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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Modern football sleuths fans.

"Based on that 3 second 240p vid I squinted to see he looks epicz! I say get him in".

**** off man.


You've just described Paul Lambert's scouting technique.

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Those huge elaborate e-cigarettes. Normal ones, fine, but the bigger the device, the bigger the word removed holding one. Its become a fashion accessory to have one now

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When people respond to the question 'How are you?' by telling you what day of the week it is.

Most often answered like this...

It's Monday isn't it, the weekend goes too quick.

It's Wednesday isn't it, 'hump day'

It's Friday isn't it, almost the weekend.

Got any nice plans for the weekend?

Er, no.


I am sorry to inform you that I used the phrase 'hump day' in a text this morning  :(

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The way you try to do something on Word and it just changes it for no good reason at all or it just does random ridiculous indents or doesn't continue lists and then won't let you do what you actually want to do because you're not allowed I SHOULD BE ALLOWED I PAID FOR THE SODDING SOFTWARE GATES

Edited by Spoony
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There might be a lot hotter places in the world but at least it's bearable in these places because they have **** air con!

this so much. cant wait to get back to Philippines just for the air con

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Meat is a grey area depending on what kind of BBQ it is (yes to ad hoc, not necessarily to a big organised birthday BBQ)

Beer is a definite yes, beer is a definite yes to anyone's house invite under any circumstances

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Beer is a definite yes, beer is a definite yes to anyone's house invite under any circumstances

Sometimes I take wine. I hope that's okay when you invite me.

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You'd expect not to have to bring meat to a BBQ tbh unless asked to. Beer though. That's a given. As is a little extra for the host.

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Hosting a BBQ and people turning up with no meat or beer and expecting me to provide for them. Piss off. 


Unless the invite specified, bring your own meat, I'd expect to be fed. You don't invite someone to dinner, and ask them to bring their own grub. I'd certainly bring some booze though. 

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I guess, but it was very much a last minute thing and I did specify when inviting them that I only had enough for myself. I did at least provide the sides though!

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If you specified then that's different. Basically the default with food is don't bring it and the default with drink is do bring it.

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I guess, but it was very much a last minute thing and I did specify when inviting them that I only had enough for myself. I did at least provide the sides though!


If that's the case, it's on them then. I've been to many a BBQ, where I've had to take food, and it's never a problem as long as I'm told before hand. If you know the craic and turn up empty handed, too bad! Although someone might at least spare you a sausage and a can. 

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