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Aleksander Tonev


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Called it from the malaga game.. The guy is pants.

Well done you.

What makes me say this is that the guy obviously has no football intellegence, never lifts his head or looks anything like composed on the ball, these are things you either have or dont't, and more to the point they are the things that seporate top premiership footballers and poor/average players. One thing that can overcome these issues on the other hand is pace.. Ala gabby agbonlahor, i dont think this tonev guy has pace either. Should jave gone to scotland.. More his level.



After how many games, in a new country (with a completely different language, culture) for a young lad? I'd like to see you move abroad in your early twenties, where you don't speak the language and perform 100% at your job.

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Called it from the malaga game.. The guy is pants.

Well done you.
What makes me say this is that the guy obviously has no football intellegence, never lifts his head or looks anything like composed on the ball, these are things you either have or dont't, and more to the point they are the things that seporate top premiership footballers and poor/average players. One thing that can overcome these issues on the other hand is pace.. Ala gabby agbonlahor, i dont think this tonev guy has pace either. Should jave gone to scotland.. More his level.

After how many games, in a new country (with a completely different language, culture) for a young lad? I'd like to see you move abroad in your early twenties, where you don't speak the language and perform 100% at your job.

Paid as much as he is i think would stand a good chance, plus, you can not compare the job as professional footballer to anything in the real world. If i could see some kind of raw talent or ability i would give him as long as it takes to settle in, but this guy has neither, it is not difficut to tell from early on. I would much rather somebody like jack grealish or samir curruthers an oppprtunity in the side ( both of whom have natural ability)

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What he's on is a moot point. We're all human beings regardless of what money we earn. Depression is rife in footballers so it's pretty narrow minded to suggest money makes you happy and should mean you shouldn't experience feelings that any other bloody human being would have.


If this is the culture of our fans these days, I'm not surprised we're shite at home.

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What makes me say this is that the guy obviously has no football intellegence, never lifts his head or looks anything like composed on the ball, these are things you either have or dont't, and more to the point they are the things that seporate top premiership footballers and poor/average players. One thing that can overcome these issues on the other hand is pace.. Ala gabby agbonlahor, i dont think this tonev guy has pace either. Should jave gone to scotland.. More his level.



Wrong again...


Ridiculous judging him after such a short time, everyone needs time to settle. He shouldn't shoot as much as he has been because it is frustrating and I'm sure the rest of the players think so too, but he's just eager to impress. Give the guy a chance, man.

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What leage was that youtube clip from? Come on man.. Seriously, lool at all the time and space he gets. And if his shots to goal ratio is anything like it is here then im guessing that clip could be an awful lot longer if they wanted it to be. I admire the optimism of you guys an i hope he becomes immense.. But he won't

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No matter what the league, the guy ran all that way at that speed with the ball at his feet. He was faster with the ball than the guy without the ball, and neither of them were exactly slow.

You mistake optimism for common sense. The lad has played a few games. He's young, in another country in the best league in the world. It takes time to adapt to a new team let alone a new country. Milner and Petrov were rubbish in their first season and there have been plenty of other players who took their time to get used to things only to go on to be amazing players. Maybe he won't ever come good, but you should give all players a decent chance.

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Ridiculous comments!


I have a feeling some people just want to be the first to say 'I told you so'.


If anyone seriously expected him to hit the ground running they have been massively unfair on a young player. 

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He was awful on Saturday in every regard, amongst the worst displays in recent times, but we won so it didn't really matter. Let's wait and see with him, we wouldn't be singing from the rooftops and selling him to Real Madrid if he'd scored a hattrick so relax.

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I'm not saying he should be written off after one game either that wouldn't be fair but this isn't the 1980's....shoot on site left the game yonks ago.  Those kinda players are now defunct. It's a percentage policy with 9/10 times the ball ending somewhere other than the back of the net. In other words a waste! In almost every shot he had on Saturday there was a lay-off or through ball that could have been played to a player in a better goal scoring position. 


That video does him no favours either he runs half the pitch with no defenders at all infront of him, doesn't strike the ball properly/as intended and if it wasn't for a flapping goal keeper it would have been saved. 


If he adapts his game a bit he could become better but in his current form, no thanks.

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I'm looking forward to Tonev proving the doubters here wrong - he looks a very exciting player to me.  If he's good enough for Stan Petrov and Paul Lambert he's good enough for me.


He was awful on Saturday in every regard, amongst the worst displays in recent times, but we won so it didn't really matter. Let's wait and see with him, we wouldn't be singing from the rooftops and selling him to Real Madrid if he'd scored a hattrick so relax.

"He was awful on Saturday in every regard".  Good grief.  


The guy's in a new country, he hardly speaks English, he's desperate to get on the pitch and bang in a goal or two...show a little patience and understanding.  He looks a very exciting prospect to me and if we, the supporters, can get behind him and help him settle, he will be a huge asset for the club.

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This is a pointless discussion, but the excuses that he is new in the country, new to the premier league, doesn't speak the language, was keen to impress, etc,. are ridiculous. It doesn't follow that every player new  to the premier league has to have a bad game and shoot foolishly wide at every opportunity. Kozak has had a much better, more assured start.


So point no. 1 is that Tonev screwed up badly on Saturday and there is little point in trying to deny or excuse it.


Point no. 2, however, is that it is equally ridiculous to argue that he is generally no good on the basis of one poor performance.  He does need to get his head sorted out before he plays a full game again but I don't doubt that the backroom team will be working hard to make sure that happens.

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Listen, this lad was always going to take time. It was clear from his initial training performances the speed of the game was much faster than he was used to but that was to be expected coming from where he did. When Petrov left Bulgaria he was miles off it for his first year in Glasgow - did not so bad after that! Some players take longer than others to adapt. He will get better and better. Lowton was pants in his first five months at the club and so was Westwood. Agree????

Tonev starting tonight and whether he performs well or not it will be another step in the right direction for him. Judge him come the end of the season not now!

Matty and westy were nowhere near as pants as that, and tbf, we could all see that those 2 had 'something' wehter it be composure or passing ability, and i saw that in the space of an hour witj those 2, so on the same basis i am saying he hasnt shown me anything to suggest he is anything but pants.

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