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Paul Lambert


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So people really think sacking Lambert is the solution?


Just like it was with Houllier and McLeish? The manager is not the **** problem here.

This is his choice of player, his team and his tactics 42m later and all he has done is emulate McLeish.



So you really think sacking him is the solution? Then we will do what, play good football and finish higher?


The next manager will presumably want to build a new team because apparently these players are shit. He'll get limited funds and have to spread that around because he's gonna need to strengthen the whole team. That will take time and we'll go through this again and again and again.


If we want better players now we need more money for transfers and wages. We haven't got that so what can we do? It's frustrating but until we get a new owner or somehow get more money this is the frustrating route that we'll have to take.


I'm not happy and I think few Villa supporters are. But it's the owner that needs to go.




The owner does, and the manager does too.  Both are woeful.

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We have gone backwards.

We never start games on the front front, we always seem to be struggling early on.

WBA and Fulham 2-0 down in first half.

We have no imagination in the team, Westwood is limited, Delph liable to get booked every game for stupid unnecessary tackles. Vlaar injury prone and turns about as quick as the QE2. 

Baker and Clark always try something fancy and get caught out. 

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I would bet we have some of the 'poorest' paid players as regulars in our first team compared to a majority of the league.


That's what the manager has had to work with, so it's no wonder they are poor and inconsistent.


Our issues are with the owner far more than the manager.

If villa give them all a pay rise will they get better?


Of course not. That's not my point at all.


If we were able to pay more, I suspect there would be a different bunch of players on the pitch in the first place.  


Fully agree, in general if you know what your doing and scout properly you get what you pay for, both with wages and transfer sums. 

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So people really think sacking Lambert is the solution?


Just like it was with Houllier and McLeish? The manager is not the **** problem here.

This is his choice of player, his team and his tactics 42m later and all he has done is emulate McLeish.



The one thing (if the 42m is true - and yes I have seen those figures) is that he is also working under a very restrictive wage budget.


Plus, for that money he has had to replace high earners who Lerner wanted rid of;


Dunne, Cuellar, Collins, Warnock, Hutton, Bent, Ireland, Holman, Heskey (plus get rid of Makoun, Given and others) and has had to replace 10/12 players for a very small budget and tiny wage budget. It's almost impossible to have a hit rate of 100% perfection when you have to buy bargain basement.


Are you seriously telling me DK that another manager couldn't have purchased better players with the funding available and no one expects 100% success rate from transfers but based on performances over the last two seasons Lambert not even at 50%.

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So people really think sacking Lambert is the solution?


Just like it was with Houllier and McLeish? The manager is not the **** problem here.

This is his choice of player, his team and his tactics 42m later and all he has done is emulate McLeish.



The one thing (if the 42m is true - and yes I have seen those figures) is that he is also working under a very restrictive wage budget.


Plus, for that money he has had to replace high earners who Lerner wanted rid of;


Dunne, Cuellar, Collins, Warnock, Hutton, Bent, Ireland, Holman, Heskey (plus get rid of Makoun, Given and others) and has had to replace 10/12 players for a very small budget and tiny wage budget. It's almost impossible to have a hit rate of 100% perfection when you have to buy bargain basement.



but did he have to replace all of those and at once? bent, ireland and hutton are only out on loan. if money is so tight would it not make more sense to have kept them around and used them, and spend the money on a few higher quality players. then you can replace them when their contracts are up.  as it is he put them all in the "bomb squad", which only served to devalue them and mean no one was interested apart from loans.


and why not keep lichaj instead of buying two left backs who are not really any better, why not just use herd instead of buying sylla, bannan instead of el-ahmadi, albrighton or one of the younger wingers instead of tonev.  we wasted half a mil on bowery who had a pathetic goal record in league 1, why not use delfouneso who has actually scored for us in the league. why did we need kozak and helenius given the amount of strikers we already had.


i have some sympathy given lerners lack of support, but i dont believe lambert has used what he has been given wisely. for the most part hes just replaced a lot of average shite with more average shite. imo, we would have been better off targeting a few quality players in real positions of need - e.g. midfield, build a good spine of the team and go from there

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I mean we haven't won against United in how long? I expect people to be more despondent after this loss and two on the bounce but it doesn't change much for me. This fixture isn't one to really put down as one of notice

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I would bet we have some of the 'poorest' paid players as regulars in our first team compared to a majority of the league.


That's what the manager has had to work with, so it's no wonder they are poor and inconsistent.


Our issues are with the owner far more than the manager.

If villa give them all a pay rise will they get better?


Of course not. That's not my point at all.


If we were able to pay more, I suspect there would be a different bunch of players on the pitch in the first place.  


Fully agree, in general if you know what your doing and scout properly you get what you pay for, both with wages and transfer sums. 


Sure, there are some bargains to be had. Over the years we've seen the likes of Anelka, Valencia, Palacios, Michu being bought for peanuts.  Then you have players like RvP when bought for Arsenal, van Der Vaart for Spurs that don't have high transfer fees but are on huge wages that we cannot afford - let alone attract if we could.


To find the odd gem is possible - we've found some - but to build a whole team out of scraps is mission: impossible.


HH has said the likes of Bacuna, Sylla are on around the 10k per week mark.  That's lower end championship stuff!

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This is the worst Utd team in ages but it has nothing to do with todays result.

Tactically not good enough, we create nothing and lack any kind of movement. Fail to see what he is trying to do and the formations/systems we play and who he plays is awful.

Lambert will have a lot of time because Lerner won't do anything and the fans won't then yet. I said we will be in trouble and I reckon it will show after new year. Time is starting to tick for Lambert IMO.

He had a 24m striker in Bent who he couldn't get the best out of and now he has Benteke who he can't set up to get the best out of either.

The football is just very poor to watch and another manager would have us playing better football than this.

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Some staunch Lambert apologists on my Twitter timeline are seriously questioning him now. More will follow if he doesn't turn around our embarressing home-form in the next couple of months.

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I don't care if we lose at home to Man United, most teams will have a hard time doing so and it's quite typical that they find their form when they have lost a few on the trot. Form is temporary etc. However, they way we lose is atrocious. There was absolutely no pattern or system to our play, it's always a bunch of randoms acts and wishful thinking. Now I am not going to say sack Lambert and be all dramatic, mostly because I don't know of a single manager I would want here instead under these constraints. The last thing I want is some two-bit sucker with unrealistic targets and no hope of carrying us forward, but I just cannot think of a single time I felt this bored being a Villa-fan. Sure we had the McLeish-era, which is difficult to explain, but I just don't look very much forward to any of our games. Under MON we knew we were going to create chances and score some goals, now we seem to score a few or don't score at all (most of the times as well). We don't have a single player capable of doing something special except Benteke on form, we don't have a single midfielder with a creative spark and great touch/pass, we have offensive full-backs that cannot defend for their lives and none of our players hit form at the same time.


The feeling I have at times is that as long as we stay in the Premier League I am happy with that. Great being a supporter of this team, I just hope something happens over the next few seasons. There are managers outside this country that are able to install a bit more panache.

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I mean we haven't won against United in how long? I expect people to be more despondent after this loss and two on the bounce but it doesn't change much for me. This fixture isn't one to really put down as one of notice


A loss to Man U in isolation isn't the end of the world.  It was another dreadfully poor performance however, of which there have been far too many this season.

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So people really think sacking Lambert is the solution?


Just like it was with Houllier and McLeish? The manager is not the **** problem here.

This is his choice of player, his team and his tactics 42m later and all he has done is emulate McLeish.



The one thing (if the 42m is true - and yes I have seen those figures) is that he is also working under a very restrictive wage budget.


Plus, for that money he has had to replace high earners who Lerner wanted rid of;


Dunne, Cuellar, Collins, Warnock, Hutton, Bent, Ireland, Holman, Heskey (plus get rid of Makoun, Given and others) and has had to replace 10/12 players for a very small budget and tiny wage budget. It's almost impossible to have a hit rate of 100% perfection when you have to buy bargain basement.



but did he have to replace all of those and at once? bent, ireland and hutton are only out on loan. if money is so tight would it not make more sense to have kept them around and used them, and spend the money on a few higher quality players. then you can replace them when their contracts are up.  as it is he put them all in the "bomb squad", which only served to devalue them and mean no one was interested apart from loans.


and why not keep lichaj instead of buying two left backs who are not really any better, why not just use herd instead of buying sylla, bannan instead of el-ahmadi, albrighton or one of the younger wingers instead of tonev.  we wasted half a mil on bowery who had a pathetic goal record in league 1, why not use delfouneso who has actually scored for us in the league. why did we need kozak and helenius given the amount of strikers we already had.


i have some sympathy given lerners lack of support, but i dont believe lambert has used what he has been given wisely. for the most part hes just replaced a lot of average shite with more average shite. imo, we would have been better off targeting a few quality players in real positions of need - e.g. midfield, build a good spine of the team and go from there


Exactly. Poor allocation of funding.

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