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Paul Lambert


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Baker has just signed a new deal and Clark was reportedly in negotiations.

Ah, didn't know that LondonLax.


Just Clark then.


I wonder would we sell him if the right offer came in?

what would clark be worth? £2-3m

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Hands up from those old enough whom moaned about Saunders, and then Barton.


:wave:  I was appalled when Saunders bought that has-been donkey Peter Withe, and even more so when he then went about ten games without scoring. The rest is history. 



That's something I didn't know...


Talking of donkeys, why didn't Heskey work out as well as Withe?



Answer 1: Because he wasn't as good.


Answer 2: Because he didn't have Gordon Cowans, Gary Shaw and Tony Morley setting up goals for him.

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If we do sign Jores Okore i wonder how that will affect the futures of Baker and Clark?


I'm not sure both players will be happy to sit on the bench after tasting first team action last season and i suppose their argument would be we have proven ourselves to be good enough and we have gained enough experience to be even first choice this season.


It will be interesting to see if we do sign Okore will either Clark or Baker ask for a transfer and will Lambert grant that request? 


Hopefully they'll both try that bit harder to get into and to stay in the team.

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There is no negative to signing good young players, none at all.


Baker has just signed a new contract, and he will have been fully aware Villa were looking for more defenders.


Clark has to up his game to the point of Lambert saying 'I can't leave him out', possibly he could slot into a midfield role if Okore and Vlaar works as a partnership. If Clark throws his toys out of the pram he'll be off, for a small fee to a club much less in stature than us, and he'll only have himself to blame.

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Lambert just needs to sign a left back and a centre midfielder and I think his ins will be complete. Show Hutton,Ireland, Nzogbia, Given and Bent the door and the big earners are off the books too. Pleasantly suprised by how quick business is being done.

Edited by KHV
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Personally I would keep N'Zogbia because I still believe he has got that little bit of magic that could make a difference for us occasionally. Then again I wouldn't be too bothered if his wages are anything like what is reported.


Replace Given with a solid cheaper option and our wage bill is very decent actually!

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Personally I would keep N'Zogbia because I still believe he has got that little bit of magic that could make a difference for us occasionally. Then again I wouldn't be too bothered if his wages are anything like what is reported.


Replace Given with a solid cheaper option and our wage bill is very decent actually!

What happened to Siegrist. He seemed to look like a decent prospect?

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He was number 3 last season, so we do really need another goalkeeper to be on the safe side.

Move him up to number 2, I have heard he is pretty good and an excellent shot stopper.

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We are now officially a mixture between Lyon and Dortmund and I fully endorse it. It's what we should be doing. 


I'm glad we've finally got someone with a 'plan'. He knows what he wants to do and he's doing it, and hopefully he does it well. 

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Lambert is the man. **** excellent work so far. Fingers still crossed for a LB and a CM


Look at these signings, and the relatively low stature of the players. How many of them would have ended up at Norwich? Quite a few I suspect.


Lambert's beliefs make me despise McLeish more and get more annoyed at MON.

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He's not pissing about is he?

Time to offload a few of the deadwood, get a few more in and we're sitting pretty. 




I think what we are seeing at the moment is adding competition to the squad with another 2 to 3 to come. This is being done within budget, and i would hazard a guess and say that its only phase one of our summer activity.


Once this is complete expect a bigger push at moving out Bent, Ireland ect, with the cash saved and raised going towards 2 higher calibre players coming in. I say higher calibre in replacement to experienced since the latter word gives us a rather narrow view.


Dont forget that the manager had a couple of these in mind during January and im positive his view on that has not changed. Also remember that Europe is a cheaper place to buy players, and so i guess thats where they will come from.

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Once this is complete expect a bigger push at moving out Bent, Ireland ect, with the cash saved and raised going towards 2 higher calibre players coming in. I say higher calibre in replacement to experienced since the latter word gives us a rather narrow view.



Yeah I think this will be the case too. Bulk of the signings done in June, push for the sales in July, and then if/when sales targets are hit and the wages are where they need to be, there'll be one or two of the mythical "experienced" players brought in

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I think Vlaar had lots of challenges. Dropped into a new team, new league with a defensively shambles around him. Then he got injured and had to come back into a team devoid of confidence.

He'll be a much better player next season when he has less burden. I'll tell you it makes a huge difference when a teammate gets you out of trouble when you make a mistake. He was operating on if he missed a tackle, or header that was it. Pray the American ninja saves it. Which he did innumerable times because Guzan is a legend.

But defending as a team is different to individual. Vidic at United was slower than a boat. But ferdinand was quick. That's why they were a great duo.

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