM!

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I am guilty of this.

When Aston Villa win a game and people say "we". We won 2-0 I am thinking what did you contribute? Did you play? It is not we but they.

No, I think that's different. That's not worshipping celebs, that's tribal solidarity.
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I am guilty of this.

When Aston Villa win a game and people say "we". We won 2-0 I am thinking what did you contribute? Did you play? It is not we but they.

No, I think that's different. That's not worshipping celebs, that's tribal solidarity.

I meant I am guilty of saying we won or we lost.

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We know. And Mike said its fine because "we" as a collective represent the players and fans of Aston Villa.

A trible. You would also say "we won the Falklands war" but you didn't actually fight..... the we refers to a wider social group.

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The amount of times I've heard "somethings are bigger than football" this weekend. Seriously, football is pretty f&^king low down the pecking order of things that should be important in peoples lives.

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The amount of times I've heard "somethings are bigger than football" this weekend. Seriously, football is pretty f&^king low down the pecking order of things that should be important in peoples lives.

Couldnt agree more mate. :thumb:

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The amount of times I've heard "somethings are bigger than football" this weekend. Seriously, football is pretty f&^king low down the pecking order of things that should be important in peoples lives.

Couldnt agree more mate. :thumb:

:nod: :nod: :nod:

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The amount of times I've heard "somethings are bigger than football" this weekend. Seriously, football is pretty f&^king low down the pecking order of things that should be important in peoples lives.

Couldnt agree more mate. :thumb:

I technically agree. I think for some people though, the game and more importantly team represent more to them. For whatever reason. And so it becomes more than a game. It becomes something they cling on to when nothing else has gone right. Or something that they stay hopeful for when they aren't hopeful for much else. So when things go wrong with the team, it almost hurts them. They get so let down by it. So I sort of understand why it's so important to some people even though to me....it's a game. Nothing I have control over or gain anything real from.

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i think football can be as important as people want it to be, football is different things to different people, id say escapism to most

personally i have a decent job, decent wage, car, house etc no kids and most importantly all my family have their health i would consider myself relatively care free, so football as my main hobby does take up a large chunk of my life, i would go as far as to say my life revolves around football, when im not watching the villa i will watch other games with my mates, it gives me something to do and to talk about

thats not necessarily because ive elevated football to this lofty position in my priorities though, just purely because im lucky and dont have to priortise anything else

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i think football can be as important as people want it to be, football is different things to different people, id say escapism to most

personally i have a decent job, decent wage, car, house etc no kids and most importantly all my family have their health i would consider myself relatively care free, so football as my main hobby does take up a large chunk of my life, i would go as far as to say my life revolves around football, when im not watching the villa i will watch other games with my mates, it gives me something to do and to talk about

thats not necessarily because ive elevated football to this lofty position in my priorities though, just purely because im lucky and dont have to priortise anything else

That is completely fine. But what we are talking about is people in Liverpool who cant afford to pay their mortgage but still buy a season ticket. Or those whose mood is dictated by how well their football is doing. Or those who say they would die for their football club. Or the people who cry when their team gets knocked out the cup. Taking it too seriously.

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The amount of times I've heard "somethings are bigger than football" this weekend. Seriously, football is pretty f&^king low down the pecking order of things that should be important in peoples lives.
Yep, and the way they say it, it's like they're trying to remind themselves of this. It comes off sounding facile and insincere imo.

The fact that a player had a heart attack is a bad thing, and for that matter the fact that a football match was called off is a bad thing. Don't try and make out that you care so awfully much about the first that you'd quite forgotten about the second. (Or am I just WAAAY too cynical?)

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i think football can be as important as people want it to be, football is different things to different people, id say escapism to most

personally i have a decent job, decent wage, car, house etc no kids and most importantly all my family have their health i would consider myself relatively care free, so football as my main hobby does take up a large chunk of my life, i would go as far as to say my life revolves around football, when im not watching the villa i will watch other games with my mates, it gives me something to do and to talk about

thats not necessarily because ive elevated football to this lofty position in my priorities though, just purely because im lucky and dont have to priortise anything else

That is completely fine. But what we are talking about is people in Liverpool who cant afford to pay their mortgage but still buy a season ticket. Or those whose mood is dictated by how well their football is doing. Or those who say they would die for their football club. Or the people who cry when their team gets knocked out the cup. Taking it too seriously.

Funnily enough I used to know a Liverpool fan who was utterly obsessive - followed them everywhere, all preseason tours, the lot. Until Heyschel. He said it changed everything, and he became pretty much a casual armchair supporter overnight.
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The people in Liverpool are the most passionate about football in the whole country. You will not find a scouse male who does not like football. I know the mortgage thing is very common in that city.

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