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Simon Dawkins


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I don't see Zoggy a wide player, he always cuts inside. Last season you could have built a moderately sized housing estate in the casm of open space left in front of our fullback, the area between the oppositions wide man and fullback...Charlie was always drifting into the middle...this made Barry Bannan sad as he had nobody to float his cross field Hollywood ball to...he wasn't to be deterred though, Barry played the pass anyway...

On the subject of Charlie though, he doesn't half look sharp at the moment!


N'Zogbia is certainly playing well enough in the centre at the moment, important thing is Dawkins gives us an option to play with a different shape. 

Edited by Danwichmann
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Well looks like has decent shot on him which could be handy


As well as Defence not beng great the lack of goals from midfield has not helped out cause in the slightest , I can't recall the last goal we scored from a non striker

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I too hope the lad does well, but for me, this stinks of the likes of George Weah's cousin. Has Lambert actually seen him play or has he just watched the compilation on Youtube? Like I say, George Weah's cousin looked like a good prospect on a video that Graeme Souness watched before signing him!

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Are you suggesting we should have signed Jenas ?


I think he is saying that cheeky chappy 'Arry will be familiar with both players and decided that Jenas was the better signing (I expect he was also more expensive)

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Has anyone ever been to an MLS game some of those crowd shots of San Jose look quite lairy.


Shirts off, beers in hand, sunshine out, surging forward when they hit the goalsack.


looks like a right laugh!

The defending in MLS looks even worse than the Villa's!


I remember seeing a compilation like this of Delph playing for Leeds before he was signed and he looked awsome.

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Just watched a couple of YouTube clips...he can hit a good shot, he uses his head...maybe he'll bag a couple of long range goals, it'll help because we are struggling to break people down!

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