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Gonna take a while to get used to, game seems much slower and first touch is better.


I don't believe you ;)



Haha! Well, yeah I haven't made a new Patty yet so that opinion may be out the window after a few clubs games.


When we kicking off?

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I got it on Wednesday - so I've had a couple of evenings playing it.


I guess everyone had different tastes, but I like it. The speed of the game feels more real to me. I hated the Fifa 13 where running with pace was the order of the day - or charging down the flanks and crossing it in without any opposition from AI defenders.


Now I feel they have got the AI defence spot on. It is so much harder to keep possession, and like real football; players make mistakes. I love a challenge so this suits me down to the ground.


I've started it as I finished Fifa 13 - on legendary mode, full manual controls.


Started a career mode in the Dutch League. Lost first game 3-0 but battled away. I only opened them up once; a triangle passing move on the edge of the box, the player who started the move ran into the box and I played it into him perfectly. The goalkeeper blocked it but it showed that it is possible to open the opposition up if you are prepared to work at it.

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Can't get on with this game at all. Fifa is the only game I ever really play. I've clocked up shit loads of games played online in previous years but there's something about this that doesn't feel 'right'. 


I'm playing UT and the first 2 games I won quite easily surprisingly. Since then though I cannot win, or if I do I scrape it. I feel like I have to play really cheap to win games. I'm in division 9 FFS. 

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Can't get on with this game at all. Fifa is the only game I ever really play. I've clocked up shit loads of games played online in previous years but there's something about this that doesn't feel 'right'. 


I'm playing UT and the first 2 games I won quite easily surprisingly. Since then though I cannot win, or if I do I scrape it. I feel like I have to play really cheap to win games. I'm in division 9 FFS. 


Me too, i can't seem to win. Hopefully something will click soon though

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Got into Division 3 in Seasons now and am getting absolutely destroyed every game. I can't figure out the defending. Seems everyone just plays really high pressure and I can't get the ball out. However, when I do it, they just dance around me. Sucks balls at the minute. Good game. But the constant long balls are quite annoying. I feel defending is better on 13 - you can intercept passes better and kinda stand back. Whereas on this one, you just need to play higher pressure and nick the ball, then through ball. 

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Yup. I've decided this game is not all that. 2v2 coop is fun. But too many really annoying things happen which just make no sense. 


-Sometimes you make a pass to a player and the ball just bounces off them without them controlling it.

-Sometimes you make a pass to a player and the ball just completely goes through them and out for a throw.

-Defending is purely high pressure defending rather than tactical standing back and anticipating where the pass will go

-Keepers seem to parry the tamest of shots back out to the middle of the goal for no reason

-Chip through-ball is extremely over powered. 

-Still the same problems where you can make a perfect sliding tackle and it's a foul, however, when you're 1v1 and a defender is pulling you back there's no free kick/penalty? 

-Defenders having the ball at their feet unable to do anything with it due to high pressured attackers. 

-Because the first touch is so bad, and the opposition pretty much just charge at you, you have to play ping pong football just to kinda get out. On FIFA13 if someone was charging at you, you could compose yourself and kinda turn away and move the ball on, you just can't do that on FIFA14, it's like FIFA11 all over again.


FIFA13 is a much better game, even though it's more arcady, was just more fun.


FIFA14 has a lot of positives, the pace of the game is good. The way the players run and how they accelerate is good.  2v2 coop. But meh.... after 50 games(ish), I'm going to finish my GTA story!

Edited by PieFacE
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Yup. I've decided this game is not all that. 2v2 coop is fun. But too many really annoying things happen which just make no sense. 


-Sometimes you make a pass to a player and the ball just bounces off them without them controlling it.

-Sometimes you make a pass to a player and the ball just completely goes through them and out for a throw.

-Defending is purely high pressure defending rather than tactical standing back and anticipating where the pass will go

-Keepers seem to parry the tamest of shots back out to the middle of the goal for no reason

-Chip through-ball is extremely over powered. 

-Still the same problems where you can make a perfect sliding tackle and it's a foul, however, when you're 1v1 and a defender is pulling you back there's no free kick/penalty? 

-Defenders having the ball at their feet unable to do anything with it due to high pressured attackers. 

-Because the first touch is so bad, and the opposition pretty much just charge at you, you have to play ping pong football just to kinda get out. On FIFA13 if someone was charging at you, you could compose yourself and kinda turn away and move the ball on, you just can't do that on FIFA14, it's like FIFA11 all over again.


FIFA13 is a much better game, even though it's more arcady, was just more fun.


FIFA14 has a lot of positives, the pace of the game is good. The way the players run and how they accelerate is good.  2v2 coop. But meh.... after 50 games(ish), I'm going to finish my GTA story!

to add to this, the player switching is a disaster too. On at least 5 separate occasions online I've played a through ball but been unable to switch to control the player nearest to it, who either lets it hit off him and does nothing, or blocks the player I can control from getting there on time. Massively frustrating


Biggest issue for me is the defending though, there doesn't seem to be any logic to it. Obviously I'm getting beaten all the time because I'm rubbish, but there's nothing actually suggesting what I'm doing wrong. It's fine changing the defending mechanics, but tell your bloody players what they need to do rather than just  completely overhauling and saying nothing. I'll be the first to admit that for the last few years I've been a sprint and second player pressure spammer, because that's how the game was built. That's not an option this time around, and I'm **** if I can figure out what is. Backing off and facing the attacker doesn't work, because the actual defending is so unreliable that the opposition just skill sticks it past you every time. I'm genuinely at my wits end with the game, and I can't even pick up PES because apparently that's a complete mess too

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