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Paul Lambert


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Really can't see the "majority" of fans turning on him on the back of one game, especially when most fans support him.

Those fans are dropping off. Practically everyone of the villa fans I know are now questioning Lambert. His support is falling away, and about time too.



Practically every Villa fan I know is supportive of Lambert and can see what he is trying to build


Over-expectation is the biggest enemy - Lambert has had to rebuild a team from scratch with huge financial constraints. In time he will get there - throwing the toys out the pram after a couple of poor performances is typical of the "expect it all now" attitude of some on here

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Really can't see the "majority" of fans turning on him on the back of one game, especially when most fans support him.

If some do turn on Saturday if we lose/draw then it won't be off the back of one game. It will be 15 months of poor results in the main that will have made those people snap.

I fully support Lambert but I can sense that some are becoming very frustrated with how things are going. Trouble is for me is that they would be venting their anger/frustration at the wrong person. As I have said previously though Lambert will become another scapegoat eventually for the failings of the owner.

Yep and it will be the same again, more transition with the new manager, a lack of investment, poor results and blame the manager.

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This is the worst run of games under Lambert so far. Getting thumped by good teams and being outplayed by bad ones. No goals and shite performances with terrible football. Very few reasons to be positive atm


So we were outplayed by Hull and Norwich? What would you class Everton as? Cause we certainly weren't thumped and they aren't a bad team.


Reactionary nonsense. This is worse than 8-0, 4-0, 3-0? Come on dear.



Ok outplayed was a bit strong but we barely looked like scoring against Hull, Norwich and West Ham. Out football is a as bad as it was under McLeish and people can put their heads in the sand all they like but that's still true. Under McLeish we had a gameplan. Yes it was god-awful to watch, didnt get results but we were set up to play a certain way. I still dont know what gameplan Lambert is trying to play. We did nothing but hoof it for the last 20 minutes. It's unforgivable for a professional team in the top flight to resort to that style of play against **** West Ham. It's not even as if we even are effective when we play long ball.

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I think people are getting bored with the negative long ball football. It's seems Lamberts plan to tighten up is for the team to keep its ridged shape and it was very clear yesterday when KEA, Westwood and Sylla stopped themselves from going beyond the ball in the final third.

I'm a realist, I think the points we've achieved is fine so far this season with the fixtures, but we have played some awful football. We've only looked to attack when we've gone behind other than the first 30 mins against Everton, which is why we've only scored first once.

It's ok being tough to beat away, if you win at home...if we fail to win on Saturday, I think the good will towards Lambert and his plan might very well evaporate.

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Really can't see the "majority" of fans turning on him on the back of one game, especially when most fans support him.

Those fans are dropping off. Practically everyone of the villa fans I know are now questioning Lambert. His support is falling away, and about time too.


Practically every Villa fan I know is supportive of Lambert and can see what he is trying to build


Over-expectation is the biggest enemy - Lambert has had to rebuild a team from scratch with huge financial constraints. In time he will get there - throwing the toys out the pram after a couple of poor performances is typical of the "expect it all now" attitude of some on here

Staying in the league is "over-expectation"? Jesus wept this is Villa we're talking about not Small Heath Alliance!

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Really can't see the "majority" of fans turning on him on the back of one game, especially when most fans support him.

Those fans are dropping off. Practically everyone of the villa fans I know are now questioning Lambert. His support is falling away, and about time too.


Practically every Villa fan I know is supportive of Lambert and can see what he is trying to build


Over-expectation is the biggest enemy - Lambert has had to rebuild a team from scratch with huge financial constraints. In time he will get there - throwing the toys out the pram after a couple of poor performances is typical of the "expect it all now" attitude of some on here

Staying in the league is "over-expectation"? Jesus wept this is Villa we're talking about not Small Heath Alliance!



Nobody has said staying in the league is over-expectation though have they.................but dont let the facts get in the way of your predujices

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No but bleating on about being top 4 like we have some divine right to be up there because we won the european cup in 1982 and have seven league titles (5 in a row at the end of 19th century) etc. etc. is a bit mental.

No-one is saying staying in the league is above expectations! We don't have a divine right to be up there challenging, throwing money at it to get there has failed miserably so we're going to have to earn the right to be up there.

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Looking at the current team bottom half is about as much as we should expect, and obviously the margins between 3rd bottom and anywhere up to like 12th are usually quite fine, so on that basis staying up about what we should 'expect' this season.


It's really an indictment of how Lerner has allowed us to slip over the last 4 seasons. We've gone from a team competing for Europe to a team looking only to survive.

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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We'll never achieve anything much under Lambert, the football he tries to get his sides playing just isn't good enough.  He's not hugely different to the likes of Pulis or Allardyce in his basic approach to the game, and even if he had more money to spend, I expect we'd see more of the same.

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No but bleating on about being top 4 like we have some divine right to be up there because we won the european cup in 1982 and have seven league titles (5 in a row at the end of 19th century) etc. etc. is a bit mental.

No-one is saying staying in the league is above expectations! We don't have a divine right to be up there challenging, throwing money at it to get there has failed miserably so we're going to have to earn the right to be up there.


ooooh you shouldn't have said that. how dare you besmirch the sacred name of aston villa, do you have no pride in your club etc etc

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Nobody expects us to be anywhere near the top 4


They just expect us to be competing where a club of our stature belongs


Competing with the best of the rest and finishing comfortably midtable


Not becoming the next Wigan trying to stay up every season

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I'm not saying there won't be dissent if we lose, but it's pretty naive to think that suddenly the majority of fans will be on his back.

If we lose our next home game I can see a very large section of fans making their feelings known to Lambert.

Im not sure that will be the case after next week. We have played allot of the top teams so he still has some grace. Give him another 5 games against teams with same ability and see how we are. If we play like we did against westham in them, then their will be unrest.

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i think avfc 2013 is in limbo

this the stall set out by the owner & the manager has to go with it

until the dream of every villa fan comes true of a very wealthy investor replaces RL .. i expect the limbo to continue no matter how you paint it.

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I love the fact that fans who actually expect the team they support to be decent are mocked.

I do wonder when some of these fans that have accepted survival on the cheap started supporting the club. Do a bit of research into the club you say you support.

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Well, expect and want are two very diferent things.


I want us to be successfull, I can remember when we were. I can also remember paying to go and watch us in the second division a few times too. I don't see the point of acting like a spoilt child because Lerner's money didn't buy us success. He chucked loads at it and unfortunately for us it didn't work.


I will expect us to do well when we have fully shaken that damage off and start assembling a squad capable of actually challenging to win something. We aren't there yet so I don't expect us to be better than just about in the top half this May. What I want is neither here nor there, otherwise I'd be managing us to our 5th title on the bounce and getting the 25 local lads in my squad ready to batter Barcelona away to march on to retaining the Champions league ;)

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I dont think Lambert will sign a new contract, I think he may even go after this season

If he had any shred of decency in him he would have resigned after the Chelsea humiliation last season. He even stayed to humiliate us even further with the Bradford debacle.

What a pathetic, hyperbolic reaction, Why the hell should he resign after a bad result? It was his first season and his main criteria was to significantly slash the wage bill and stay up. We were away and Chelsea are a very good team. I would have proposed that he lacked " any shred of decency", if like Holloway, he had bottled the challenge, resigned and left us up shit creek like O'Neill did. The Bradford result was, of course, terrible but it was still the semi-finals of the league cup. If we had lost to Man City away in the earlier round, no one would have batted an eyelid. It was a cup tie. Upsets happen. Such as when Bradford beat Arsenal.



The irony is that Lambert has heaped more humiliation onto Villa than McLeish ever dreamt of.


Lambert hasn't humiliated Aston Villa. You're humiliating yourself with your ridiculous comments. The football was worse under McLeish and there was absolutely no ray of hope. McLeish played 8 defenders at home against a 10 man Spurs team - that was humiliating.


I think Lambert is the best manager we can attract in our current position. He has a plan, at least. He needs more money to attract better quality players because hardly any of our players are good enough to effectively challenge the top 10. If Randy can't provide that, then Randy needs to go.

Apathy rules...



Do you know what apathy means? I'm not trying to sound patronising, I just don't understand how your response makes any sense.

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