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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Off into the other room in a minute for some Xbox.

Bought a 360 today for the kids , once I can get them off plants v zombies , what should I be looking to play ?
I don't play it much these days (bloody kids) but when I bought it a few years back it was to hammer GTA IV and Call of Duty 4. One of best games I bought for pure fun was a racing game called Race Driver Grid. Not too serious at all but loads of fun. Edited by Tamuff_Villa
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Has anyone got any of me?

I forget what I look like :lol:


All I know is that you usually have a knife in your hands. I forget what you look like because you're usually just a blur as you run towards me in the street, slashing away.


Also, I don't really spend that much time in clothes shops, and I took those nude photos of 8pints purely out of the irony that he was walking around a clothes shop in his underwear. They were not for my personal collection... 

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