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Paul Lambert


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The fact that so many fans sang his name in the final game last season is one reason he is so protected ..we wanted him and it has gone badly wrong.

His buys havent worked ,perhaps long term they may come good.But after last season it was obvious we need to steady the ship he went flat out rebuilding the

team with ''young ,hungry '' players with not enough experience.We have no leaders and yes we can point to Vlaar being out but we hardly great with him here.The midfield has no experience and no strength.

Over and over ex players and the media have pointed out these flaws but he is determined to stick to his plan ..a plan that is failing badly.To the point of us not only risking relegation but going down in an embarrassing style.We are clearly vunrable at the back yet still we don't shore things up.Swansea we were very lucky the first 20 odd minutes we were as bad as the previous games.Despite what he says the Chelsea game as knocked the stuffing out of the team the defence are scared shitless and have no protection.The formation last night at no point did we adapt to Bennett being exposed not once.The 3 behind Benteke seemed to all be given freedom to attack leaving the defence and Bannan and Delph exposed.I fail to see this tactical genius we supposedly hired.

Norwich last season couldn't defend and nor can we dif players same issue.

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I have been very much in the camp of being 100% behind Lambert but there are things which have started to jar a little with me which I find a little odd to say the least.

On saturday when Albrighton went down, there was no movement of the bench, nobody sent out to warm up. Not one player was called over by the management team to receive instruction, contrast that with Mick Mc on the Ipswich side.

I hope I am wrong but that is basic stuff.

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Over and over ex players and the media have pointed out these flaws but he is determined to stick to his plan ..a plan that is failing badly.

If these ex-players knew how to manage they would be doing it. I'll trust PL to know what's required over a bunch of ex-players and media.

I imagine things are very different inside the club when you know all the facts rather than sitting outside sniping

A long job ahead and a bumpy ride to be expected - if you thought PL was going to come in a turn things around overnight you don't know much about football

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I still think Lambert is the man for Villa, but starting to see few things that are pretty obvious.

For instances - he doesnt change glarinly obvious things quickly enough or at all during a game.

How Bennett stayed on for 90 mins last night was beyond me. Should have been off at half time, wasnt fair on him.

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" If you were told budgets would be slashed in a bid to prepare for more spending in the future and that Lambert was having to do a lot of dirty work this season to make it possible to improve next season would you accept it? If the team surives?"

i'd accept it all day long Hairyhands!! someone needs to be taking a long term view and there needs to be some patience. all the people crowing for lambert's head are dead wrong in my opinion.

also the people talking about feeling humiliated and then spouting off on an angry rant should grow up :)


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I Dont know how lambert has been getting away with it to be honest...

If dumb and dumber had stuck with mcduff or brought in the likes of curbs, mick mcarthy, sven ect-ect who we got linked with and these were there results

There would be absolutely pandemonium uproar on here to get rid months ago!

Edited by sutherland
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I still think Lambert is the man for Villa, but starting to see few things that are pretty obvious.

For instances - he doesnt change glarinly obvious things quickly enough or at all during a game.

How Bennett stayed on for 90 mins last night was beyond me. Should have been off at half time, wasnt fair on him.

I agree to an extent but Bennett is a work in progress - maybe he thought bringing him off would be the wrong thing to do confidence-wise, maybe he thought that Bennett was being let down by those around him, maybe he thought that he had no-one better to bring on, maybe he thought a million other things

Lambert is not a bad manager - he's a good manager in a bad situation. I'm backing him to turn it around but it will take some time (18-24 months)

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I Dont know how lambert has been getting away with it to be honest...

If dumb and dumber had stuck with mcduff or brought in the likes of curbs, mick mcarthy, sven ect-ect who we got linked with and these were there results

There would be absolutely pandemonium uproar on here to get rid months ago!

Because McCarthy, Sven, Curbs etc are not of thye calibre of Lambert.

If Lambert, who make no mistake is a top ten manager, isn't given sufficient time to turn things around, we are in serious, serious trouble

The petulant children who post on here need to grow a pair and strap in for an 18-24 month roller-coaster ride

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A top ten manager of what exactly?

Make no mistake, Lambert is a top manager - he needs time, money and support. Given those he will turn things around. Without Lambert we would be well and truly ****

WHO have you got in mind to replace him?

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I do agree with people saying getting rid of Lambert would do no good. Problem is, I also can't really support him anymore either. He doesn't seem to know what he's doing at all. So basically we're **** either way. Either we stick with what to me appears like an incredibly incompetent and naive manager or we get rid of him, don't buy anyone in January and pretty much guarantee relegation.

I prefer the first option but if this carries on then we have to get rid in the summer.

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