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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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4 hours ago, Xela said:

Staying on the topic of meetings, people who schedule meetings over lunch yet don't provide food. Got a 12-3 meeting in my calendar next week. No lunch provided. What the **** is that about. I'm taking the smelliest food I can think of into the meeting and about 1pm, start eating it noisily 

I never attend lunch time meetings as, well, it's over lunch, and in that thing called a contract I'm entitled to one. People who schedule lunch time meetings are unmitigated words removed.

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32 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

Other than the fact email doesn't hand out free biscuits meetings are just a waste of time ....They usually get created by people who want to look busy when they aren't..... nobody is actually paying attention due to agonisizing over the gold wrapped chocolate or the blue wrapped one from the Cadbury biscuit selection.


 I just wait for the unimportant bloke in a suit to send around the  summary doc after the meeting and see any action points that may have my name against them and ignore the rest 


Sounds like the entire charade that's called 'project management'.

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12 hours ago, Xela said:

How long did it last? I'm hoping to get into the office tomorrow but the way I am, there is no way I can get the train then walk to the office. I need a mobility scooter!

Regularly suffer from foot aids, occasionally knee aids. The best way for me was work that bitch. Get walking on it, crush them crystals, keep moving would be my advice. Also i am not a doctor. Mine usually starts getting better after 2 or 3 days. 

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My enjoyment of work improved immeasurably when I realised I could just say no to any meeting invite I didn't feel like going to. Nope, that's too early, no that one's through lunch, no that's nothing to do with me. It seems that so few people do it that when you just say no, the organiser just looks confused and says "Oh ok then...". Great stuff. :D    

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I've been invited to update my Directors on some of my projects this morning. Three hour meeting starting at 10am. I'm the fifth item on the agenda (out of 18) and I'm still waiting for the call. Can't get anything started as I'm expecting to be called any minute. What a waste of a morning.

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18 hours ago, Xela said:

How long did it last? I'm hoping to get into the office tomorrow but the way I am, there is no way I can get the train then walk to the office. I need a mobility scooter!

About a week for me

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Lotto jackpot up to £57m.  Putting an extra 10 numbers in the draw has worked a treat, nobody wins the fecking thing, all for double the price of an old ticket.  Still, at least I won a free lucky dip for getting two numbers the other day, that makes it worth all the changes.

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4 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

Lotto jackpot up to £57m.  Putting an extra 10 numbers in the draw has worked a treat, nobody wins the fecking thing, all for double the price of an old ticket.  Still, at least I won a free lucky dip for getting two numbers the other day, that makes it worth all the changes.

i have a go now and again but not every week like i used to. what would i want with 57m?

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