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Paul Lambert


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Major work still needed. Shambolic first half. Our defence is always so shakey for the opening 20-30minutes. Lambert really needs to sort that out.

yeah, the 4 points we have taken from Liverpool and swansea could have also been hammering on another day. Both should have been 2 or 3 up after 20 mins.

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Would love to see some experience bought in to help. Can't see it coming at prem prices though. It's been a tough Christmas, I think we'll be very close at the end of the season but hope that those coming back will be the difference between staying up and going down.

Would love to see some experience bought in to help. Can't see it coming at prem prices though. It's been a tough Christmas, I think we'll be very close at the end of the season but hope that those coming back will be the difference between staying up and going down.

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With Saints drawing with Arsenal it only leaves us 1 point above the relegation zone with a far worse goal difference than those around us so it is vitally important that Lambert buys very wisely and very quickly!

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I've still got faith in Lambert and what we're doing here. It's going to be a rough ride at times but it'll be worth when it all comes together. After a good point, with players returning from injury soon and new signings hopefully things will be a lot brighter.

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Would love to see some experience bought in to help. Can't see it coming at prem prices though. It's been a tough Christmas, I think we'll be very close at the end of the season but hope that those coming back will be the difference between staying up and going down.

Would love to see some experience bought in to help. Can't see it coming at prem prices though. It's been a tough Christmas, I think we'll be very close at the end of the season but hope that those coming back will be the difference between staying up and going down.

Is there an echo in here?


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We need to work on the shape at the back.

I personally hope we stick with 4 at the back. But they need to work together. The problems in the first half were partially created by not shuffling across. When Stevens closed down wide, the other three stayed where they were, leaving a massive space to play inside him.

The other three need to shuffle across and if need to, leave opposite winger free.

Should they switch it, you have time to shuffle the opposite way and get there to close down.

Get the basics right and Benteke and Weimann look a handful and would keep us up.

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I think the big difference in the second half was that Weimann was picking up Leon Britton up off the ball, not allowing the supply into their midfielders and forwards as comfortably as they were in the first half. I don't know why he wasn't doing this from the start (it's the kind of thing Gabby is excellent at) but it certainly made life more difficult for Swansea

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I think the big difference in the second half was that Weimann was picking up Leon Britton up off the ball, not allowing the supply into their midfielders and forwards as comfortably as they were in the first half. I don't know why he wasn't doing this from the start (it's the kind of thing Gabby is excellent at) but it certainly made life more difficult for Swansea

I thought the big difference was the fact that we actually looked like we cared in the second half. I'll defend the villa if we lose but actually show some fight, fight that has been missing over the last 2 weeks.

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I've still got faith in Lambert and what we're doing here. It's going to be a rough ride at times but it'll be worth when it all comes together. After a good point, with players returning from injury soon and new signings hopefully things will be a lot brighter.

What exactly do you think we are "doing here"?

We are trying to survive in the premier league with below par players, yes, but why is that something to have faith in?

Another thing we are doing is utterly failing keep a disciplined line in the back three or four, whichever we play. That was shown eloquently by Dion Dublin's analysis on MOTD tonight.

Edited by briny_ear
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What exactly do you think we are "doing here"?

We are trying to survive in the premier league with below par players, yes, but why is that something to have faith in?

Another thing we are doing is utterly failing keep a disciplined line in the back three or four, whichever we play. That was shown eloquently by Dion Dublin's analysis on MOTD tonight.

Our back line today read as Lowton, Herd, Clark, Stevens. We have THREE central defenders injured, two full backs on fifty thousands pounds a week quite rightly as far away from the club as possible and the manager has had one summer without any real idea what he had at his disposal to try and sort it out. On a limited budget might I add.

They're indiciplined because they're not good enough. I doubt anyone ever dreamt that the line up above would be our defence, at any point.

Also, is it not ok to have faith anymore? Faith in the manager to pull the best out if these players, faith that once the injury crisis subsides (and **** me what a crisis) things will improve? I do. A wee bit. It certainly can't get much worse.

Today was a step in the right direction. Whatever he said at half time worked and the changes he made were in the main correct. Lambert did as well today as he has done poorly in the previous week.

Credit where it's due.

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I feel the same way, if he buys poorly in this window the he has no excuse. I'm not filled with much faith considering he stuck with the same team and didn't change his tactics or formation despite us letting in 17 goals in the last 4 games, so I'm worried that he will stick with the same transfer policy and not adapt. He needs to be very careful this window.

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What we are facing now is exactly why PL did not spunk all his money one 2-3 players. We had and still have a thin squad. Think of what we would be right now if we had not added so many players this summer.

January, I hope, will he different. It is not about finding a lot of players anymore. We need 3 or 4 players that can step right in and regulate KEA, Bannan, ect. to where they belong, the bench.

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