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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I don't wear a suit to work, but if it was the status quo, I'd be more than happy to. It's about fostering a professional environment, and for me, my office is far too relaxed and people don't always click into work mode as a result of this.

Totally agree. I remember in an old job that "dress-down Friday" was the least productive day of the week by a country mile. People came to work in a casual state of dress and brought with them a casual approach to working on that particular day. Used to drive me crackers.

My most recent job had no dress code and you'd see directors turning up in shorts and flip-flops - least productive company I've ever worked at.

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I will only wear a suit if I'm in Court or at a meeting with important County type folks.

Otherwise its trousers, shirt and shoes.

Is that when you are up for parole?

Thats not for several months yet.

Those pesky indecency charges just don't go away.


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I don't wear a suit to work, but if it was the status quo, I'd be more than happy to. It's about fostering a professional environment, and for me, my office is far too relaxed and people don't always click into work mode as a result of this.

Totally agree. I remember in an old job that "dress-down Friday" was the least productive day of the week by a country mile. People came to work in a casual state of dress and brought with them a casual approach to working on that particular day. Used to drive me crackers.

DId you work at JLR?

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I can't have wearing an open neck shirt, if you are going shoes, trousers and shirt I have to stick a tie on or I feel really uncomfortable

Where I worked previously was smart casual, I hated that with a passion, I was 18/19 my idea of smart casual wasn't the same as most

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I don't wear a suit to work, but if it was the status quo, I'd be more than happy to. It's about fostering a professional environment, and for me, my office is far too relaxed and people don't always click into work mode as a result of this.

Totally agree. I remember in an old job that "dress-down Friday" was the least productive day of the week by a country mile. People came to work in a casual state of dress and brought with them a casual approach to working on that particular day. Used to drive me crackers.

DId you work at JLR?

That wasn't the job I was referring to but I did do some work up at JLR about ten or twelve years ago and they'd push British Gas pretty close on the productivity front :winkold:

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woke up this morning with a stinking cold, I would have called in sick but I am ''in charge'' at work today so it wouldnt have gone down well if I wouldnt have bothered to turn up

not only that I am meeting up for lunch with a bird that I know that I aint seen for ages only to be told that we are all having pizza bought for us today.

still cant really complain I suppose, it means I get two dinners and only pay for one

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oh and on the cold

its just one of those really annoying ones, running nose, thick head, feel like a bag of shit.

I wish it would just **** off or put me to bed for a few days, I hate these little colds that just seem to come for a few days to piss you off but not actually make you feel THAT bad

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woke up this morning with a stinking cold, I would have called in sick but I am ''in charge'' at work today so it wouldnt have gone down well if I wouldnt have bothered to turn up

not only that I am meeting up for lunch with a bird that I know that I aint seen for ages only to be told that we are all having pizza bought for us today.

still cant really complain I suppose, it means I get two dinners and only pay for one

Do you have a chance on banging her?

If not cancel and stick with the pizza!

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they are going to get the pizza at 12 o'clock

they have ordered meat feast, cheese, chicken and sweetcorn and some other shit

they wanna be saving me a fair few slices other wise I will haveto start snapping necks when I get back from my pub lunch

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The car radio.

I never ever have it on. Talk radio infuriates me because it's usually some prick of a politician justifying the latest way to screw a subset of the population while the interviewer doesn't ask the difficult questions that are blatantly sitting there in front of him. And as for music radio. Well, the charts are gone to shite and even if you do get a good song, you won't get enough of them on a ~40 minute jouney and I'm **** if I'm gonna spend my time searching the radio stations every 4 minutes for a song that I don't hate.

So, I leave it turned off.

After all, there's enough shit drivers on the road to keep my blood pressure high enough without having the radio push it even further.

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